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Looking for honest answer to a simple question
How many times you've played airsoft at a hosted event in the last 6 months. this dosn't include shooting targets, or having a buddy over to your house and shooting him while watchin black hawk down.
I represent JOC out of calgary, and we're seeing a increase in the disease known as chairsofteritus, and would like to see if it is spreading
I try to get out to a game about once a month, if something big comes up, maybe more.
I ussually get out 4 times a month. I don't tend to play with the mainstream clubs in Calgary though.
Trying to get out at least once a week. I'd say around 20 games in the last 6 months.
EDITED the top part off. Thought it said month, bottom part stays.
Anyway... in my personal opinion, if someone goes to less than one game a month, unless they have a real good reason, they're a chairsofter. Though, there are some places that only have one every month or two... miss that and you better have a damn good reason! That's my chairsofting opinion. Also, you should add a zero category, for chairsofters and once a years. |
Definitely a chairsofter, me. Everything's too god-damn far away from North Van, except the local field. And nothing's really "hosted" here, just skirmishes.
And they're usually at night. Some love it, but it got old for me fast. I don't even own any skirmishable guns any more... I fully recognize that I represent only a tiny percentage of airsofters though. I'm holding out until my schedule gets better (and my cash-flow). It's probably just a phase - the "chairsofting" epidemic. It'll probably cycle, and more events will pop up, and people will get tired of not playing... |
okay read the poll and thought it meant events like Milsims, not just game days....
So many chairsofters. |
yeah I voted in the wrong spot due to thinking it was milsim events, not regular game days.... others probably did the same.
Our club (BCAC) holds a game every two weeks, I usualy try to get to every one of them.
me? I can't lie, I chairsoft alot. I played what? five times last year?
lame excuse; it's just so hard to when your cloest field is two hours away, and you're using 3/4 of a tank there and back at least and doing that by yourself. I really hope to change that this year. heck I've already attempted to show up to one game this year at the foxden, hopefully there'll be more attempts soon, maybe even an InCountry game, heh that would be something lol. Greg |
I Wish there were more outdoor games in our area, F$#K the weather.
Game on! War-Lock |
I shoot my buddies while watching Full Metal Jacket....but yeah I get your point. I haven't airsofted since I came back from the states.
I don't really play during the winter months, but during the summer I try to get out at least once every other week.
P.S. Full Metal Jacket is such a good movie. |
I've never attended a winter game, YET
Yah, I'm a chairsofter, but theres no fields around me, and it takes a while to get anywhere from where I am. Also, the fact that I dont Drive also hinders my Airsofting outings. Oh, and being away at school, when your usual ride is back home also sucks! |
I've played twice since Oct. 1 of last year. We don't play at all in winter as it's usually too cold and everybody works during the winter. Summer time most guys don't work and we have about 25 to 30 games from March to October.
Great thing about TTAC3... I usually play once or twice a week.
I'd guess about 45 events over the last 6 months, including organized Skirmishes, Friday Night Firefights, and Tuesday night Training. |
As much as chairsofting can be a bad thing, sometimes it's simply a matter of Real Life taking priority over available times to play a game. And a game is what it is.
So this poll cant lead anywhere constructive. The other flaw with the 6 month time limit... winter. If you are lucky enough to live in a part of Canada where the weather is not royal crap all the time, fine. If your health happens to allow this type of running around in the cold, fine. But this is far from being the norm. |
^^^ ditto.
Last 6 months have all been school months for me... that means no airsoft.
I don't get to play except between May and August. |
I'm at XT 2-3 times a week but for outdoors noth'n this winter
I get out at least once per month. A few times in the past 6 months I have attended 2 in one month! Distance from fields, and poor($) friends makes outings difficult.
Winter is the best time to save money and aquire gear. |
yeah i hear that, the drive from calgary to edmonton has got to be worth it. hell we only expect to see people make that drive if it is a big mil-sim. 75+ people min
Age restrictions doing its work on me. Add zero for accuracy reasons.
Here's a poll i'd love to see;
"How much do you CONTRIBUTE to Airsoft?" |
During the summer I usually play once a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. I never play in the winter though. I mean Jesus Christ, it was minus forty-fucking-two degrees last week!
in calgary we've only gone as far as -25 (-36 with wind chill) gets to the point aeg's don't operate anymore. but adds to the realism. but if it went any farther we'd shut the show down early and just hitup a pub.
Hmm.... about 15- 20 hours a week , running events, Hosting. Another 8 to 10 hours a week in research , curriculum development, program development. How much do I play... not as much as I would like... but I facilitate the games that others play in.. so If I claim all their hours... lets see 200 to 250 hours a week... average... |
Myself and another club member host a game every sunday.
As for Airsoft contribution..... airsoft is maybe 1/4 of my life. The other 3/4 is work. I don't sleep. |
I have possibly played more games than my ASC post count. Of course I have been playing for over 11 years now, so that may have something to do with it.
People should go by the simple rule - Do not post more than you play. *EDIT* - If you have joined this forum, and have been playing for less than 6 months, and your post count is higher than mine. Something is wrong with that. |
i don't know where to play!
i'm only 14 and all the places in bc have a minimum of 16! |
I try to play at least twice a week. sometimes I think I have welts on top of welts.
I need to get better! |
in kamloops we have only really been a group for a few months but we have been managing to play at least once a week. we do plan on holding a evening game every week or two so guys who work weekends, or have class during the day can come out.
only get to play during christmas/may+august
schooling away from home = no car = no game :( p.s.but if anyone who is around waterloo (UW) and actually wants to reply to me, we can meet up sometimes, so far everyone who posted "waterloo" havent replied to my PM or emails. |
winter time i rarely play , maybe 1 or 2 time inside for pistol/shotgun games
I probably haven't played since august, but I have been acquiring gear and parts for the upcoming summer season. The reason for this is school, lifting at the gym, and MMA classes during the week, and on the weekends I work, so that leaves 0 time for airsoft during the year.
During the summer I'd say 2-3 times a month if possible. |
I HATE playing in the winter. Plus I barely play these days. I usually just take pictures.
But when the snow fucks off I'll be making an effort to get out every gameday at Foxden. |
In my defense, there are no hosted events where I live...plenty of people play paintball, but the markey for Airsoft is very, VERY small. I know of only one other person who's interested in Airfost in my area...
Most are not active
according to this poll over 80% of the people who replied to the poll are not active players.
Which begs the question.. where is the "real" airsoft community? |
For me at least I seem more active in the summer. Winter is the time I use to buy all the stuff I want. Then again I only really played my first game last summer and since then am up to 5 guns now and a complete cadpat outfit. This year I plan to get my money's worth for all the stuff I bought.
Just thought I'd add the perspective of an 'inactive player'. I'm looking forward to playing my first game come summer. It will only ever be a once a month thing for me during fair weather, as paintball was before I happened upon ASC. I love the gear and realism of airsoft which got me to switch over, and over this winter I have accrued a collection I've been enjoying to strip, rebuild, modify and plink with. AEG's are damn cool!
As for post count and whatnot (like it matters - words should be weighed, not measured) the site has been a good reference point to learn about gear and the sport in my spare time - which I have very little of - and to consequently share my budding interest in airsoft guns. I've made a few contacts, had a few good political debates on the side, threw in a review and all in all, have enjoyed the time spent thus far. I'm already sure I'll get owned when I go out against the seasoned vets in a couple months, but I look forward to it. The best graphics in a first-person shooter ever ;0) |
I'm an "XTREME!!!!" chairsofter. I've only been to one game...EVER and I borrowed someone's gun because I didn't have any at the time. I now have two but they're both pistols. What makes me so "xtreme"? Not only have I only been to one game, but I may have only logged into this site only twice in the last three months. I defy someone to beat that.
I think the more you've logged onto the site considers you a chairsofter. I think in your case you just plain old don't do the sport that much. Nothing personal. I haven't been to a game in 1.5+ years but this year its gona change since I can drive and I turn 18!
I've also spent more in this hobby than any other hobby I have. With every other sport combined it would only trail by a few hundred. Thats the worth of a snowmobile and snowboard (with equipement/clothing). I gota cut back. |
i play every thursday night with our team, saturday training by me, game every sunday, and any other events i can attend. this summer there is a milsim every month in b.c. huaw.(hurry up and wait). AIRBORNE!!
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