Airsoft Canada

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NoGear May 30th, 2009 23:02

in other words save ur money and buy ur KIT first. once AV's go buy your dream gun

MrRiches June 7th, 2009 22:49

...its not quite that bad. I was shot from fifteen feet away in the forehead one time. Wasn't happy about it but it didn't hurt too terribly much... although I'd never recommend going beyond the MED even if isn't that bad. Its still really dangerous.


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 997580)
Pay close attention to the MED's (Minimum Engagement Distance). It's not fun to get shot at very close with an upgraded sniper rifle. In fact I've been told it's akin to having a rock thrown at you.

Outcast569 June 7th, 2009 23:09

Get AV! Really just save the cash u get for the next little while and buy a TM or somthing of quality not the $100 cheap clones ones. There is a reason they are cheap, not inexpensive but cheap. If $100 is to much for you then you may be waiting longer to buy a gun then just 18 and continuing to buy things will be a hassle. Im not meaning to be rude but if you have read all the topics then you know what every one will say till your 18 and get AV. I bought a gun when I was younger and regretted it because it was a cheap little clone and had tonnes of issues with it. Have patience,you'll need it if you plan to being a sniper.

Doombringer June 8th, 2009 09:35


Originally Posted by Eclipse666 (Post 997536)
i was planning on using .25 to .3 gram bbs. i don't want to hurt anybody... i think that reduces the fps to about 425-450...

F = ma

enough said.

SHÖCK June 8th, 2009 12:29

It's not the FPS that hurts, it's the energy in the bbs that hurt.

In a lot of countries, the safety limit is 1 joule of energy. 475 FPS with 0.20g bbs is 2.09 joules of energy. It doesn't matter if you switch to 0.30g bbs. That would equal 387.17 FPS at the same 2.09 joules of energy that the bb launches with.

Malice Army June 8th, 2009 14:08


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 997875)
which is heavier a ton of bricks or a ton of pillows?

a ton is a ton , so they are the same wieght smart guy

Greg Moran June 8th, 2009 15:12

Just to add comment, I have heard of guys having nothing but troubles with clone rifles, get the TM VSR, I have been running that stock, (to learn how to use it while it sucks so that when its good, I will know how to use it properly) Save your money and get the TM even stock the range and accuracy are spectacular. (and you wont kill your friends, dead ppl cant airsoft.)

Malice Army June 8th, 2009 15:44

I have a TSD L96 never had a single problem, takes all the upgrades for the Maruzen. Since you are gonna swap out all the Maruzen parts anyway you'll end up with the same gun, except the Maruzen is twice as much.

NoGear June 8th, 2009 19:25

if you want a sniper the Bar is the best clone. everything else need lots of work

Novawarrior1 June 18th, 2009 22:15

they are both the same because both are "ton"

Gunny_McSmith June 18th, 2009 22:32


Originally Posted by Doombringer (Post 1003605)
F = ma

enough said.

yup + all the ''cinetique'' equations.... NEWTON would be proud of you.... XD


- heavier the projectile is, more kinetic energy it has.... but a slower velocity,
- lighter projectile: will have a higher velocity, but less kinetic energy ...

Legoman2179 February 14th, 2016 13:00

Everyone who says that all kids can't have airsoft guns are retarded. I have my firearms license and I'm 14! I shoot .22s, my mosin, a sig, I even bought my own shotgun! I think there are definatly some kids who shouldn't have guns but that is up to their parents whether to get them or not. I am more mature than most of the people in my airsoft group. Also, I think once you get to be 18+, thats a little old for airsoft and you should grow up. All I'm saying is, most kids over 13 are mature enough to be safe with airsoft guns, and if they aren't, let their parents decide. If a parent lets a kid get a gbbr and he starts shooting and running around brandishing it, is his fault he gets arrested. I asked about a good plate carrier and no one gave me an answer worth shit just because I'm 14. I'm probably a better airsofter than any of you!! Age verification is bullshit, and if some kid wants advice on a sniper to play with his friends with, give him some damn advice. Hell, he will get a sniper anyway so at least give him some advice NOT to get one that shoots 500 fps. It will turn out better for him and will be safer. Seriously, you guys are a special kind of people...

Legoman2179 February 14th, 2016 13:08

Adding to that, I don't want to have to get some old, dumbass guy in his thirties to age verify me just to ask a question about a barrel or battery for my krytac. We all share a love of airsoft and you guys need to be more open to younger kids playing or the sport of airsoft will die. It is becoming a sport that kids play with their friends, not where adults play with strangers.

Red Dot February 14th, 2016 13:23

This is an old post (check the year next time).

Plus check your attitude boss at the door. The age verification system is part of this private community policy and frankly works for reasons that I don't want to type out now but easily searchable especially that you dug up this old thread.

Younger kids are playing more and more, I sell guns to them with their parents present and stress to them the importance of proper handling and safety around them. I'm sorry but most people your age are NOT mature enough to be trusted on their own to handle airsoft guns, period.

Your comments that we should stop playing at 18+, better airsofter, blah, blah, blah are pure troll bait and demonstrate more about your maturity level then anything else you posted.

As mentioned numerous times in the past if you don't like age verification your free to leave and use something else, no one is forcing you to be here.

ShelledPants February 14th, 2016 13:55


Originally Posted by Legoman2179 (Post 1971318)
Adding to that, I don't want to have to get some old, dumbass guy in his thirties to age verify me just to ask a question about a barrel or battery for my krytac.


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