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mr_nuts31 February 12th, 2011 07:32

guns you refuse to use
Is there an airsoft gun that you hate so much that even if it was given to you for free, you still won't use it? For me, it's anything based on the l85 in general mainly because I'm left handed and I can't shoot right handed for the life of me, plus I've heard so many bad things about them

Rugger_can February 12th, 2011 07:40

We talking "Guns" or "Airsoft"?

And no, for Airsoft.

And yes for Guns. Infact the list is very long for guns.

Ross February 12th, 2011 08:33


Originally Posted by Rugger_can (Post 1408186)
We talking "Guns" or "Airsoft"?

And no, for Airsoft.

And yes for Guns. Infact the list is very long for guns.

like guns that are prone to explode in your hands?

CDN_Stalker February 12th, 2011 09:10

FAMAS for me. Yuck!

The Chad February 12th, 2011 09:12

Any shotgun. I would rather use a club, it fits better in my loincloth.

Ninja_En_Short February 12th, 2011 09:24

Regular COLT M16/4 !

The gun I judge to be the embodiment of corruption in issuing processes, least reliable assault rifle ever made and still has most issue it had 50 years ago.

Viva el 416 !

Silverthorn February 12th, 2011 09:26

Anything related or close to a M4/M16. Everybody has one! Let's be original!

Thenooblord February 12th, 2011 09:30

any WE closed bolt GBBR or any glock

venture February 12th, 2011 09:54

Glocks are a crime against nature.

toadhound February 12th, 2011 10:03

The P-90. Ugly as fuck!

Specs February 12th, 2011 10:21

ya i second Glocks, I really dislike them

Scouser February 12th, 2011 10:29

anything in the AK or the m4/16 series, i actually find both guns pretty uncomfortable

and the fn 2000, i might love the p90 but as ive stated before the fn2000 looks like the bastard lovechild of a moncalamari star cruiser, and its just too damn bulky

FOX_111 February 12th, 2011 10:33

I have my preferances, but I'd use any tools necessary to do the job.

Jimski February 12th, 2011 10:34

anything that shoots stuff is awesome and deserves to be coated in bacon


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 1408267)
I have my preferances, but I'd use any tools necessary to do the job.

ahah I typed the exact same thing and edited for something with bacon in it

Padkiller February 12th, 2011 10:34


Originally Posted by venture (Post 1408244)
Glocks are a crime against nature.

Yes, just seeing one makes me sick !!!

Jimski February 12th, 2011 10:35

what a bunch of sissies

Grrxmaster February 12th, 2011 10:37


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 1408272)
anything that shoots stuff is awesome and deserves to be coated in bacon

Permission to sig?

Pinard February 12th, 2011 10:45

refuse to use ? nothing
Don't like to use ? AKs

Eeyore February 12th, 2011 10:46


AngelusNex February 12th, 2011 10:46

I'll use anything, I prefer AR type guns for the ergonomics but I'll use any airsoft gun. Dislike using plain AKs and Sub guns but I'll use em if i have to.

Jimski February 12th, 2011 11:12


Originally Posted by Grrxmaster (Post 1408277)
Permission to sig?


Grrxmaster February 12th, 2011 11:12


5kull February 12th, 2011 11:20

Real steel: Wont use 9mm, barely tolerate 5.56. Learn to shoot, carry a weapon that can do the job, no compromise, if it's to heavy or kicks to hard, then your the problem not the weapon. You wont need to carry so much ammo if you can kill them with one or two shots instead of 50. A dead ennemy does not shoot back or outflank you or come back to place IED's in the night.

Airsoft: Nothing that comes with a real cap only, nothing cheap, nothing expensive that's falling apart.

Enjoi February 12th, 2011 11:55

I dont like glocks or AK`s but they`re pretty reliable... ugly as shiet though

megabeers February 12th, 2011 12:04

4 Attachment(s)
i'd like to second the vote for famas and P90. those are both incredibly ugly. and i would never lay my hands on clearsoft....

and how about this lovely weapon found in this thread...

Wrath144 February 12th, 2011 12:10


SuperCriollo February 12th, 2011 12:17

JG S.T.A.R Dragon.

R.I.T.Z February 12th, 2011 12:19


-Trooper- February 12th, 2011 12:24


Stealthee February 12th, 2011 12:38

AKs and all its variants are fugly.

Rai February 12th, 2011 12:41


Originally Posted by Padkiller (Post 1408273)
Yes, just seeing one makes me sick !!!

You guys saying that from actually firing one or are you just blabbing?

For me it's the D eagle.

R.I.T.Z February 12th, 2011 12:45


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 1408369)
You guys saying that from actually firing one or are you just blabbing?

For me it's the D eagle.

le gaspe, how dare you the deagle is sexy.


Aegiis February 12th, 2011 12:46

RS ? Not enough experience to say

Airsoft ? If it works, and it's free, I'll shoot anything. I'll sell it if I don't like it.

So, if you have AEGs or GBBs in your inventory you refuse to use, PM me, I'll pay shipping :rolleyes:

vondnik February 12th, 2011 12:48

one that does not work

Rai February 12th, 2011 13:18


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1408373)
le gaspe, how dare you the deagle is sexy.


The only people who like the Deagle are
airsofters who never held a real pistol.
and people who watch MTV.

The only reason why they are popular is because they have a "hardcore" rep hollywood uses them because big guys like arnold need a big pistol.

However if you watch end of days or terminator the Deagle was not used. glock 9mm and a .45 were.

Glock on the other hand excusing all the fan boy and company BS they spread aren't bad, Personally I like the Tokarev TT-33 and the Colt 1911

Then there's also the fact they are not reliable they won't fire if they are not held at the right angle.

R.I.T.Z February 12th, 2011 13:44


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 1408399)
The only people who like the Deagle are
airsofters who never held a real pistol.
and people who watch MTV.

The only reason why they are popular is because they have a "hardcore" rep hollywood uses them because big guys like arnold need a big pistol.

However if you watch end of days or terminator the Deagle was not used. glock 9mm and a .45 were.

Glock on the other hand excusing all the fan boy and company BS they spread aren't bad, Personally I like the Tokarev TT-33 and the Colt 1911

Then there's also the fact they are not reliable they won't fire if they are not held at the right angle.

I do play call of duty as do many people so bite me
I have held and fire RS pistols so eat me
I dont watch MTV so your arguement is invalid

the airsoft pistols (almost all) fire 6mm it comes down to looks the majority of the time, I like the way the desert eagle looks, and feels in my hands (big hands) I have issues with smaller gripped pistols the only 2 that i have ever comfortably held where the mk23 and desert eagle

TaroBear February 12th, 2011 13:53

Desert Eagles, Magpul anything, WE anything, VSR-10s, those pistol carbine kits, the derringers, bolt action SVDs, the Hi Capa 5.1, Gold Plated anything, the L85, any M4 with more weight from accessories than from the gun, tacticool AKs, magazine fed shotguns, compensated pistols. Oh, and those damn XM203s that look more like toilet paper rolls than grenade launchers.

R.I.T.Z February 12th, 2011 13:53


Originally Posted by TaroBear (Post 1408423)
Desert Eagles, Magpul anything, WE anything, VSR-10s, those pistol carbine kits, the derringers, bolt action SVDs, the Hi Capa 5.1, Gold Plated anything, the L85, any M4 with more weight from accessories than from the gun, tacticool AKs, magazine fed shotguns, compensated pistols. Oh, and those damn XM203s that look more like toilet paper rolls than grenade launchers.

so what do you use?

TaroBear February 12th, 2011 13:55

I like to spit BBs at people with a straw.

Specs February 12th, 2011 14:12


Originally Posted by TaroBear (Post 1408427)
I like to spit BBs at people with a straw.

mad respect... what is your muzzle velocity?

TaroBear February 12th, 2011 14:30

If I inject myself with green gas and use aftermarket tongues...I'd say a good 5 FPS?

pusangani February 12th, 2011 14:34

hhehehhehe aftermarket tongues he says!

L473ncy February 12th, 2011 14:41


Originally Posted by TaroBear (Post 1408447)
If I inject myself with green gas and use aftermarket tongues...I'd say a good 5 FPS?

You're doing it wrong. You need to use a Robert Goulet with upgraded tongue and upgraded lungs. Metal moustache is optional. Don't forget to use 21 year old scotch as that's what I've found to give you the most FPS. After all that you can get a more amazing 35 FPS.

Man.... after TNL posted I was waiting for someone to say "anything TNL has touched/used cause it'll probably blow up in my face and catch fire". No one???? He pretty much walked right into that one....

EDIT: I guess it won't really happen.... I've actually never met TNL so yeah, I was just ribbing him.

CARL February 12th, 2011 14:43


Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short (Post 1408218)
Regular COLT M16/4 !

The gun I judge to be the embodiment of corruption in issuing processes, least reliable assault rifle ever made and still has most issue it had 50 years ago.

Viva el 416 !

Show us some picks of your HK416, still waiting.......

There is nothing wrong an M16/4 it is very reliable...but anyways...

T@NK February 12th, 2011 15:06

tactical AK, against the very basic nature of the beast

scurvythepirate February 12th, 2011 15:14

Any over the top "sniper rifle".
Examples are the Socom Gear/ Ares Cheytac M200, Socom Gear Barret M82........

Way too cumbersome

Ninja_En_Short February 12th, 2011 15:23

First I have a 417 (not MR308 or 416) and don't take pictures for show and tell because I'm fed up with the 20 "where/how do I get one"-like PM filling my box every single day about my RS gear.

Second the M16/4 is absolutely not reliable in real combat conditions, multiple tests and testimonies are filling the web and reports.
I do not care what the fans think, if your gun jams because a little sand/dirt/mud/water and mine works no matter what I do to it, yours is definitely not reliable.

Ozone06 February 12th, 2011 16:08

I would never use an AUG its fugly and bulpup, or an M60 or 249, simply because they devour pellets.


Deagle... just say no.

I don't like Ak's BUT whenever I see one up close with nice furniture or a unique loadout I'm tempted but still I'd pick a Stanag/AR platform first

grantmac February 12th, 2011 16:18

Refuse is perhaps too strong a word with regards to firearms.

I have a very strong preference against certain weapons due to ergonomic or function issues.
That said when its all just for fun I will shoot anything. If I have to trust it then I won't put much faith in the following:

Horrid triggers:
Beretta M9
Keltec subcompacts

Poor loading arrangements:

Crap ballistics:

But there is a time and place for everything. In certain situations an AK would be my first choice. I like to shoot 1911s, but they would be very far down the list of guns I'd carry.


EVG31337 February 12th, 2011 16:47

The L85 should be burned

Ballcancer February 12th, 2011 17:35

Any Uzi variant, any desert eagle variant, shotguns of any kind (not because they are a shotgun but in airsoft I find them useless, any long (in length not variant. Ex. M16c
, G3, FAL etc.) rifle mainly because they are cumbersome for me due to my height, and any gun that looks cool the first and second time but the third you realize how impractical it is which is useless.

fleuryfighter February 12th, 2011 17:55

any spring powerd gun.

Sportco February 12th, 2011 17:56

Ak-47 You'll have to pry it in my dead cool fingers.... lol

AngelusNex February 12th, 2011 18:04


Originally Posted by fleuryfighter (Post 1408566)
any spring powerd gun.

I have bad news for you

AEGs are spring powered.

Pinard February 12th, 2011 18:09


Originally Posted by AngelusNex (Post 1408577)
I have bad news for you

AEGs are spring powered.

ROFL ^ /thread

Rai February 12th, 2011 18:17


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1408412)
I do play call of duty as do many people so bite me
I have held and fire RS pistols so eat me
I dont watch MTV so your arguement is invalid

the airsoft pistols (almost all) fire 6mm it comes down to looks the majority of the time, I like the way the desert eagle looks, and feels in my hands (big hands) I have issues with smaller gripped pistols the only 2 that i have ever comfortably held where the mk23 and desert eagle

Then make sure you are talking about the airsoft version only and we won't have a problem.

Kozzie February 12th, 2011 18:44

The Sten gun, the Desert Eagle and most shotguns.

Also Revolvers, they might be cool for plinking but FUCK thats a lot of work for 6 shots

AXe Hound February 12th, 2011 19:16

M16/4 based gun's every one has one and they all look the same even if they say it custom(not including internals).You cant say your gun is unique if the other 20 people beside you have the same shit.

Any gun that parts are impossible to find for.and thats about all.:)

Boyso February 12th, 2011 19:35

P90; Tar 21; FN2000

All this crap.

cjboi February 12th, 2011 19:41


Originally Posted by TaroBear (Post 1408427)
I like to spit BBs at people with a straw.

I thought about doing that before... but something about BB's that scares me. I mean they're mostly shiny and I get scared that I might swallow the damn BB.

FPS??? lol

Kennedy February 12th, 2011 19:51

Tar, F2000, Sig 552, L85 and Famas. I hate Bull pups and i dislike Sigs

THe_Silencer February 12th, 2011 19:59


Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short (Post 1408218)
Regular COLT M16/4 !

The gun I judge to be the embodiment of corruption in issuing processes, least reliable assault rifle ever made and still has most issue it had 50 years ago.

Viva el 416 !

Care to point put what most of these issues are? By claiming that it's the most unreliable rifle ever made, I assume you used many AR-15s and other assault rifles in combat situations and had enough time to compare it against one another. Otherwise your statement is just based hearsay not not first hand experience. If you're planning on submerging your rifle in water, pissing on it, and then burying in sand on a frequent basis like those HK infomercials, then yes, a AR-15 will most likely malfunction and it's simply not the weapon for you. I suggest and AK :)

And I refuse to use any sore of LPEG.

Redzephyr February 12th, 2011 20:50

AR15s are so far from the least reliable rifle ever made. So far. I don't even like ARs, and I do like 416/7s, but come on, man.

Even the first gen XM177s couldn't come close to being called the least reliable rifle ever made.

Szevin February 12th, 2011 21:31

Mp40, d eagle, m60, matthew mcconaughey, sig

DEATH2000 February 12th, 2011 22:05


Originally Posted by Szevin (Post 1408694)
Mp40, d eagle, m60, matthew mcconaughey, sig

LOL... Definitley at the bottom of the pile.

CDN_Stalker February 12th, 2011 22:23


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 1408272)
ahah I typed the exact same thing and edited for something with bacon in it

I'll buy anyone a beer that uses bacon to get a kill at an airsoft game. Am serious! Maybe I should play this year to get the prize? Hmmmm, next project, a bacon holster....

Redzephyr February 12th, 2011 22:49

You know, Stalker... I honestly don't think you're joking about that.

CDN_Stalker February 12th, 2011 22:59

Am really just joking about making a holster for bacon. Ziploc bag in a pocket is good enough for me. :) If I can make a guy call hit with a piece of gum, and guys can get a knife kill with a rubber knife, how hard can it be to get a bacon kill?

DEATH2000 February 12th, 2011 23:10

Cooked bacon or raw bacon?? Canadian bacon or normal bacon?? These are the tough questions.

Redzephyr February 12th, 2011 23:14

There are yet others to be answered, as well. Could a thick package of bacon, in a pinch, be made to stand in for a SAPI plate?

spaceman13 February 12th, 2011 23:25

Me it's anything that is gas operated.Cool but not for me.

Cujo101 February 12th, 2011 23:26

the one i cant stand is that pistol that was posted a couple of weeks ago that looked like it went thru a pancake press ... god awful looking lol

fleuryfighter February 12th, 2011 23:37


Originally Posted by AngelusNex (Post 1408577)
I have bad news for you

AEGs are spring powered.

Uhh whatever lol fine spring cocking weapons..

and i could just use GBB's they aint got springs to power em

DEATH2000 February 12th, 2011 23:49


Originally Posted by fleuryfighter (Post 1408782)
Uhh whatever lol fine spring cocking weapons..

and i could just use GBB's they aint got springs to power em

You mean single shot manual re-cocking spring powered weapons. And actually, a GBB still uses a spring to cycle the slide.

Short Round February 12th, 2011 23:56

Anything that isn't a Bullpup!

Laurel February 13th, 2011 00:08

The XM8.... Real or Airsoft... FUGLY!

G_unit February 13th, 2011 00:51


Originally Posted by Eeyore (Post 1408284)

This = /thread

fleuryfighter February 13th, 2011 12:53


Originally Posted by DEATH2000 (Post 1408786)
You mean single shot manual re-cocking spring powered weapons. And actually, a GBB still uses a spring to cycle the slide.

But the spring is not what propells the bb. and yes thats what i mean lol

BoGrain February 13th, 2011 18:49

bullpup, crapsoft, tacticool AKs & armalites (I am an AK purist :D), JG dragon, WA2000

firearms : nothing as long as it is safe to shoot

Invasian February 13th, 2011 19:03

AK, STEYR AUG, Any bullpup design, clearsoft, cansoft, crapsoft,

BobbyDangerous February 13th, 2011 21:08


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 1408208)
FAMAS for me. Yuck!

I know eh.. Looks like a Stapler with a Mag hanging out of it..

Gunk February 13th, 2011 21:11

The Austrian's Ugly Gun.

Redzephyr February 13th, 2011 21:11


Originally Posted by BobbyDangerous (Post 1409238)
I know eh.. Looks like a Stapler with a Mag hanging out of it..

I'll just leave this here...

Jimski February 13th, 2011 21:16


Originally Posted by BobbyDangerous (Post 1409238)
I know eh.. Looks like a Stapler with a Mag hanging out of it..

not a stapler: a Clairon, and that's its unofficial name.

CDN_Stalker February 13th, 2011 21:17


Originally Posted by BobbyDangerous (Post 1409238)
I know eh.. Looks like a Stapler with a Mag hanging out of it..

Yup, and one can practice reloading drills by putting pit stick (deodorant) on repeatedly. :D

Specs February 13th, 2011 21:20

aren't left hand shooters just f***ed when it comes to the Famas and the AUG?

CDN_Stalker February 13th, 2011 21:34

Not really, magwell is centered and I think both can be set up with minimal tools so the ejection port is on the right or left side. Basically they are ideal for either side shooting. The Armalite types on the other hand........

AngelusNex February 13th, 2011 21:34


Originally Posted by Specs (Post 1409256)
aren't left hand shooters just f***ed when it comes to the Famas and the AUG?

aug is completly ambi aside from the cocking handle

ToRN February 13th, 2011 21:54


Originally Posted by grantmac (Post 1408511)
Crap ballistics:

Care to elaborate?

And by that, I don't want to hear anything about comparison to 'rifle' rounds.
5.7 was designed as first a PDW round, then used in the FiveSeven, because it makes sense to be able to use the same ammunition for a primary and companion in a CP or CQC situation.

The 5.7's ballistics are, although perhaps not the greatest, IMHO one of the best rounds created for it's purpose.

As for Refusing to use? I don't think I would ever /refuse/ to use a particular firearm, but there are certainly those that I prefer, and those that I do not particularly care for. As long as it's safe to use, and reliable, I will use it if needed.


Gunny_McSmith February 13th, 2011 22:19


Originally Posted by fleuryfighter (Post 1408985)
But the spring is not what propells the bb. and yes thats what i mean lol

Spring never propels bbs in airsoft.... AIRsoft... it's, Spring like on AEGs, Springers, is connected to a piston... :D

Or else our sport would be called Springsoft... XD

Sorry, had to say it... :P

Redzephyr February 13th, 2011 22:21

I wonder if Springsoft is on the CBSA's hitlist.

Gentlemen... I have a proposal that I believe you may be interested in.

Specs February 13th, 2011 22:30


Originally Posted by AngelusNex (Post 1409268)
aug is completly ambi aside from the cocking handle

Ya but wont the shells get ejected in your face? shells suck dick, one fell down my shirt once, not fun

Jimski February 13th, 2011 22:33

the ejector is ambi also onthe AUG

what do you people think of the Beretta ARX-160?
it's 100% ambidextrous also, and is AR-shaped

I don't think there is an airsoft version though

Gunk February 13th, 2011 22:48

It's like the SCAR and the 416 got drunk and invited the G36 over for some sloppy shenanigans.

Eeyore February 13th, 2011 22:52

I was gonna say it looks like the inbred off spring of a Masada and Tavor.

Specs February 13th, 2011 22:55

that looks awkward to hold, slim down the area around the magwell and the forgrip and then it would be decent

sushicake February 13th, 2011 22:59


Originally Posted by Specs (Post 1409256)
aren't left hand shooters just f***ed when it comes to the Famas and the AUG?

Both those guns are very ambidextrous friendly, the selector for the FAMAS is behind the magwell on the bottom of the gun, easy access for the for left or right handed people. Plus the ejection port can be swapped to either side. The AUG has a two stage trigger pull lightly for semi and pull all the way for full auto (Yes the RS one is like this too not just the AEG version) and like the FAMAS the ejection port can be swapped to either side.

The gun you're think of is the fugly L85/86 (exact same gun just the 86 has and longer heavy duty barrel due to it being a support weapon) the British Army uses, that gun is right hand oriented. The selector is on the left side plus the ejection port is on the right where the cheek rest would be on the right side, so if a lefty were to use it in their left hands then they would get scoulding spent casings flying into their face.

Specs February 13th, 2011 23:07

Mad respect, I would like to try an AUG out sometime. I like the shell ejection design on the P90

talon February 13th, 2011 23:29


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 1408758)
Am really just joking about making a holster for bacon. Ziploc bag in a pocket is good enough for me. :) If I can make a guy call hit with a piece of gum, and guys can get a knife kill with a rubber knife, how hard can it be to get a bacon kill?

Easy. To get a kill with bacon:

Step 1 - Hang bacon over path with string.
Step 2 - Hide in bushes near bacon, with bacon in sight.
Step 3 - Aim SAW at bacon.
Step 4 - Wait.

bangzilla February 17th, 2011 10:37

heavy machine guns. i mean whats the deal? they dont shoot better than any assault rifle and theyre 10x heavier and bulkier

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