Airsoft Canada

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Mr.Shiney April 27th, 2010 22:27

If they are attempting to restrict/register, then we as a community need to do what happened in the UK, with UKARA. Better to help shape the future then be a victim of it.

swatt13 April 27th, 2010 23:38


Originally Posted by 13Fido13 (Post 1221399)
OH NO! The sky is falling!


IS IT! QUICK GET THE... oh wait..... i see what you did there.

Random Fire April 28th, 2010 00:54

I agree completely, this is something that "WE" as a group of voices we should be organizing our self's and our sport. So that we can be a great position when and if someone decides that they will try to make waves in the pool. It's not as difficult or as big as looking at the whole picture at once, but start with the basics and one person at a time it can work. I want to see this sport grow and be strong in canada, not some backyard misunderstood sport.

Danke April 28th, 2010 01:20

I think this group should ignore guns as the rate is dropping and concentrate on fake knives (and maybe sporks).

Stealthee April 28th, 2010 01:30

Regardless of airsoft/replicas being registered or not, if you walk outside with it, you're still gonna have a tactical team on you, then we're back to square one.
Imagine 20+ men surrounding you and your response is: "It's okay! It's registered"

Wilson April 28th, 2010 02:41

The solution is FEWER regulations.

kullwarrior April 28th, 2010 02:50


Originally Posted by Random Fire (Post 1221790)
I agree completely, this is something that "WE" as a group of voices we should be organizing our self's and our sport. So that we can be a great position when and if someone decides that they will try to make waves in the pool. It's not as difficult or as big as looking at the whole picture at once, but start with the basics and one person at a time it can work. I want to see this sport grow and be strong in canada, not some backyard misunderstood sport.

hate to say it. "WE" have like what? 5000 members tops that MIGHT stand their ground. The Coalition for Gun Control and its friend can wave a hand and stop you. CSSA (Canadian Shooting Sports Association), CILA (Canadian Instuite for Legal Actions), and NFA (National Firearms Association) are having problems stopping Coalition for Gun Control (despite most...90% are out-of-context or false claim. Example: "In the Legiar Legiar Poll showed that 84% of Canadian supported long gun registeration -Legiar Legiar is Quebec poll, who only conduct on Quebecois....And Quebec politic and media are notorous for being anti-gun...Not so much representative of all Canada"

What does this has to do with airsoft? Simply put, Many people here are also firearm owners, when the sky falls people (I myself included) will sacrifice airsoft over firearms simply because airsoft is such a niche one that tyranny of majority can out say the sport. Also Western Countries with harsh rules with airsoft are usually hard on gun ownership.

Juke16 April 28th, 2010 08:59

Perhaps a charity game for Haiti or another charity would give us better leverage. It would bring a lot of positive PR for the sport, and also show to lots of people that we're not a bunch of immature idiots with toy guns that take pot shots a random people.

AngelusNex April 28th, 2010 09:08

someone in congress (thats what we have right, a congress) will be all "hey look at that long gun registry we are getting rid of cause of how useless it is and how much it costs, why make a second epic fail" and everybody will give him a thumb up and take turns shoving their shoes into the guy who though this up's ass.

Also, I saw this in the news paper a month or 2 ago, before the safe airsoft thing, the people pushing it have absolutely no idea that they are trying to get people to willingly register illegality obtained gods...... why not impose a meth registry too... and child porn registry while they're at it.

EDIT: just re read the article, they still don't know that replicas are illegal to obtain so big ass epic fracking fail.

Jimski April 28th, 2010 10:46


illegality obtained gods
smuggling divinity, that's bad.

pugs144 April 28th, 2010 11:03

Registration of guns, real or otherwise, will not improve public safety anymore than the registration of automobiles. It is merely another revenue stream for the government.

krap101 April 28th, 2010 11:17

Maybe someone should make a sarcastic youtube video stating the differences between a real gun and an airsoft gun.. I think most people don't really know the difference, since they only know what people tell them. It's like that moms against replica weapons or whatever in the UK. People, gullible as they are, will begin to believe that airsoft guns are capable of the same destruction as a real gun regardless of how outrageous it is when you do the math/physics/any logical analysis of airsoft guns.

dogtoy April 28th, 2010 11:58

If the Canada Safety Council truly wishes to protect Canadians safety
perhaps they should look at tasers , & the militarization of police & thier training,....
perhaps they should also recognize our laws that victimize us further by not even allowing us to carry mace , while criminals will naturally carry whatever they can get their hands on..

Going after a legitimate hobby , that poses no danger makes no sense
With a name like "Canada safety Council" shouldn't be more concerned making sure
toasters come with better instructions to not insert a fork into them ?

AngelusNex April 28th, 2010 12:03


Originally Posted by dogtoy (Post 1221990)
With a name like "Canada safety Council" shouldn't be more concerned making sure
toasters come with better instructions to not insert a fork into them ?

From experience, extra warning labels at the opening would have helped when brain farting.

Lakonian April 28th, 2010 12:52


Originally Posted by dogtoy (Post 1221990)
If the Canada Safety Council truly wishes to protect Canadians safety
perhaps they should look at tasers , & the militarization of police & thier training,....
perhaps they should also recognize our laws that victimize us further by not even allowing us to carry mace , while criminals will naturally carry whatever they can get their hands on..

Going after a legitimate hobby , that poses no danger makes no sense
With a name like "Canada safety Council" shouldn't be more concerned making sure
toasters come with better instructions to not insert a fork into them ?

+1. All of this.

Pitbull ban is working..... lol. :rolleyes:

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