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sortie39 July 10th, 2009 23:30

more details can be refered to Tanio koba's exclusive GBB C8
but how u guys get the scope???

M4A1lover July 19th, 2009 20:25

thats just an m4a1 nothing impresive

Bowers July 19th, 2009 20:31


Originally Posted by M4A1lover (Post 1027972)
thats just an m4a1 nothing impresive

no. it is a c8.

though it does seem they are using the US style carry handle and a six position stock so i spose were both right lol

edit 2:i keep getting distracted by that doods hair and glasses!

sniper_elite July 19th, 2009 22:55

can anyone tell me where I could find a heavy barrel?

warbird August 31st, 2009 10:46

Well, I'm getting there slowly, very slowly ;).
So far I've added(excluding upgrades):
-Old style stock w/ mag pouch for Lipo battery (Wires will be passed through the buffer tube3stock and right into the pouch)
-Painted furniture
-Small rail w/ vert grip
-Tri-rai(until I get a Triad)
-Heavey Barrel(on the way)
-Hurricane 552(on the way)

warbird August 31st, 2009 10:51

Want to get a stock pad too.

warbird September 13th, 2009 12:33

Here she is with a heavey barrel(Thanks to Panzer;)) and Hurricane 552. Need to get a real triad and buttstock pad. Eventually a C8 body and such.

Lerch September 13th, 2009 12:55

What SFW barrel is that? It looks like the Army Code one, and those are rare as rocking horse shit these days...

warbird September 13th, 2009 13:07

You'd have to ask Panzergrenadier about the brand. I think it was custom made. Looks like a CQB barrel with an extension. Here's a C8 CQB:):

Tupe September 14th, 2009 02:32


I also have C8 project on my hands but I have a problem. I can't find heavy barrel conversion anywhere so I desided to make it myself. I have the tools and needed skills to turn them on a lathe, but I need some dimensions. Can anybody tell me the lenght on the visible part of the barrel and diameters of different parts? I would be very happy if someone can help me.


p.s sorry about my english skills...

airborneboi69 September 14th, 2009 03:41



sorry for the shitty web cam photos heres my inokatsu m4 gbb modded c8a3 like i used overseas with the OMLT ambidex selector switch, mag catch real iron sight, and replica elcan and l119a1 heavy barrel was suprised to seem em for the inokatsu :P

Personally when i was overseas our unit in the omlt all of our wepon were painted tan and brown and we were issued both the c79a2 and the eotech 552 sight with the plastic iron sight as well. most of us were issued peq 4's while the remainder were issued peq 2's durring training i wasnt allowed any personal add ons not even my railed handguards however in theatre this was different. we were also issued the m3 tactical illuminataors and cadex vert grips but occasionally people taken old c9 grips and integrated them into the stock hanguards. in addition to od furniture tan furniture is a common feature now being issued in country heres a photo of my loadout overseas:[img=]
my real steel eotech 552 is still in afghanistan... :( ow well

warbird September 14th, 2009 06:57

Nice kit!

Tupe: I'm quite busy at the moment, but if I can find the time I will mesure it up for you. Just keep checking this thread, lol.

RecceGod September 14th, 2009 08:54

Mike you gotta come show me that rifle! And you have to come play at the LZ sometime...

airborneboi69 September 14th, 2009 10:39

deffinatly would be a pleasure lessage :P just give me a call sometime and well go :)

The Girl October 17th, 2009 18:41

Hello all

I'm new to the forums here (but not to airsoft) and thought you guys might like to see my custom build C8.

I thought I would do something Canadian since I'm living in Scotland now, it's my little reminder of home when I'm airsofting over here! :D

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