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Auhydride November 8th, 2008 19:12

tunabreath just gave me a thought hehe, it should be easy to produce custom lenght barrels once you start producing barrels, they aren't exactly mass produced, it's hard to change the inner diameter, but the lenght should be possible to change easily.
Hmm, would you people want custom lenght barrels? If there are rifles that allow bullets to be loaded one by one, we should look into this.

L473ncy November 8th, 2008 19:45

I think you'd have to make a full mod kit as I don't know of any rifles you can load single BB's into one at a time.

This is sounding really cool and I'd probably be one of the first to purchase (once I get some money). Even if it flops (which it doesn't seem like it will with all the R&D you're putting into this) I'm sure it would be a great piece of airsoft history.

FOX_111 November 9th, 2008 10:55


Originally Posted by jimmycudo (Post 857303)
Either way, the UTG shoots 450 so this should mean some high distances and increased accuracy with a threaded tightbore designed for this ammunition. I would go nuts if I can hit someone 300 or 350 ft away. :DD

Don't get your hopes up already. The UTG is a cheap clone of a sniper rifle and you probably won't hit anything past 150-200fts if you keep it that way.

In order to hit your target at 300fts and beyond, you need a finely tuned rifle AND shooter.

From experience, this new AP round and barrel won't extend the range of fire, but will increase the precision. In open terrain, with no wind, I enticipate acurate fire up to 150fts. (By acurate, I mean hitting consistently something not bigger than a human torso). I'm being very conservative now.

The benefits I see for this AP round is that it will allow us to shoot what we see in place where our FOV is cluthered with branches. Since the trajectory will be "ballistic" and not influenced by a hopup, it will be easyer to judge distance and compensate with a hold over without having to compensate for the BB flightpath also. (Hopup make BB fly up and down and up gain than down, wich require hold over or hold under at some distances wich is counter intuitive for shooters.)

arcanuck November 9th, 2008 11:11

Originally Posted by Styrak
That doesn't mean anything. They don't hold real ammunition.


Originally Posted by jimmycudo (Post 857354)
Better safe than sorry?

Anyone with a real engineering degree or measurable IQ for that matter understands a paintball magazine will not feed real ammunition under any circumstance but we are talking about the government here, and they don't have a real education. They study to become professional actors and salespeople. And you would never believe how many people in power with titles or engineering companies cannot even read a schematic.

llotech November 27th, 2008 00:38

So whats the end of the story? This is very interesting. What happened, the thread just died 2 weeks ago.

airborneboi69 November 27th, 2008 00:52

really whats going on with this?

Auhydride November 27th, 2008 10:16

It didn't die, We fired a few bullets with no problem but there was a mistake in the last CNC order batch so the bullets weren't at the correct dimension, we will get another batch produced and i will upgrade my VSR-10, we also got a few machinery to our workshop so we will probly produce our own sears for the kits.
Whenever we have spare budget, we get on this topic.
I should take pictures of the last bullet actually.

tunabreath November 27th, 2008 17:08


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 857396)
I think you'd have to make a full mod kit as I don't know of any rifles you can load single BB's into one at a time.

As I've already stated, Tanaka bolties allow you to do this.
I'm really looking forward to these. We'll have to come up with new mass/velocity/energy limits for airsoft 'SASRs' though.

Auhydride November 28th, 2008 10:06

I think we decided on the name "APs" hehe

Sha Do November 28th, 2008 16:46


Originally Posted by Auhydride (Post 869064)
I think we decided on the name "APs" hehe APS is shooting APs!!!??!
Can't wait to see what happens with the result of your ballistic tests.


tunabreath November 28th, 2008 20:15

I know, I'm referring to any airsoft guns using APs as SASRs (usually anti-material rifles, eg, Barrett M107 SASR/Special Application Scoped Rifle) :p

Neil_N November 28th, 2008 21:41

1 Attachment(s)
just found this thread but i think some people are overthinking this abit to much in terms of the shorter range. Im just finishing my college technolidgy physics course and if im not mistaken the bullet will have a longer flight path than a normal bb. Why well a few aspects of bernolies principal. first the shape of a bullet is a basic airfoil that forces the air around the bullet to accelerate loweringing the relative airpressure creating lift witch would increas flight time. And the little ridges would create a little bubble of turbulant air (Eddies) that would lower the liniear drag of the bullet to the friction coeficent of air on air witch is somthing like 1.0x10^-3 or .oo1 for those who don't understand witch is all but negligable. so if im corect that would mean improved flight. so this is my overthinking.

FOX_111 November 29th, 2008 05:24

Have you ever fired a pellet airgun and compared with a hopup AEG?
The difference in range is very large. Hopup really add more than twice the range in general.

The pellet sprin don't add lift, just reduced drag.

The AP bullet will allow faster flight (less wind deviation) and a more stable ballistic drop (more acuracy, more predictable shot)
Theoretically, that would make the AP bullet a trade off for range to acuracy and a very desirable projectile in some situations, like in dence woods.

JamesBond_007 November 30th, 2008 00:15

In that case, would you need an increase in fps to maintain distance? Or would there be no way to keep the normal distance AND get the accuracy?

Auhydride November 30th, 2008 01:11

Aim higher?

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