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Rai February 12th, 2011 12:41


Originally Posted by Padkiller (Post 1408273)
Yes, just seeing one makes me sick !!!

You guys saying that from actually firing one or are you just blabbing?

For me it's the D eagle.

R.I.T.Z February 12th, 2011 12:45


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 1408369)
You guys saying that from actually firing one or are you just blabbing?

For me it's the D eagle.

le gaspe, how dare you the deagle is sexy.


Aegiis February 12th, 2011 12:46

RS ? Not enough experience to say

Airsoft ? If it works, and it's free, I'll shoot anything. I'll sell it if I don't like it.

So, if you have AEGs or GBBs in your inventory you refuse to use, PM me, I'll pay shipping :rolleyes:

vondnik February 12th, 2011 12:48

one that does not work

Rai February 12th, 2011 13:18


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1408373)
le gaspe, how dare you the deagle is sexy.


The only people who like the Deagle are
airsofters who never held a real pistol.
and people who watch MTV.

The only reason why they are popular is because they have a "hardcore" rep hollywood uses them because big guys like arnold need a big pistol.

However if you watch end of days or terminator the Deagle was not used. glock 9mm and a .45 were.

Glock on the other hand excusing all the fan boy and company BS they spread aren't bad, Personally I like the Tokarev TT-33 and the Colt 1911

Then there's also the fact they are not reliable they won't fire if they are not held at the right angle.

R.I.T.Z February 12th, 2011 13:44


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 1408399)
The only people who like the Deagle are
airsofters who never held a real pistol.
and people who watch MTV.

The only reason why they are popular is because they have a "hardcore" rep hollywood uses them because big guys like arnold need a big pistol.

However if you watch end of days or terminator the Deagle was not used. glock 9mm and a .45 were.

Glock on the other hand excusing all the fan boy and company BS they spread aren't bad, Personally I like the Tokarev TT-33 and the Colt 1911

Then there's also the fact they are not reliable they won't fire if they are not held at the right angle.

I do play call of duty as do many people so bite me
I have held and fire RS pistols so eat me
I dont watch MTV so your arguement is invalid

the airsoft pistols (almost all) fire 6mm it comes down to looks the majority of the time, I like the way the desert eagle looks, and feels in my hands (big hands) I have issues with smaller gripped pistols the only 2 that i have ever comfortably held where the mk23 and desert eagle

TaroBear February 12th, 2011 13:53

Desert Eagles, Magpul anything, WE anything, VSR-10s, those pistol carbine kits, the derringers, bolt action SVDs, the Hi Capa 5.1, Gold Plated anything, the L85, any M4 with more weight from accessories than from the gun, tacticool AKs, magazine fed shotguns, compensated pistols. Oh, and those damn XM203s that look more like toilet paper rolls than grenade launchers.

R.I.T.Z February 12th, 2011 13:53


Originally Posted by TaroBear (Post 1408423)
Desert Eagles, Magpul anything, WE anything, VSR-10s, those pistol carbine kits, the derringers, bolt action SVDs, the Hi Capa 5.1, Gold Plated anything, the L85, any M4 with more weight from accessories than from the gun, tacticool AKs, magazine fed shotguns, compensated pistols. Oh, and those damn XM203s that look more like toilet paper rolls than grenade launchers.

so what do you use?

TaroBear February 12th, 2011 13:55

I like to spit BBs at people with a straw.

Specs February 12th, 2011 14:12


Originally Posted by TaroBear (Post 1408427)
I like to spit BBs at people with a straw.

mad respect... what is your muzzle velocity?

TaroBear February 12th, 2011 14:30

If I inject myself with green gas and use aftermarket tongues...I'd say a good 5 FPS?

pusangani February 12th, 2011 14:34

hhehehhehe aftermarket tongues he says!

L473ncy February 12th, 2011 14:41


Originally Posted by TaroBear (Post 1408447)
If I inject myself with green gas and use aftermarket tongues...I'd say a good 5 FPS?

You're doing it wrong. You need to use a Robert Goulet with upgraded tongue and upgraded lungs. Metal moustache is optional. Don't forget to use 21 year old scotch as that's what I've found to give you the most FPS. After all that you can get a more amazing 35 FPS.

Man.... after TNL posted I was waiting for someone to say "anything TNL has touched/used cause it'll probably blow up in my face and catch fire". No one???? He pretty much walked right into that one....

EDIT: I guess it won't really happen.... I've actually never met TNL so yeah, I was just ribbing him.

CARL February 12th, 2011 14:43


Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short (Post 1408218)
Regular COLT M16/4 !

The gun I judge to be the embodiment of corruption in issuing processes, least reliable assault rifle ever made and still has most issue it had 50 years ago.

Viva el 416 !

Show us some picks of your HK416, still waiting.......

There is nothing wrong an M16/4 it is very reliable...but anyways...

T@NK February 12th, 2011 15:06

tactical AK, against the very basic nature of the beast

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