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Shirley February 5th, 2009 14:24

LOL love the admins for the last choice.

Anyways, I'm 120 lbs, 5'7. I have skinny wrists and people think I'm skinny. But I work out and ice hockey, so there are some deep cuts underneath the shirt. lol
I also have a high metabolism so I can eat as much as I want, and never get fat.

L473ncy February 5th, 2009 14:34

I would consider myself a fatty but I probably fall into the Normal Joe category.

5'7" 68.5 Kg (151 lbs) although I do probably sit in my room too much playing video games and whatnot...

Ronan February 5th, 2009 14:37


Originally Posted by cbcsteve (Post 912666)
By the touch of this sword I AM HE MAN!

For those who are old enough to remember the cartoon I applaud you. Especially that phallic testosterone sword of his.

Now THAT brings back memories :D

warbird February 5th, 2009 15:01

Is their a reason why I can't answer to polls?

gpassfield11 February 5th, 2009 15:03

I would like to think that the tank pictures speak for my 'fit' level. I won't get into max bench squat or curl like the 155 pound kid benching '255'

I'm still looking for a BDU that allows for the B-52 Lat spread hahahahahhaha...oh I kill me

Wilson February 5th, 2009 15:06

Now, now, 86, play nice! lol

Amos February 5th, 2009 15:09

5'11 205-215Lbs

I'd fit into average, I don't really work out besides the odd cardio stuff (Biking, running ect). I've got a fairly large bone structure, I wear a 44-46 suite jacket.

FOX_111 February 5th, 2009 15:11

There was no option for a normal weight dude with average stamina and streight but with above average will to stay in the fight no mather the conditions of the field.

So I voted avera joe...

I hate badly made polls.

Old School Punk February 5th, 2009 15:25

Okay the "Less Polls" option was funny, but really it is only my second poll, really. :( Sorry I am just having some fun.


Before my first airsoft game, I felt a little intimidated, really, seeing most guys were just over 1/2 my age and looked reasonably fit. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep up with them at all, especially in the hot humid weather with full gear on.
Hey Crunchmeister; this is exactly where I am at. I am 43 years old and I figure that I am in okay health. I quit smoking 15 years ago (still miss it), and I do own stocks in Ron Bacardi Rum Company, but overall I think that I can hold my own doing physical stuff with just about anybody. 6'-0" 225 lbs with bad knees.

I am just concerned that when I go to my first Airsoft game next Summer, and I show up just to find out that everyone there is built like an Army Ranger and able to do Iron Man Triathlon at the drop of a hat.

If the later turns out to be true, I am going to get my ass handed to me in a big way. (probably get it handed to me if they are a bunch of Bub Slugs!)


Crunchmeister February 5th, 2009 15:36

Don't worry about it... I've discovered that many airsofters tend to be serious couch potatoes and video / pc gamers... You'll do ok. I was worried for nothing...

White_knight February 5th, 2009 15:39

5'11'' 210lbs~ so i guess im average. i have terrible running stamina tho, even when i was in karate going 3-4 times a week

aZn_triXta07 February 5th, 2009 15:40


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 912743)
Don't worry about it... I've discovered that many airsofters tend to be serious couch potatoes and video / pc gamers... You'll do ok. I was worried for nothing...

LoL at the last zombie game, I was in the rear laying cover fire on the zombies so the pack could get some fair distance, but everyone was going so SLOW so eventually me and my partner were like EFF THIS RUNNNN hahaha

FOX_111 February 5th, 2009 16:15

Yup, a lot of airsofters have bellies that make their CIRAS fit badly.

Most people are in OK shape. Those that shine are those that know how to take their time and that are not afraid to get dirty.

yanhchan February 5th, 2009 17:20

Just started weight lifting a week ago got sick and everything hurts double now. I'd say my fitness level is pretty damn low at the moment.

TokyoSeven February 5th, 2009 17:30

Im not ripped, but I have a little muscle tone, it just shows better because I dont have body hair.

I smoke like its going out of style, but can still run 3km without loosing my breath.

I do yoga and hit the gym 4 times a week, but I eat take out indian and chinese food 3 days a week.

I havent eaten fast food in years, but I drank half a bottle of scotch at lunch.

I almost never consume pop, although Im 3/4 of the way through a bottle of oxycotin thats the size of a coke can that I just got in jaunary.

I would say I am normal.

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