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scurvythepirate February 12th, 2011 15:14

Any over the top "sniper rifle".
Examples are the Socom Gear/ Ares Cheytac M200, Socom Gear Barret M82........

Way too cumbersome

Ninja_En_Short February 12th, 2011 15:23

First I have a 417 (not MR308 or 416) and don't take pictures for show and tell because I'm fed up with the 20 "where/how do I get one"-like PM filling my box every single day about my RS gear.

Second the M16/4 is absolutely not reliable in real combat conditions, multiple tests and testimonies are filling the web and reports.
I do not care what the fans think, if your gun jams because a little sand/dirt/mud/water and mine works no matter what I do to it, yours is definitely not reliable.

Ozone06 February 12th, 2011 16:08

I would never use an AUG its fugly and bulpup, or an M60 or 249, simply because they devour pellets.


Deagle... just say no.

I don't like Ak's BUT whenever I see one up close with nice furniture or a unique loadout I'm tempted but still I'd pick a Stanag/AR platform first

grantmac February 12th, 2011 16:18

Refuse is perhaps too strong a word with regards to firearms.

I have a very strong preference against certain weapons due to ergonomic or function issues.
That said when its all just for fun I will shoot anything. If I have to trust it then I won't put much faith in the following:

Horrid triggers:
Beretta M9
Keltec subcompacts

Poor loading arrangements:

Crap ballistics:

But there is a time and place for everything. In certain situations an AK would be my first choice. I like to shoot 1911s, but they would be very far down the list of guns I'd carry.


EVG31337 February 12th, 2011 16:47

The L85 should be burned

Ballcancer February 12th, 2011 17:35

Any Uzi variant, any desert eagle variant, shotguns of any kind (not because they are a shotgun but in airsoft I find them useless, any long (in length not variant. Ex. M16c
, G3, FAL etc.) rifle mainly because they are cumbersome for me due to my height, and any gun that looks cool the first and second time but the third you realize how impractical it is which is useless.

fleuryfighter February 12th, 2011 17:55

any spring powerd gun.

Sportco February 12th, 2011 17:56

Ak-47 You'll have to pry it in my dead cool fingers.... lol

AngelusNex February 12th, 2011 18:04


Originally Posted by fleuryfighter (Post 1408566)
any spring powerd gun.

I have bad news for you

AEGs are spring powered.

Pinard February 12th, 2011 18:09


Originally Posted by AngelusNex (Post 1408577)
I have bad news for you

AEGs are spring powered.

ROFL ^ /thread

Rai February 12th, 2011 18:17


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1408412)
I do play call of duty as do many people so bite me
I have held and fire RS pistols so eat me
I dont watch MTV so your arguement is invalid

the airsoft pistols (almost all) fire 6mm it comes down to looks the majority of the time, I like the way the desert eagle looks, and feels in my hands (big hands) I have issues with smaller gripped pistols the only 2 that i have ever comfortably held where the mk23 and desert eagle

Then make sure you are talking about the airsoft version only and we won't have a problem.

Kozzie February 12th, 2011 18:44

The Sten gun, the Desert Eagle and most shotguns.

Also Revolvers, they might be cool for plinking but FUCK thats a lot of work for 6 shots

AXe Hound February 12th, 2011 19:16

M16/4 based gun's every one has one and they all look the same even if they say it custom(not including internals).You cant say your gun is unique if the other 20 people beside you have the same shit.

Any gun that parts are impossible to find for.and thats about all.:)

Boyso February 12th, 2011 19:35

P90; Tar 21; FN2000

All this crap.

cjboi February 12th, 2011 19:41


Originally Posted by TaroBear (Post 1408427)
I like to spit BBs at people with a straw.

I thought about doing that before... but something about BB's that scares me. I mean they're mostly shiny and I get scared that I might swallow the damn BB.

FPS??? lol

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