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Mirodasc December 12th, 2008 20:22

Whoa, Aqua, why the hate for paintball..

Anyways, this topic came up with my friend and I today, and depending on how cold it is, a normal BDU jacket and a long sleeve shirt should keep you warm if you're moving around sufficiently.

One question I have, is there any noticibly increased chance of BB's shattering in barrel when it's colder out?

mcguyver December 12th, 2008 20:27


Originally Posted by Mirodasc (Post 879253)
One question I have, is there any noticibly increased chance of BB's shattering in barrel when it's colder out?

No. But any "shattering" that's going to occur is going to be gun body, any cast parts for that matter (like gearbox shell).

Easy way to fix that:

Don't play in the winter.

My guns go to sleep in the fall and awake in spring.

Mirodasc December 12th, 2008 20:36

[QUOTE=mcguyver;879255]No. But any "shattering" that's going to occur is going to be gun body, any cast parts for that matter (like gearbox shell).[QUOTE]

it usually never gets colder than -10C here. Think that'd be too cold for the guns?

pipefitter316 December 12th, 2008 20:39

I live in Barrie and we have had a shit load of snow but I have still gone out shooting my aeg worked flawlessly even my gbb ran smoothly but as soon as I was done shooting both guns were claened and dried. I been out four times nowand had no problems with my guns, as for feeling the bbs when hit I was wearing two hoodies and two long sleeve shirts and was stitched across the chest by a p 90 hurt like a son of a bitch.

mcguyver December 12th, 2008 20:39

It's iffy. I wouldn't do it. Not only for the guns, but for the body as well. I hate the cold, cause I work in it.

andthenhewent December 12th, 2008 20:40

well actually I have never played paintball before. I would like too. I was more asking a question than whining though. When you play at long ranges then, and there's a lot of action, do you just have to say yeah I got hit.

Aquamarine December 12th, 2008 20:43

Yes, it's called honor.

"Hm, he might have hit me, considering he just emptied an entire mag. I'm betting he did, but I just didn't feel it..


And walk off. Then start over.

[Akira Shen] December 12th, 2008 21:53


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 879137)
You live in Nova Scotia.

You don't get winter.

The hell I don't. xD Doesn't get overly cold, but we get our fair share of snow and ice. Ask Bob, he nearly broke his neck trying to run in the freezing rain lol.

Huron December 12th, 2008 22:52

I'm pretty sure what Andthenhewent is getting at is that it's often more fun to play when you can really feel the hits, because the pain is sharp enough that you try to avoid getting shot almost as much as if they were real guns, which in turn adds a touch of realism to the game in that players are being more careful not to get shot. He's not talking about calling hits or anything of that area.

For example, in winter since you don't feel the pain along with the sound of getting shot, you just call hit and go respawn or wait for the game to finish. But in summer/spring/fall, you get hit and it stings like a bitch and you know that, so you're more on edge and focused on trying not to get shot.

andthenhewent December 13th, 2008 15:34

my good pal Gabe. Knows best. Have you guys ever tried playing with hits only counting in one spot- such as the head(w/ full mask) or a tiny spot on the chest?

coach December 13th, 2008 17:15


Originally Posted by andthenhewent (Post 879710)
my good pal Gabe. Knows best. Have you guys ever tried playing with hits only counting in one spot- such as the head(w/ full mask) or a tiny spot on the chest?

that is a birthday game some like to call "Terminator".

andthenhewent December 13th, 2008 18:26

are you joking? or serious? Anyway, I guess that helps. I should probably try to experience more stuff.

Originally Posted by pipefitter316 (Post 879261)
as for feeling the bbs when hit I was wearing two hoodies and two long sleeve shirts and was stitched across the chest by a p 90 hurt like a son of a bitch.

hey when you say that it hurts, how far away are you talking about?

fingers crossed "please say over 150 ft!"

coach December 13th, 2008 19:08


Originally Posted by andthenhewent (Post 879795)
are you joking? or serious? Anyway, I guess that helps. I should probably try to experience more stuff.hey when you say that it hurts, how far away are you talking about?

fingers crossed "please say over 150 ft!"

nope. quite serious.

over 150 feet? hahahaha. come out to a game, I'd love for you to be on the other team. if you were to get lit up at 150ft with that much clothing, just imagine how bad it'd be at 50 feet!

pipefitter316 December 13th, 2008 19:21

well I dont know what you guys shoot with in georgia but any hit at 150 ft is pretty damn amazing, I was lit up by the p90 at about 60 ft give or take. I will have to agree with aqua ( grrrr hi aqua) about the honour system if you think you were hit just call it, we had a guy that didnt call hits( could have smashed him over the head with gun) it got to the point that we didnt want him out no more, now hes at home with a 500$ aeg doing nothing. Airsoft is all about fun we may shot the shit out of one another but in the end of a game we re all sitting around laughing and chatting having a beer and a smoke.

Duilin December 13th, 2008 19:25


Originally Posted by Mirodasc (Post 879253)
Whoa, Aqua, why the hate for paintball..

i think the only real bad part about playing in the winter, is trying to keep your batteries warm so they dont die out on you mid game.

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