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Drake January 26th, 2007 20:52

Came across some "new" (from last week) pics of the Masada in several configs and sporting two different handguards (the RIS one is sweet)


Droc January 26th, 2007 21:00

awesome find

attack-beaver January 28th, 2007 21:50

whats with all these new guns being tan? what ever happened to just black?

DuffMan January 28th, 2007 21:55


Originally Posted by attack-beaver (Post 414983)
whats with all these new guns being tan? what ever happened to just black?


Drake January 29th, 2007 02:31


Originally Posted by attack-beaver (Post 414983)
whats with all these new guns being tan? what ever happened to just black?

Well, check out the link I posted, lots of shots of it in black there.

That "tan" is supposed to be CB, too, I think... at least in the set I posted, it looks like my CB Grimlocks, so I guess thats what CB plastic is supposed to look like. And CB (and even tan) is pretty much a most-environment color.

Xepharo January 29th, 2007 14:22

Masada kit

Magpul PTW: Masada Body Kit
Mike kindly sent news straight from Taiwan regarding Magpul's Masada project. Masada is sometimes described as "SCAR killer" and is one of the contenders for title of the best next generation rifle:

Attached are MASADA's files for real gun. if you need more information of MASADA real gun plz visit Magpul's web site.

This news is from STW (Taiwan Company, Makes lot of multicam equipments) company manager "CYP". He just came back form USA shotshow. Magpul's personell told us some very shock[ing] news.

Magpul MASADA is planning to develop body Kit for airsoft! Motor and gearbox set won't be include[d], apply GEN2 gear box(M16,M4A1,MP5 type). Magpul will develop two type bodies, one is 5.56mm type (for M16 magazine), another one will be 7.62mm type (for AK47 magazine).

8thArmy January 29th, 2007 15:50

I agree it looks much better than SCAR

Drake January 29th, 2007 19:21


Originally Posted by Xepharo (Post 415309)
Magpul MASADA is planning to develop body Kit for airsoft! Motor and gearbox set won't be include[d], apply GEN2 gear box(M16,M4A1,MP5 type). Magpul will develop two type bodies, one is 5.56mm type (for M16 magazine), another one will be 7.62mm type (for AK47 magazine).

I kinda like that, given that the Chinese bodies are usually okay but the internals are often questionable and people seem to want to swap them out anyway; go straight to good quality aftermarket internals and save money. There's another thread about Law Enforcement browsing ASC, but I wonder if a small airsoft-friendly company like Magpul keeps their ear to the ground by browsing the various community forums.

AK47 mag setup seems like an odd choice though, I would have thought they'd chamber for 7.62x51 if they're going against the SCAR. What's this supposed to be, a re-attempt at the SR47?

Xepharo January 29th, 2007 19:57

A re-attempt of the SR47 will be nice... AT A LOWER COST!!!
I wonder how much this kit is going to cost....

vondnik January 29th, 2007 20:08


Originally Posted by Gryphon (Post 411913)
Looks nice, but let's hope they're smart enough to remember in Canada 18.5" is non-restricted. :p

Unfortunatly we won't be able to get export licence without an end user certificate like most of the fun stuff these days... Hell you can't even get an export licence for a magpul CTR stock...

WARFIGHTER February 4th, 2007 11:45

mmmm it makes me want to hold off buying my next gun until magpul releases that kit... Also awesome they are making a MIAD grip for airsoft... I think I love magpul.

Lakonian February 4th, 2007 12:03


Originally Posted by Xepharo (Post 415456)
A re-attempt of the SR47 will be nice... AT A LOWER COST!!!
I wonder how much this kit is going to cost....

One that actually works properly would be nice too, imo. ;)

LoricTheMad October 18th, 2007 21:03

FYI, (Posted this in a duplicate thread after a mis spelled Masada resulted in a no match search)...

The Guns & Ammo 2008 Annual has a 5 page article on the Masada. I'll try to get a link if I can find it.

White_knight October 18th, 2007 21:11

i know its a necro, but i find it funny that i was looking at this exact thread yesterday, wondering about any new info. im assuming the artical is on the live fire version, anyone know the development on the airsoft madasa. also anyone know if they are still developing the airsoft pmags? god i hope so, im dying for some of those.

Drake October 18th, 2007 22:53

Magpul seems to be running behind in general.

I figure their PTS line takes second seat to the main stuff, so I'd expect delays or stuff outright not turning out (dunno how committed Magpul is to the PTS line, either).

Personally, I was hoping/waiting for their UBR stock to come out in PTS form. Doubt it'll happen, though.

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