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DoctorBadVibez March 5th, 2011 20:29

AK's, real steel and airsoft, they're GLORIOUS enough to make me want to buy a 100 atheist souls for a dollar each and trade em to the devil for one, BUT, the positioning of the barrel throws me off, therefore, not for me I guess... heck I'm weird, it must be ME....

Wolfgeorge March 27th, 2011 16:08

FN F2000.... Everytime I see it reminds me a boat!!!


Sursion March 27th, 2011 23:33

M4 and M16. That goes for real life too.

Ryan Smith March 28th, 2011 00:08

Anything that is not rea-cap. So i guess i just don't like mags that aren't real-caps.

I'll take you out with anything.

Alceister March 28th, 2011 00:32

I don't have a gun yet, but I absolutely refuse to buy anything that is clearsoft and don't really have any desire to go for a cansoft either.

As far as gun types go, I refuse to get a Desert Eagle, any over-stylized Hi-Capa, or Glock 17. The other Glocks I'm fine with.

EdisLeado March 28th, 2011 00:33


Originally Posted by Someone110 (Post 1422151)
For some strange reason though, bullpup rifles like L85s and AUGs, when I hold them, reload them, etc, they just feel "right", know what I mean? Where everyone tells you "they're a pain in the ass to reload, and all the weight's in the back" and you think "nah, that's alright, feels good man".

Does this make me weird?

I actually really like how my AUG handles too. I was expecting the worst before I got it, but I actually found that I can reload the gun just fine -- just as fast as I can with any pretty much any other weapon (that is, if you take your empty mag and put it in your dump pouch and then replace it -- not just dump the magazine on the ground, as you would with an M4 or something). The weight in the back makes the gun easier to shoulder and aim with too. So I don't really see where all the complaints are coming from.

As for looks, well, lets just say the AUG looks far better in person -- it's definitely not a gun that consistently photographs well. :P

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