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Specs March 1st, 2011 12:59


Originally Posted by h33t (Post 1414379)
If its for free, then it's for me.

If i have to choose to buy one with my own money, i wouldnt really pick up any WW2 guns except the 1911.

ur sig is huge man

Ballcancer March 1st, 2011 13:00


Originally Posted by Najohn (Post 1414188)
Anything Cooney owns or touches

Haha I was actually thinking of saying that. A new one added to the list I can't stand Any stubby armalite. They look stupid and in real life are practically useless (ar pistols).

Short Round March 2nd, 2011 01:23


Originally Posted by Ballcancer (Post 1419765)
Haha I was actually thinking of saying that. A new one added to the list I can't stand Any stubby armalite. They look stupid and in real life are practically useless (ar pistols).

A very good point, to add to that, stockless guns really annoy me personally like the mpk5, skorpion, ak74u, acr's, g36s, etc with the stock folded. Reminds me of gay cod and lame hollywood movies.

It is got a stock, or can utalize a stock, use the damn thing

Cinco Boy March 2nd, 2011 01:50


Freeze March 2nd, 2011 06:56

I just hate the M16s.....i dont know why, maybe its cuz its just too mainstream...
I also hate the bullpup rifles....I just can't stand them

My gun of choice tho...would be the M416... -_-

M16 and M416 are so similar yet different....

Ballcancer March 2nd, 2011 07:09


Originally Posted by Najohn (Post 1420219)
A very good point, to add to that, stockless guns really annoy me personally like the mpk5, skorpion, ak74u, acr's, g36s, etc with the stock folded. Reminds me of gay cod and lame hollywood movies.

It is got a stock, or can utalize a stock, use the damn thing

+1 to that,

I hate when people are running around a big field with their stocks folded. Really pointless ... Stupid COD losers lol. The point of a folding stock is for storage, vehicle use, and really tight comfrontAtions. Any other time that stock should be tucked into your shoulder.

Oh another one lol.. And this one is directed to airsoft mainly ... Any armalite that has a full stock and a really short front end ... God they are ugly.

Penguin March 2nd, 2011 12:17

durak March 2nd, 2011 12:55

L85s, L86s, M24s, I find them awkward to use.
M134 (nothing about looks. too heavy and eats BBs).
Highcappas, too many fanboys.
226, M9, Comon.

yoyit2 March 5th, 2011 03:53

p90!! i cant think of one positive thing to say about 'em lol! definitely NO to shotties!

sirtaco27 March 5th, 2011 11:22


Originally Posted by Penguin (Post 1420422)


Mart83 March 5th, 2011 12:24

Glocks and M4 variant (except my M16 Vietnam, so beautiful).

M4 are freaking boring to look at, even with $1000 mod and accessories (flashlight, red-dot, launcher, toasters, etc...).

As for Glocks, pretty sure sling-shot hold nicer in hands than those, ah! ah!

Raskas March 5th, 2011 13:21

AR platform sights confuse me. Ak sights just seem more intuitive.

That being said "ergonomics" was probably a banned word in the Soviet Union, so it's kind of a toss-up.

For some strange reason though, bullpup rifles like L85s and AUGs, when I hold them, reload them, etc, they just feel "right", know what I mean? Where everyone tells you "they're a pain in the ass to reload, and all the weight's in the back" and you think "nah, that's alright, feels good man".

Does this make me weird?

Greenwolf March 5th, 2011 19:28


Originally Posted by Someone110 (Post 1422151)
AR platform sights confuse me. Ak sights just seem more intuitive.

That being said "ergonomics" was probably a banned word in the Soviet Union, so it's kind of a toss-up.

For some strange reason though, bullpup rifles like L85s and AUGs, when I hold them, reload them, etc, they just feel "right", know what I mean? Where everyone tells you "they're a pain in the ass to reload, and all the weight's in the back" and you think "nah, that's alright, feels good man".

Does this make me weird?

Not at all, I feel the same way with my AUG...

Mind you I'm not sure if I qualify as "normal"...:rolleyes:

SHaKaL March 5th, 2011 19:43


Originally Posted by Penguin (Post 1420422)

+1 on this!

That's why i didn't care to respond to this thread before your post.

Most everyone playing airsoft think they are specialist now that they handle toyguns...

I myself don't care; if my life was in danger; any gun would do. Even if it dont shoot... could still use it as a club...

njo March 5th, 2011 20:16

Hell, Ill take any gun for free, im not THAT dumb.

But I hate Tacticool AK's

And I love Glocks ("Real-Steel" and airsoft)

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