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Helmet.. Worth getting?
I know these are usually close to $80.. So i was wondering is this a food idea to grab one of these? Im looking for a helmet I can airsoft with for a LOOONNNGGGG time like my vest.. one time purchase |
if you are looking for durability and one time purchase, honestly, Go REAL
Ops core is the usual go to brand around here, |
I've been using a repro Mich2000 for the past year.. i've also got an repro Ops-Core in addition to that - but i didn't really like it for airsoft, so relegated it to mountain-biking.
Nothing like being in the bush, trying to be all sneaky (when you really aren't being) and someone rattles a string of BB's off your lid... rather than your scalp/ears/forehead.. that's a good pay-off for a helmet right there. The crash-absorbing qualities of these helmets are not near what a proper motorcycle helmet would be.. but using an ATV as part of my setup, the Mich2000 has enough protection to offer safety benefits without making me nervous. Down-side of a helmet in airsoft (as in real life) .. hot as hell during warmer days. |
As already stated above I'd recommend real opscore. Basejumps go for just under 300$ and are ten times more comfy then any repro. Nice thing about the Basejump is it has venting in the top to allow better airflow. Also the NVG mount is sized correctly if you ever get the urge down the road ;)
Been a few times a helmet has saved my head from a good knocking.
One particular field, a fellow fell next to an old car or some metal, helmet got a good scratch but his head was fine. Unlucky, but lucky. Now for us it's almost purely impression.. but it's a big bonus that's for sure. If I were into the modern gadgets, I would invest in a good one. I find after awhile you tend to forget it's there. Even some old school WW2 bucket. |
I use a repro mich in CQB, was $50, works fantastic never had any complaints.
Tough shell on it too, gel pads inside, real comfy |
If you ever want to do CQB or indoor play, get an helmet; it's gonna save you so many headaches and bruises. The downside is that it cuts a lot of your earring capabilities; so it's another reason to get a real one instead of a repo, they have better spacing around your ears so that you won't feel as deaf.
getting shots off the head sucks, but its not the worst thing. I prefer to not use them, but some fields are more dangerous than others. Like when I do games at picton I like to wear a helmet in case I trip and fall on the concrete.
I don't care if I get trolled again... Helmets for Airsoft= gay.... Sorry if I wore one I would feel like a goof! Lets hear all the people's comments who play pretend army?
My first day back to airsoft after my eye surgery i ran full bore into a low doorframe at Ultimate Airsoft.........had i not been wearing my helmet (brandspanking new opscore repro ) i would have split my head wide open if not knocked myself the fuck out lol. So i most certainly recommend a helmet of some form especially in CQB environments. Or if you have a.run of bad luck like myself:p
For some people in this game, helmets do appear to serve a purpose in airsoft, as others have already pointed out.. for additional safety, aesthetics, or simply for the sake of Gear-Do'ing. Their choice. Let them make that choice.. you ain't the one wearing the lid, after all. Nice troll attempt, and a nicely added user title for you, though! |
It should be "Loves Playing With Purple Helmets."
this... but I have to agree on the cosmetic side of things they dont look too cool to me... that said, Id never knock a person for wearing one... When I wore mine it was for mounting my gopro and NV... running around with a helmet makes me feel like a giant bobble head |
Also to address one thing.
"Playing pretend army" um.... isn't that what Milsim is? Sorry we can't all come from Pro Paintball Giancarlo |
Forest play? Sure, helmets are low priority for basic skirmish and milsim. CQB and City Fighting? Fucking right you want a helmet. Also, lol, I'm late to the party on this, love the avatar/name tag. |
Lmao I LOVE AIRSOFT !!! But putting on a helmet just feels for it just feels wrong. If you are using a go pro... By all means I support it. But as in a previous comment.. Nvg's? Common... 10,000$ for Airsoft.
Mb is the cheapest airsoft province in the country and even we've got a dozen NVD's among us. If you wanna run around your back yard shooting your buddy with $20 clearsoft guns that's your business, but don't come here telling the milsim players what to do, cause airsoft is RUN by the milsim players. |
Depending on where you are playing it can be very worth it to wear a helmet. It helps keep the sun off your head, and prevents it from getting smashed into things. Uneven rocky terrain? Might be a good idea. Dynamic CQB with concrete everything and a good chance of running into someone or their gun barrel? Might be a good idea. Helmet serves as a platform as well. Runs my red kill light for night time, a flashlight, my NVG's and sometimes a camera. You can customize it to carry things that you might not exactly want to carry around in your kit. Why keep your glowstick on your pouch and have to take it out whenever you die if you can keep it on your head? I also have an MS2000 emergency strobe light which we have actually used while we were lost in a game and I was glad to have it. I use a Protec skateboarding helmet. I dress it up with what I need. I will be getting some more tacticool helmets soon to match the tacticool kit I have. Right now my skateboarding helmet does what I need it to and I am happy with it. You want to judge me, fine. Just remember if you trip and smash your head on some concrete I may be the guy providing first aid trying to keep the blood from leaking out of your skull until the ambulance arrives. Quote:
Otherwise, get a job. |
I almost pulled an Arkell at Nightfall 2
This could have been my fleshy head against the concrete when I took a dive. Good thing I was wearing my helmet... http://i.imgur.com/ruQ1Xxf.jpg Along with NOD mounting, cameras, comms, and protection, they also provide users with more patch real estate :P |
Cobra should be wearing his helmet all the time :P
I have one of the Emerson Base Jump helmets, infact a lot of us on the team run them. They are great quality and are less than 50$ if you don't want to shell out 230$ for a real ops core. |
+1 for the Protec skateboarding helmet. Light, cheap, snug fitting, and guaranteed to protect against bumps. Find a matt black or take some fine grain sandpaper to a gloss version.
Sure you may get shot through the vent holes now and again, but its worth it to keep your head cool. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/...15.28%20PM.png] I wouldn't go to an indoor game without one. Apart from the protection against bumps / falls getting shot in the head on a regular basis at close range is not too enjoyable. |
LOL...love that guy's new tag and avatar pic :)
I've seen too many really nasty head smashes, and nasty head smashes avoided, to say anything but...a properly fitted helmet in CQB is a "must have" IMO. .....Ask Mr. Shiney how it feels to fall on concrete with his bare head. Field/forest stuff...not necessary IMO...unless you're running some gear or doing something that necessitates them. Head shots in field games hurt...in CQB they hurt a lot more...but neither are going to lay you out. If you're just dressing up...then get repro stuff. If you want to protect your head in the event of an impact that's going to mess with your brain...then get a real helmet that fits you properly. Beware of expecting repro stuff...it may look the part, it may even feel/fit like a helment should...but they're not made the same. (a great example were those repro "ballistic" eye pro....that didn't stop BBs...funny, but not for the guy who gets shot) There's not too much more to it than that. Protect helmets will do the trick...A-Alphas are just fine. The real ops core base jump helmets fit really nicely. |
42$ This is the FMA one. It's practically the same. Apextac ships fast and is awesome.. FMA Base Jump http://i579.photobucket.com/albums/s...ac/OCH-G-1.jpg |
I have one of those repro CRYE AirFrames too; its lighter than the MICH but still would protect against a nasty bump. Had to replace the pads on that too (to get it to fit, for comfort, etc); used MICH pads (except the crown pad). The bottom line is if you're gonna whack your head on a concrete corner or metal beam or something, even those crappy $20 plastic PASGT helmets is gonna be better than nothing. |
Even I will wear a Helmet from time to time - more so in CQB
6mm Headaches can ruin the day. MICH2000 repro's are worth the $50 - 60 |
Mich2000 repro + replacement higher grade webbing, + interior padding from a time-expired motorcycle helmet == damn sure better than nothing. |
not only are helmets important so are jockstraps.
I was next to cookedham when he got shot in the balls. |
I wrote my post targeted to the OP (and the like) who seemed like a "new" guy and asking a decent question. My point being...don't go repro (or homebrew) if you're looking for head protection. Fair enough, and quite true, SOME of the repro stuff is quite sturdy...and would help to shake off the "run into a low doorway" type of stuff. And they can be made to be more comfortable and serviceable by replacing padding, straps, etc... But I didn't feel like offering up that as an option was prudent IF a new guy is looking to protect their head/brain from concussive injuries. If they are looking at real options they can be had really cheaply. My first Protec was $30, my A-Alpha was $50, repro MICH was $20, ballistic MICH (didn't fit...too small) was under $100...etc... Ballistic this or that is obviously not needed for airsoft...I wouldn't bother. |
I have both the real Ops Core Basejump and the FMA Basejump. For the difference in price, the FMA is the way to go. There are a few small details that could be better, but they are definitely not worth the $180 cost difference in what I paid between the two.
I have put my Emerson side by side with ViR's real Op's core. Nothing noticeable in difference besides a marking in the shroud. Padding in the real is alot better but the knock off isn't bad at all. 1 thing I like a lot better is the real ops core dial doesn't loosen up. |
But (in response to some people who totally don't want to wear em) even the crappiest helmet can make the difference between seeing stars and maybe a concussion, and leaving on a stretcher with your head split open. Reminds me this video of the guy falling off a rooftop: http://youtu.be/V9yVjhY3mNM |
Looks like the guy got lucky and didn't broke anything. |
This debate can go on forever. Helmets are mandatory in all kinds of sports and industrial use. Designed to protect your one brain you have.
But for airsoft, goggles and face protection are part of my head protection requirements. I have friends that wear only eye protection, and a few have missing front teeth, also commented that they hate wearing eye protection because it always fog up. If the field did not make eye wear mandatory, people would not wear it either. |
I came from paintball, and by standard paintball you need a full mask.
When I started airsoft I didn't wear a helmet, same day I played in CQB I got shot in the head. Man did that cause a huge bump with blood, threw me off for quite some time, hurt like a mofo. So then, I went and got a helmet. |
I play both and although paintball goggles are ASTM certified, airsoft players don't wear them. I still see a lot of players in CQB with eye protection only. Paintball requires it because of insurance reasons, but I think airsoft don't have insurance so people don't have to wear any protection.
So that I don't pass out from over heating, I wear only a full paintball mask with a fan indoors along with a padded baseball cap. For outdoors, I wear Revision goggles, lower face mesh and a helmet. |
I may sound like a dunce, Reignman, but I'm on the site right now & can't figure out for the life of me how to add the helmet to my "Cart"... I don't even see a cart?!
Just call or email them, I dont see any 'add to cart' either :P
Yeah, I've emailed them haha. My fellow Asians have let us all down.
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