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glompos21 March 9th, 2010 05:42

Here is the second version of the device
YouTube- AirsoftBomb Version2
New functionality Wire Cutting mode

More information at

Dimitri December 25th, 2010 12:59


Looks good, however you should make it bullet proof, ie, non-disarmable.


mirrage December 25th, 2010 14:59

Nice improvement!!!

redzaku December 25th, 2010 20:01

+1 i would love to play a game involving that

mr_nuts31 December 28th, 2010 14:56

That kind of setup looks nice and a lot cleaner than some of the bombs I've seen, which looks more like an ied than a traditional bomb

Skytorn January 2nd, 2011 20:16

What's a better name for the product...Baby's First IED? Or Fisher Price My Little Insurgency?

Gunny_McSmith January 2nd, 2011 20:37

I'd buy one of those right aways, and hook it to 2 pvc cylinder, one with flour, the other one with compressed air (100psi), and link the board to a solenoid valve.... :P

So, the boom isnt just a beep.... its a cloud of

Or, anything could replace the "flour":

- "bust disks" (for a loud bang)
- confettis


Chayce January 3rd, 2011 08:27

Should totally hook it up with spring loaded 6mm pellets. Designate 2 bomb sites and roll CS style!

glompos21 January 6th, 2011 15:59

I hear a lot of interesting ideas for my device.
I havent stop upgrading/adding new functionality to my device.
Here is the new Domination mode that uses a usb key
YouTube - Domination for AirsoftBomb Ver2

If you have any mode/functionality that you want to see to my device please post it here and i will add it or you want some special programming for a event please let me know.

Gunk January 6th, 2011 16:08

That's awesome!

I wish we had that for Green Zone! We had to defuse a bomb of some kind, but it was nothing like that... just a couple of switches... But I can see possibilities for that... Team A has to defuse the bomb, but first they have to locate A) the person carrying the key so they can actually turn it off, and B) locate the guy with the password so they know how to turn it off.

I wish someone here would rig up something that cool... shit I wish I knew how...

Rooster January 6th, 2011 17:36

Very cool, did you have to write the software for the controller yourself?

glompos21 January 10th, 2011 11:06

Yes of course i have write the software myself as well as the design and manufacturing of the hole device.

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