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[Lithium] April 14th, 2006 20:12

c8 is m4.. c7 is m16.

SockMonkey April 14th, 2006 23:12

Looks good mate. Im going to have to take the plunge... perhaps this summer. Ive got a C7 :)

eel one April 15th, 2006 07:36


Originally Posted by [Lithium]
c8 is m4.. c7 is m16.

ofcouse... my bad, c8 where introduced in '96, C7 in '95.

by the way... Elcan 3.4X scope are standart issue

G_unit April 15th, 2006 17:26

Hey eel one, i'm trying to get some tropentarn, is Rangershop reputable?

eel one April 15th, 2006 18:04

people the forum I usally write on are devided on that issue. Some say the are fine and good to go, others say never do online shopping at their web site. The truth are somewhere in between. I have no personal experience with them and this is only 2nd hand info on them.

Porkchop April 17th, 2006 23:33

Dank for the picture link.
Well, I was only having a bit of fun with the face cream.

I like the original M84 but I find the Danish issue kit is just a little too
hot and the camouflage value in the autumn is somewhat dubious.

As for the new rifles, I am not a big fan of the M16 series and I will stick with my G3.
Make mine H&K ;)

I got my stuff from rangershop and I have been a customer there for four years. I really like them but then I talk to them in German. I have never had trouble getting kit from them sent over here. They even reimbursed me for the added value tax.

Eel One, many thanks for your comment , however.
So long from a tusset tysk ;)

Gryphon October 19th, 2006 11:18

OMGWTFBBQ thread revival!

Being an M84/M90 whore I thought I'd share some of my collection. I had a chance to show off some of it at the MAA's FNG Day held last Sunday. Here's what I've got so far in Danish stuff:

Issue Stuff
(2) Jackets
(3) Combat pants
(1) Kevlar flak jacket

Non-issue Stuff
Arktis 1601 Battlevest
Tacgear helmet cover
Tacgear boonie
Tacgear document/map pouch
KHS drop leg holster
Dupont Design drop leg holster

My team has also decided to go with M90 for the summer season because every man and his dog has CADPAT. I have a BDU set, chest rig, boonie, and helmet cover all from Tacgear and debut it at FNG Day also.

Quick pics:
From left to right, HMAK jacket and pants with the flak vest on top, boonie hat above Arktis rig, KHS and Dupont holster. M90 boonie also visible. Yes, the rocket's mine too. Fires a G-size motor.
Picture from The Great Raid held last month. Issue HMAK jacket and pants, Arktis battlevest. Didn't have the helmet cover yet.
M90 uniform. I expended the whole box mag AND all my realcaps defending this van, so I was done. Forgot my red kill rag so I borrowed a blue one.

I know these schemes don't exactly work well in this season, but it's still just a game after all. :)

MrEvolution October 19th, 2006 15:50

expended box mag, and realcaps. Daaaaaamn
nice gear mate.

Gryphon October 19th, 2006 23:11

Yep, that was the most fun I've had in a while! Speed changes with realcaps in an M249 is great! :D

Some action pics from FNG Day:

Lerch October 20th, 2006 00:06

Damn that M90 makes me wanna go and spend a couple hundred on eBay...

Gryphon November 18th, 2006 22:01

Finally got a shot of me in the armor. I get a lot of compliments on the looks, those shoulder pads are the real cat's ass. :D

Aaidin November 18th, 2006 23:01

Tasty. I simply must get myself some M84...darn once I'm making money again it's not going to last long between that and some Multicam...and new rifles...Bleh.

Oh well, nice shot, I especially like the armor, where'd you procure that?

Gryphon November 18th, 2006 23:52

A collector/airsofter in Poland who outgrew it. He had a couple, the others went to another M84 whore in Russia somewhere. I've never seen any more for sale but plan to snap up another one if it turns up!

Aaidin November 19th, 2006 00:00


Originally Posted by Gryphon (Post 383467)
A collector/airsofter in Poland who outgrew it. He had a couple, the others went to another M84 whore in Russia somewhere. I've never seen any more for sale but plan to snap up another one if it turns up!

Sell it to me if it does! It's amazing.

solitaire November 19th, 2006 15:23

Hey guys/gals,

My airsoft team in the UK are M84 clad, and whilst some wear the replica stuff from ranger, people like me wear the real-deal. One guy even has a Danish issue M84 helmet cover that he bought off me!

Our team, Phoenix, operate via, and we have a specific thread for where to source M84 related gear - - i'm not sure if u can view it if not a member, but there'd be no harm in signing-up, I suppose.

There are a few pics of us on our (early stages) team website:

I have an OD molle platform, to which I add M84 Molle Pouches, and I also wear a chestrig from Tacgear on some days (very good quality). You'll find their ebay shop in the list of retailers that are on our team thread.

I used this particular thread a few months back, whilst gathering info on the danish pattern, and it's here that I found-out about Ranger Shop - where the team have had many group orders. Cheers for that.

If people have any questions on where to source danish kit, I know of a multitude of places that have it.

Sorry about the long post, it's somewhat of an introductory speech!

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