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pugs144 July 28th, 2013 20:14

It should be "Loves Playing With Purple Helmets."

CR0M July 28th, 2013 21:47


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1819318)
I find that they are usueful, Helmet cams, mounting your nvgs etc. also playing in a few CQB facilities such as Picton or even traveling down to the states where the FPS is higher, taking a shot like that to the dome is pretty nasty.


but I have to agree on the cosmetic side of things they dont look too cool to me... that said, Id never knock a person for wearing one...

When I wore mine it was for mounting my gopro and NV... running around with a helmet makes me feel like a giant bobble head

R.I.T.Z July 28th, 2013 21:54

Also to address one thing.
"Playing pretend army"

um.... isn't that what Milsim is?

Sorry we can't all come from Pro Paintball Giancarlo

EchoFourTwelve July 28th, 2013 21:55


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1819375)
Also to address one thing.
"Playing pretend army"

um.... isn't that what Milsim is?

I just think he's in the wrong hobby/sport.

Styrak July 29th, 2013 00:00


Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING (Post 1819315)
I don't care if I get trolled again... Helmets for Airsoft= gay.... Sorry if I wore one I would feel like a goof! Lets hear all the people's comments who play pretend army?

Looks like someone has a new tag!

Brian McIlmoyle July 29th, 2013 00:20


Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING (Post 1819315)
I don't care if I get trolled again... Helmets for Airsoft= gay.... Sorry if I wore one I would feel like a goof! Lets hear all the people's comments who play pretend army?

is concrete softer when you are holding an airsoft gun... or just your head?

ShelledPants July 29th, 2013 01:50


Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING (Post 1819315)
I don't care if I get trolled again... Helmets for Airsoft= gay.... Sorry if I wore one I would feel like a goof! Lets hear all the people's comments who play pretend army?

Head Protection. Nighvision. Cameras.

Forest play? Sure, helmets are low priority for basic skirmish and milsim.

CQB and City Fighting? Fucking right you want a helmet.

Also, lol, I'm late to the party on this, love the avatar/name tag.

QUATTROISKING July 29th, 2013 02:36

Lmao I LOVE AIRSOFT !!! But putting on a helmet just feels for it just feels wrong. If you are using a go pro... By all means I support it. But as in a previous comment.. Nvg's? Common... 10,000$ for Airsoft.

ShelledPants July 29th, 2013 02:41


Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING (Post 1819428)
Lmao I LOVE AIRSOFT !!! But putting on a helmet just feels for it just feels wrong. If you are using a go pro... By all means I support it. But as in a previous comment.. Nvg's? Common... 10,000$ for Airsoft.

There are tonnes of NV in Canada. Don't be silly.

pugs144 July 29th, 2013 08:22


Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING (Post 1819428)
Lmao I LOVE AIRSOFT !!! But putting on a helmet just feels for it just feels wrong. If you are using a go pro... By all means I support it. But as in a previous comment.. Nvg's? Common... 10,000$ for Airsoft.

You're a funny guy.

ThunderCactus July 29th, 2013 08:53


Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING (Post 1819428)
But as in a previous comment.. Nvg's? Common... 10,000$ for Airsoft.

$10,000? Some people have $15,000 thermal monoculars.
Mb is the cheapest airsoft province in the country and even we've got a dozen NVD's among us.
If you wanna run around your back yard shooting your buddy with $20 clearsoft guns that's your business, but don't come here telling the milsim players what to do, cause airsoft is RUN by the milsim players.

Derpystronk July 29th, 2013 11:14


Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING (Post 1819315)
Lets hear all the people's comments who play pretend army?

Alright, first off... You play pretend army. That is usually a given being part of this forum.


Helmets for Airsoft= gay.... Sorry if I wore one I would feel like a goof!

Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING (Post 1819428)
Lmao I LOVE AIRSOFT !!! But putting on a helmet just feels for it just feels wrong.

To be completely fair to you I do agree. I do feel like a bit of a goof ball when I have to put on oven mitts when taking a baking tray out of the oven. They look absolutely silly and I feel really insecure while they are on my hands. Sometimes I think the risk of injury and lack of living nerves in my hand would be worth not having to dress up like a sissy man. [/sarcasm] I bet wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle also feels wrong. Maybe wearing a seat belt while driving. The helmet serves two purposes, whether it is real or not. It offers protection from injury. Even the fake repro stuff will help save your noggin from a good smack.

Depending on where you are playing it can be very worth it to wear a helmet. It helps keep the sun off your head, and prevents it from getting smashed into things. Uneven rocky terrain? Might be a good idea. Dynamic CQB with concrete everything and a good chance of running into someone or their gun barrel? Might be a good idea. Helmet serves as a platform as well. Runs my red kill light for night time, a flashlight, my NVG's and sometimes a camera. You can customize it to carry things that you might not exactly want to carry around in your kit. Why keep your glowstick on your pouch and have to take it out whenever you die if you can keep it on your head? I also have an MS2000 emergency strobe light which we have actually used while we were lost in a game and I was glad to have it.

I use a Protec skateboarding helmet. I dress it up with what I need. I will be getting some more tacticool helmets soon to match the tacticool kit I have. Right now my skateboarding helmet does what I need it to and I am happy with it. You want to judge me, fine. Just remember if you trip and smash your head on some concrete I may be the guy providing first aid trying to keep the blood from leaking out of your skull until the ambulance arrives.


But as in a previous comment.. Nvg's? Common... 10,000$ for Airsoft.
They are nowhere near that price if you want a functional NVG.

Otherwise, get a job.

Drake July 29th, 2013 11:19

This thread is full of epic

Cobrajr122 July 29th, 2013 12:46

I almost pulled an Arkell at Nightfall 2

This could have been my fleshy head against the concrete when I took a dive.
Good thing I was wearing my helmet...

Along with NOD mounting, cameras, comms, and protection, they also provide users with more patch real estate :P

Reignman July 29th, 2013 13:53

Cobra should be wearing his helmet all the time :P

I have one of the Emerson Base Jump helmets, infact a lot of us on the team run them. They are great quality and are less than 50$ if you don't want to shell out 230$ for a real ops core.

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