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Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw July 23rd, 2010 21:38


Originally Posted by outlander94 (Post 1281328)
i can see what you guys mean by not wanting minors geting there hands on the good aegs the last thing any one wants is for the forums to get sewed or worse airsoft banned so ile just save up and poke around the fourms

Stick to this and you will thrive around here and enjoy a wonderful sport for a long time. But as soon as you start to stray from this then your welcome will become short lived. Its happened many times before, don't be one of the ignorant and stubborn few. I'd advise you not to spend your money on the G&G and KJW (ESPECIALLY NOT FROM BUYAIRSOFT.CA! AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE) keep saving and in 2 years time once you can become Age Verified (look up the FAQ section if you want more info) then you will have PLENTY of dough to splurge and get some AMAZING guns and gear off the bat. It can be hard to wait, but good things come to those who wait man.

Keep floating around here, absorb as much information as you can from us so again once you turn of age you will already be well versed in everything airsoft. What you may even be able to do is, barring you don't make yourself out to be a total fucking goon and be ostracized, you may ask permission of game hosts to attend games as a spectator and if you play your cards right to play in a game.

You said you already play, where do you play and who do you play with?

CJay July 24th, 2010 11:24

outlander I think what some of my more "esteemed" **cough...intolerant old grouches...cough** are trying to say is wait till ur age verified lol...gentlemen please remember we were all young at some point and despite the lack of sensible under 18's there are a few out there and try not to drive off the few decent guys there are. im not saying welcome with open arms but helpfull guiding attitude is more helpful than the currently favoured "fuck off little boy attitude" that seems to prevail in the good old boys club that is airsoft these days.

outlander welcome to the boards bud - u'll learn quickly that asking questions is almost outright banned these days (insert semi-serious sarcasm here) so if u need any advice etc gimmi a PM and I'll give ya some advice etc (please note airsoft nazi's that I am in no way offering to sell guns or contravene any laws/forum rules :P) - hang around and take advice is ur best bet - defo avoid buyairsoft however and yep wait till yer 18 and u'll get a much better selection not to mention second hand and upgraded guns etc

kalnaren July 24th, 2010 11:28


Originally Posted by CJay (Post 1281638)
outlander I think what some of my more "esteemed" **cough...intolerant old grouches...cough** are trying to say is wait till ur age verified lol...gentlemen please remember we were all young at some point and despite the lack of sensible under 18's there are a few out there and try not to drive off the few decent guys there are. im not saying welcome with open arms but helpfull guiding attitude is more helpful than the currently favoured "fuck off little boy attitude" that seems to prevail in the good old boys club that is airsoft these days.

Re-read this thread. There isn't a single post in here giving him the "fuck off little boy" attitude.

pusangani July 24th, 2010 12:09

He said in the pet peeves section that he hates when people show up to play airsoft with paintball guns, I'm guessing forest/park near the local high school aka "my dad's friends private land"

And Cjay, this thread has been quite tame considering he admits to being 16, and is still intent on buying his crapsoft. What exactly were you offering to help with anyway?

outlander94 July 24th, 2010 13:24

I am so confused
First of all thankyou for the warning about buy airsoft second im geting the feeling that i should give my crapsoft guns the old yeller treatment and lastly i should buy from the classifieds when i get age vereified
(incase you did not see the movie old yeller i will give lewis blacks discription of it. Boy gets dog boy loves dog boy shoots dog)

pusangani July 24th, 2010 13:29

Correct, don't buy anything until you are av'd your current guns are fine for now just keep them out of sight and don't play in public with them, that is all.

Don't waste guns, even if they're crappy.

outlander94 July 24th, 2010 13:36

ok thank you for the words of wisdom now if you excuse me im going to go watch old yeller

Short Round July 24th, 2010 23:06

Agh a future player is saved for once from the shit storm of buyairsoft and crappy guns.... Why can't all younger gents be like you?

Atleast now if you start saving up you will have an overkill amount of money to waste on this sport, unlike myself who is well lacking funds due my obsession with t-shirts (I can't get enough, its like cocaine to me).

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