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-Trooper- February 22nd, 2006 19:34

I don't really play during the winter months, but during the summer I try to get out at least once every other week.

P.S. Full Metal Jacket is such a good movie.

kirley_x February 22nd, 2006 20:13

I've never attended a winter game, YET

Yah, I'm a chairsofter, but theres no fields around me, and it takes a while to get anywhere from where I am. Also, the fact that I dont Drive also hinders my Airsofting outings. Oh, and being away at school, when your usual ride is back home also sucks!

mcguyver February 22nd, 2006 21:09

I've played twice since Oct. 1 of last year. We don't play at all in winter as it's usually too cold and everybody works during the winter. Summer time most guys don't work and we have about 25 to 30 games from March to October.

Squire February 23rd, 2006 00:47

Great thing about TTAC3... I usually play once or twice a week.

I'd guess about 45 events over the last 6 months, including organized Skirmishes, Friday Night Firefights, and Tuesday night Training.

Greylocks February 23rd, 2006 06:47

As much as chairsofting can be a bad thing, sometimes it's simply a matter of Real Life taking priority over available times to play a game. And a game is what it is.
So this poll cant lead anywhere constructive.

The other flaw with the 6 month time limit... winter. If you are lucky enough to live in a part of Canada where the weather is not royal crap all the time, fine. If your health happens to allow this type of running around in the cold, fine. But this is far from being the norm.

Scarecrow February 23rd, 2006 10:18

^^^ ditto.

Mafioso_Grande February 23rd, 2006 10:33

Last 6 months have all been school months for me... that means no airsoft.

I don't get to play except between May and August.

OnePunch February 23rd, 2006 11:11

I'm at XT 2-3 times a week but for outdoors noth'n this winter

Quaff February 23rd, 2006 14:47

I get out at least once per month. A few times in the past 6 months I have attended 2 in one month! Distance from fields, and poor($) friends makes outings difficult.

Winter is the best time to save money and aquire gear.

ert February 23rd, 2006 15:08


Originally Posted by Erik_james
I try to get out once a month durning the winter, and about 4 times a month durning the summer. We really dont have the many hosted events down here, unless its a RAAT game (thats when Edmonton and Calgary guys come down to Red Deer and have a really big milslim) but other than that, iv never seen Calgary guys at a Edmonton game, nor have I seen Edmonton guys at a Calgary game (except for the one time Midgetspy and a couple Edmonton guys came down to the Tac ops game last summer) Its pretty spread out throughout Alberta. and a drive from Edmonton to Calgary is roughly 3 hours, so people art going to be traveling back and fourth that often.


Nic and I and a few others came down for that Tac-Ops game and we go down whenever there's a big game happening. I can remember a few times I've been to games in calgary and I know the calgary guys come up here for the big games too like Westcan games and I think some came to our Vietnam milsim we hosted so it's not like it doesn't happen, it's just that a 4 hour drive is a bit long unless theres a good reason like a big game or a 24hour game.

mthead February 23rd, 2006 15:10

yeah i hear that, the drive from calgary to edmonton has got to be worth it. hell we only expect to see people make that drive if it is a big mil-sim. 75+ people min

AvroAero February 23rd, 2006 15:42

Age restrictions doing its work on me. Add zero for accuracy reasons.

lt_poncho February 23rd, 2006 16:03

Here's a poll i'd love to see;

"How much do you CONTRIBUTE to Airsoft?"

Ghost Snake February 23rd, 2006 16:31

During the summer I usually play once a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. I never play in the winter though. I mean Jesus Christ, it was minus forty-fucking-two degrees last week!

mthead February 23rd, 2006 16:58

in calgary we've only gone as far as -25 (-36 with wind chill) gets to the point aeg's don't operate anymore. but adds to the realism. but if it went any farther we'd shut the show down early and just hitup a pub.

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