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Latvian291 October 1st, 2014 17:36

Hilarious Gun Fails
I don't know if this type of thread exists but one gun sticks in my head as a factory fail. Feel free to add your own... it may be a custom one-off or a production gun.

What struck me about this one is you can actually find good reviews on it. It's a kind of "gun salad" with a mixture of all sorts of bizarre parts including a type-III ak-47 receiver, a AKS-74U dust-cover, an atrocious bipod mounted in a weird place, a MISSING rear sight and cleaning rod. LOL. Probably the most poignant factory fail of all time.

Anyone else know of any?

PS Check out the reviews!!! (on Airsoft GI)

I call it the Dragunot

R.I.T.Z October 1st, 2014 18:31

did you mean a thread like this?

Drake October 1st, 2014 18:37

Wow that's just painful

Latvian291 October 1st, 2014 18:56


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1913562)
did you mean a thread like this?

LOL awesome. Thanks!

edit: not as much fail as I was anticipating. But good nonetheless. Not "JG" material!

Wrath144 October 1st, 2014 18:58

I had one of those!

Latvian291 October 1st, 2014 19:02


Originally Posted by Wrath144 (Post 1913566)
I had one of those!

I hope you burned it :P

Sadly I remember a time when abominations like that were the best 'dragunot' you could get... some kind of mishmash of AK parts with a stubby ak mag in the wrong caliber (7.62x39 instead of 7.62x54r). People don't seem to realize that a dragunov is more of a modernized SVT-40 than it is an AK.

Kingsix October 1st, 2014 19:33

Kyberpass gun....

Spike October 1st, 2014 20:05

Dude, those SVD AK thing stocks were super comfy. I'd rock one on an AK if they were easily available.

666 October 1st, 2014 21:58

hollywood... October 2nd, 2014 05:37


this is painful to look at

HackD October 2nd, 2014 07:02


Originally Posted by Kingsix (Post 1913570)

Got one, and love it.

Agreed, most likely Khyber-Pass gun. Only one such gun is known to exist in a UK pattern room, and likely the single example from which any photos have been sourced from. Supposedly a mix of Tula AK and Chinese Type 56 parts.

Still, not sure if hilarious gun fail, if a single example IS known to exist, and the LCT is a fairly accurate representation of that one, by most accounts?

Especially considering the CYMA effort, which i would consider a bigger gun-fail - no evidence at all that the AKMSU existed at all in this configuration! CYMA released this version, before LCT released their version.

Wilkie October 2nd, 2014 08:05

Any of the number of ARs that ship with folding stocks annoy me. I've been the odd one with a short buffer tube before the folding section which would be long enough for the bolt to telescope into, but most of them wouldn't function.

Juke16 October 2nd, 2014 11:22


Originally Posted by hollywood... (Post 1913626)

That's just the gun from Half Life 2. :D

Latvian291 October 2nd, 2014 12:53


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 1913575)
Dude, those SVD AK thing stocks were super comfy. I'd rock one on an AK if they were easily available.

There are a few on the EE right now. Have at it.

Styrak October 2nd, 2014 15:17

That first gun has a rear sight...

Latvian291 October 2nd, 2014 20:15


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1913672)
That first gun has a rear sight...

It has provision for two! I hope it has at least one. The one from the trunnion is missing.

Latvian291 October 2nd, 2014 20:19

I REALLY wish there were pics of the old CYMA springers we used to get. They were like $30 and super super cheaply made. I remember I had a full size sig552 that broke down into three pieces. CYMA is so much better now LOL

Back in the early 2000s they were available on eBay stores for next to nothing from Hong Kong. They were cheap enough it didn't matter much if they got seized, which they often did (back then they were technically illegal to import). Tru-Mart was the only way to get legal guns.

They were clam-shell specials. Like this:

Kingsix October 2nd, 2014 20:59

should be legal to import it's not a replica of a firearm....

Thenooblord October 3rd, 2014 12:26


Originally Posted by Latvian291 (Post 1913655)
There are a few on the EE right now. Have at it.

spent a bit too much time on CGN lately? xD

Latvian291 October 3rd, 2014 19:21


Originally Posted by Thenooblord (Post 1913779)
spent a bit too much time on CGN lately? xD

It took me a while to figure out why you said that. Now I realize we don't call it the EE here lol

Ricochet October 8th, 2014 01:28

I find it totally appropriate that this thread is called hilarious gun fails, and so many AK variants have been posted up. Just makes sense is all.

Strelok October 8th, 2014 01:30

Hahaha, haha.


Ricochet October 8th, 2014 01:43


Originally Posted by Strelok (Post 1914473)

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's not fly off the handle here. lol

pusangani October 8th, 2014 06:30


Originally Posted by Latvian291 (Post 1913711)
I REALLY wish there were pics of the old CYMA springers we used to get. They were like $30 and super super cheaply made. I remember I had a full size sig552 that broke down into three pieces. CYMA is so much better now LOL

Back in the early 2000s they were available on eBay stores for next to nothing from Hong Kong. They were cheap enough it didn't matter much if they got seized, which they often did (back then they were technically illegal to import). Tru-Mart was the only way to get legal guns.

They were clam-shell specials. Like this:

Dude those cheapos were so kix!

I had a shell ejecting springer AK47, all plastic from Both Elephant I think was the brand, shot like 500fps too, good times!

Desmodus October 8th, 2014 09:00


Originally Posted by Strelok (Post 1914473)

Shots fired.

R.I.T.Z October 8th, 2014 17:54


Originally Posted by Strelok (Post 1914473)

Wilkie October 8th, 2014 18:55

Hah I was always interested in those wierd little space ARs. Not so much even the gun, more the thought process that led them to produce them. Kinda comfy too if I remember correctly

Thenooblord October 8th, 2014 19:00

Thats not a space AR, thats a fish

Ricochet October 8th, 2014 19:51


Originally Posted by Thenooblord (Post 1914590)
Thats not a space AR, thats a fish


Actually, I believe it was called a dragon? I also remember it being based off of a TV show or something. Probably anime.

theshaneler October 8th, 2014 20:12


Originally Posted by Ricochet (Post 1914600)

Actually, I believe it was called a dragon? I also remember it being based off of a TV show or something. Probably anime.

thunder maul! also an anime or cartoon i think. Probably anime, it looks futuristic and overly complex, must be Japanese

R.I.T.Z October 8th, 2014 20:20

JG Thundermaul
S.T.A.R. Dragon

gun fails?
S.T.A.R - everything to do with them

Thenooblord October 8th, 2014 22:11


Originally Posted by Ricochet (Post 1914600)

Actually, I believe it was called a dragon? I also remember it being based off of a TV show or something. Probably anime.

the one pictured is a bastardization of a bastardization, the thundermaul is just grey, this one was like Evike special or some shit, barracuda or something? cause guns should be painted like fish, right?

SuperCriollo October 8th, 2014 22:27

The whole point of the Masada is that it can be converted to use different calibers. The problem is that the airsoft version is stuck with proprietary 5.56 bulgarian ak mags xD

Strelok October 9th, 2014 00:08


Originally Posted by SuperCriollo (Post 1914621)
The whole point of the Masada is that it can be converted to use different calibers. The problem is that the airsoft version is stuck with proprietary 5.56 bulgarian ak mags xD

Prime example of the tacticool mindset at work.

Styrak October 9th, 2014 00:12


Originally Posted by Wilkie (Post 1913629)
Any of the number of ARs that ship with folding stocks annoy me. I've been the odd one with a short buffer tube before the folding section which would be long enough for the bolt to telescope into, but most of them wouldn't function.

There's the LR300...

Ricochet October 9th, 2014 01:08


Originally Posted by SuperCriollo (Post 1914621)
The whole point of the Masada is that it can be converted to use different calibers. The problem is that the airsoft version is stuck with proprietary 5.56 bulgarian ak mags xD

An airsoft gun that freely goes from 6mm to 8mm. lol

Doesn't matter, it looks best with P-mags.

I wish the ACR had've been what it was supposed to be. I don't see why they went through all that trouble to make a modern rifle, and then stick with 5.56 rounds. Overall performance and reliability trump bells and whistles.

SuperCriollo October 9th, 2014 09:29

Don't you love when Airsoft companies get "creative". xD

DrunkenTeddy October 9th, 2014 12:42


Originally Posted by Ricochet (Post 1914641)
I wish the ACR had've been what it was supposed to be. I don't see why they went through all that trouble to make a modern rifle, and then stick with 5.56 rounds. Overall performance and reliability trump bells and whistles.

Probably to go for the Military market that already owns a crap tonne of 5.56 rounds. Look at what a flop the Knights Armament PDW was? All because it used a different caliber.

Cliffradical October 9th, 2014 17:52


Originally Posted by SuperCriollo (Post 1914661)

Don't you love when Airsoft companies get "creative". xD

Isn't that a legit civilian import (US?

Latvian291 October 9th, 2014 18:26


Originally Posted by Strelok (Post 1914473)

Still the only gun in the world with a forward assist as far as I know.

Most engineers would have just changed the design to get around the basic flaws so you've got to hand it to the Americans for refusing to change and spending decades trying to engineer a way around the problem.

Like Porche putting the engine in the very back of the car.

Never admit your mistake!

Rommen October 9th, 2014 18:50


Originally Posted by Latvian291 (Post 1914725)
Still the only gun in the world with a forward assist as far as I know.

The charging handle on an AK is a forward assist, if you push it forwards instead of rack it back. Gotta love KISS

Latvian291 October 9th, 2014 18:58


Originally Posted by Rommen (Post 1914728)
The charging handle on an AK is a forward assist, if you push it forwards instead of rack it back. Gotta love KISS

That's a stretch.

The Sumoi M31 was made with a non-reciprocating charging handle.. no forward assist because it was reliable.

redzaku October 9th, 2014 20:30

this can't get more fugly as much as this

Wilkie October 9th, 2014 23:48

Interesting certainly lol pretty good cheek weld I bet...

Latvian291 October 10th, 2014 04:57


Originally Posted by redzaku (Post 1914742)
this can't get more fugly as much as this

It has a bridge for matchbox cars!

Strelok October 10th, 2014 10:47

Huh, does that thing have two ejection ports or am I just seeing things?

FirestormX October 10th, 2014 11:09

If I had to guess, the top "ejection port" is where a charging handle might go - especially since it's not in line with the barrel, and because the rest of the receiver is raised behind that "ejection port".

Ricochet October 10th, 2014 12:18

One for semi, and one for burst. The full-auto ejection port is on the other side. lol.

siggypoo October 10th, 2014 12:40


Originally Posted by Ricochet (Post 1914835)
One for semi, and one for burst. The full-auto ejection port is on the other side. lol.


Seems legit...

FirestormX October 10th, 2014 13:11


Originally Posted by Ricochet (Post 1914835)
One for semi, and one for burst. The full-auto ejection port is on the other side. lol.


What gun is it based off of? I need to read about this...
Sounds like whoever engineered that was a fan of Rube Goldeberg.

siggypoo October 10th, 2014 13:23

Hilarious Gun Fails
True story! Pull the trigger, trigger pulls the bar, bar pushes the sear, sear releases the hammer, hammer hits the firing pin, firing pin hits the valve knocker, valve knocker hits the output valve, bliss ensues!
What hurts most is that something about it...calls to me. It's so ugly it's pretty!

redzaku October 10th, 2014 13:31

Looks to me, they tried to replicate the g36

Danke October 10th, 2014 13:58

Well when you read the background it seems it's not a fail at all. It may not be very attractive but any port in a storm.

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