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Brit ter May 17th, 2009 11:26

Warwar what do you think of the conner engagment device ! like mine but not so great when its wet !

Bonjour43ma May 25th, 2009 02:36

a very simple and noob-ish question after looking at all of your awesome collections -

where did you guys get all these full-colored airsoft guns? I've searched and searched online and not one single store has anything close to being full-colored. Did you guys paint the clear/tinted receivers yourselfs?

AngelusNex May 25th, 2009 08:15


Originally Posted by Bonjour43ma (Post 994020)
a very simple and noob-ish question after looking at all of your awesome collections -

where did you guys get all these full-colored airsoft guns? I've searched and searched online and not one single store has anything close to being full-colored. Did you guys paint the clear/tinted receivers yourselfs?

AGE VERIFICATION. the clearest answer you'll get.

Bonjour43ma May 25th, 2009 15:21


Originally Posted by Sepulcrum (Post 994074)
AGE VERIFICATION. the clearest answer you'll get.

Thanks. That's what I thought and I have acutally sent PMs to 4 of the age verifiers in my area but no one has responded yet :(

HeadlessChicken May 25th, 2009 16:49


Originally Posted by Bonjour43ma (Post 994271)
Thanks. That's what I thought and I have acutally sent PMs to 4 of the age verifiers in my area but no one has responded yet :(

Fill out your location, I'm sure someone could suggest someone who is available to AV you.

ginnz July 30th, 2009 08:59

My Little Collection thus far!
1 Attachment(s)
well, here they are, nothing special....

the Jg Mp5sd5 has a B&T CA full metal front end on it..... the rest are basically stock.

SigmanXT July 30th, 2009 18:37
heres mine
+ extra goodies :D

the_hellspawn July 30th, 2009 19:42

Man I think I should not get age verified...I'll go crazy buying guns if I do :-P

sticks July 30th, 2009 21:54

damage August 1st, 2009 17:40

infernau August 2nd, 2009 02:04

so many pretties

Originally Posted by markedman (Post 945644)
I think I need those as well. In my defense it is a small room and is hard to get far enough away to get a decent picture.

Nice collection, many of those would be in mine if I had a decent one.

RacingManiac August 9th, 2009 17:11

Gas guns...

I need to get more mags for the WOC M4....waiting for that one good mag to come out...

jonney. August 10th, 2009 02:35


Conker August 10th, 2009 02:38

You've got the new KSC MP7? Nice!

@Damage, what about more mics? We barely see your blasters! :O

Forever_kaos August 11th, 2009 18:46

Dboys full steel AKS-74 due in a few weeks :)
I'm happy with this collection so far.

Currently, 20,000 rounds of BB Bastard .25's
(10 bags)
20 mags (aprox 100 rounds a peice)
DPM Shirt
OD Pants
Cadpat shirt + pants
Cadpat CF replica vest
?? AK Chest rig
German Flecktarn shirt.
Crosman M3 shotgun (needs to be painted)
Custom 100% scratch built AKM
TM Based RPK
Aaaaand claymore in the front.

Not pictured is 2 East German mag pouches I have somewhere, no big difference.

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