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kdogg October 19th, 2010 16:31

I should have mentioned mine was a open bolt model, I wasn't sure exactly what the differences were when I made my original post though. Guess someone could have told me has I asked! :D

Looks like the WE SCAR I have sitting here is the closed bolt system though. It's got the brass thingy etc.

I ordered the NPAS kit and a couple random spare parts based on the above info. I'm about to rip my KAC down now and swap it over to the short barrel version, I'll have to check, loc-tite and lube as I go.

Thanks for all the info m102404. :)

m102404 October 19th, 2010 16:36

I haven't torn down a PDW yet....but with the similarities with all the parts (WE seems to be big on reusing as many parts as possible) I bet you could do some swap-fitting between the SCAR and the PDW to convert one over to the other...(the feedlips of the mags are open/closed bolt specific though).

I've been putting off getting a PDW for the longest time good reason though.

mr_nuts31 October 20th, 2010 19:52

it's okay if you don't know anything about gbbrs. I felt the same way too, so I'm thinking aegs and gbbrs are like PCs and macs, two totally different systems that achieve similar results.

On a off-topic note, does anyone know how to safely unload a closed bolt pdw, or any WE guns for that matter because of that brass tube?

m102404 October 20th, 2010 20:30

to render safe...remove mag, drop hammer = done

to clear rod...or shoot empty, remove mag, drop hammer

coach October 20th, 2010 21:47


Originally Posted by mr_nuts31 (Post 1335876)
it's okay if you don't know anything about gbbrs. I felt the same way too, so I'm thinking aegs and gbbrs are like PCs and macs, two totally different systems that achieve similar results.

But AEG's do not have the same effect as 5-10 GBBR's popping up in a firing line and shooting all at once, then watching opfor scatter like mice in the field, regardless if they have a better position and cover.

So, IMO, results dramatically differ! Plus being overcome with giddiness, hearing your weapon clanking away as you over dramatize the recoil all the while overwhelming your opponents, just straight up kicks ass!

ThunderCactus October 21st, 2010 00:18

My 249 has that effect, it just depends on what AEG or GBBR you have lol

kdogg October 21st, 2010 16:43

I have another question for you guys! :)

A friend of mine just gave me four (4) WE M4 magazines from his old WE gas M4-A1. I think they are the older style ones (A.W.S.S..?) as the feed lip on the magazines sticks up WAY higher.

Can you make these work in the WE KAC PDW open bolt version? I see these upgrade kits that come with new feed lips, seals etc, is that what I need?

I do like the Knights PDW 6x35mm magazine style for the proper looks but for free, I wasn't going to pass up these mags if I can make them work.

coach October 21st, 2010 17:01

WE m4 mags work but you will need to convert them. The kits are about $4 each.

ThunderCactus October 21st, 2010 21:10

+1 they have the conversion kits on ehobbyasia
I thought there was some arguement that the M4 mags were superior to the PDW mags anyway?

CheerioMatey October 22nd, 2010 04:03

Custom We Pdw
Here's mine; Check it out

Custom stock mods/ paint

Heres my video review

YouTube - WE KAC PDW Review

coach October 22nd, 2010 07:04

Interesting but not feeling it. Why didn't you just get an m4? IMHO, you have ruined the PDW look and feel by swapping out the folding stock.

ThunderCactus October 22nd, 2010 13:29

Beat me to it lol
It's an M4 with a PDW receiver

Crunchmeister October 22nd, 2010 13:31


Originally Posted by coachster (Post 1336594)
Interesting but not feeling it. Why didn't you just get an m4? IMHO, you have ruined the PDW look and feel by swapping out the folding stock.

Wholeheartedly agree. While it's nice, it just looks like an M4 now. There are differences, of course, but at a glance, it looks like a common M4.

CheerioMatey October 22nd, 2010 13:35


Originally Posted by coachster (Post 1336594)
Interesting but not feeling it. Why didn't you just get an m4? IMHO, you have ruined the PDW look and feel by swapping out the folding stock.

I live in Ca,USA so gas m4 isvery hard to come by. stock stil folds btw and its alot more comfy for me. but even so thanks for your input/honesty.
Check out the vid i attatched to see the stock folded

Brian McIlmoyle October 22nd, 2010 13:43

I don't think it would eject clean if you fired it while folded... if it was real.

I get why you did it as the WE M4 is not readily available in the USA outside of LE/MIL applications ( ironic)

but still ... it's a sweet little gun untouched... now... less so

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