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GROM September 14th, 2011 01:40

Good video! Anyone new to airsoft should see it.

GROM September 14th, 2011 12:35

8 Attachment(s)
Actual Pictures of GROM training...

GROM September 14th, 2011 12:42

JW Commando (Polish)
8 Attachment(s)
Jednostka Wojska Commando.....Training

GROM September 14th, 2011 12:49

JW Formoza
8 Attachment(s)
Navy Based Special Forces... Formoza (Polish)

R.I.T.Z September 14th, 2011 13:50

GROM Polish Special Unit - YouTube

G.R.O.M. (Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego) - YouTube

GROM-Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno Manewrowego - YouTube


Realizing the possibility of casualties in an assault, fully 75% of GROM operators are certified paramedics or nurses. In addition, there are several medical doctors attached to the unit.These doctors also act as combat assault personnel, carrying their medical kits along with their assault weapons.

GROM September 14th, 2011 15:05

Those videos give me goosebumps...

Nicely Done R.I.T.Z

Polish_Legion September 14th, 2011 15:39


Originally Posted by GROM (Post 1532228)
Those videos give me goosebumps...

Nicely Done R.I.T.Z

Those videos are just simply AWESOME

R.I.T.Z September 14th, 2011 17:41

Gotta love our SF's
going back into our history a little.
Pomścimy Wawer "We will avenge Wawer"
Wawer was a massacre by the nazis against the poles

I like the simplicity and history

Coresair September 14th, 2011 18:34


Originally Posted by Polish_Legion (Post 1532004)
Bezpieczny Airsoft :P

Bezpieczny Airsoft - YouTube

I understand SOME words actually! (I had a polish coworker at another job not so long ago) but I find Polish really hard to learn, we never combine over two consonants in french! very interesting language (and video) nonetheless.

R.I.T.Z September 14th, 2011 18:46


Originally Posted by Coresair (Post 1532318)
I understand SOME words actually! (I had a polish coworker at another job not so long ago) but I find Polish really hard to learn, we never combine over two consonants in french! very interesting language (and video) nonetheless.

its a great "airsoft basics" video safety, tips, advice. I specifically love the "do not bring airsoft guns in public" part

Polish_Legion September 14th, 2011 19:47


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1532328)
its a great "airsoft basics" video safety, tips, advice. I specifically love the "do not bring airsoft guns in public" part

That part was awesome lol for me though the best part was when they were drunk and trying to walk :p

Polish_Legion September 14th, 2011 19:58

A classic logo in Polish history indeed, thanks for posting that R.I.T.Z :) I myself did have a few great uncles who fought in the AK during the war, but they were fighting against the Nazis and at the same time against the Ukrainians in South Eastern Poland. Those were chaotic times indeed...

My great grandfather also fought alongside a special someone in Polish history but had to leave early once he got shot in the elbow. I'm sure everyone knows this face:


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1532297)
Gotta love our SF's
going back into our history a little.
Pomścimy Wawer "We will avenge Wawer"
Wawer was a massacre by the nazis against the poles

I like the simplicity and history

GROM September 14th, 2011 20:15

WOW.... J.Pilsudski.... I can only imagine the stories your grand, grandfather would tell if he was alive....

R.I.T.Z September 14th, 2011 20:41

apparently I share some sort of relation with

any ugly fat guy cracks and I will personally smack you with a history book

Polish_Legion September 14th, 2011 20:42


Originally Posted by GROM (Post 1532374)
WOW.... J.Pilsudski.... I can only imagine the stories your grand, grandfather would tell if he was alive....

He fought under Pilsudski under the I Brygada Legionow. My Great Grandparents on my mothers side used to live in Austria hence why. The town they lived in (Belzec) was also the site of a former Nazi Death Camp in WW2. They have a lot of stories but alas I can't ask them anymore :(

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