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Godfath3r December 11th, 2006 01:36

What is this!!?
What is this...i want it..its a assault rifle and shotgun combo..but which kind...yes im new but i know some of you vets out there can quickly look at it and tell me what it is and what ill need..

1) Which rifle would i need?
2) which shotgun would i need?
3) can i get it in full metal or something good quality?

Thanx for your time!

Goldman December 11th, 2006 01:48

Remington 870 Masterkey kit
Remington CA870 Shottie (Maruzen?)
M4 of some flavour, your pick

ASCA carries full metal M4s, as well as the metal Masterkey kit.

Hortons Heros December 11th, 2006 01:54

a really bad Hawain shirt?

wey ferro December 11th, 2006 02:49

thatd be sick if itcame in shorty.
they look good on m16's too

MMMiles! December 11th, 2006 04:46

Please buy our masterkey. It needs a home. If it doesn't come up for adoption soon, we're going to have to put it down.

That is a vicious Hawaiin shirt. There oughta be a law. I'm just kidding, I'd wear it.

Godfath3r December 11th, 2006 11:08

id love to john....but im totally just taking baby steps right now is there some site i can look at with your "master key" kits? that would be nice
....i know this is unrelated as well but how come i can't buy nothing off the verified in the forum but not on the asc armoury?

thanx again fellas

Skruface December 11th, 2006 17:27

As goldman said, what you need is a CA870 shotgun - I have a full metal CA870 Charger myself. Then just swap the shotgun body for the Masterkey body (Full metal!) and plop it on your M4.....easy as pie.

Here's a version of the Masterkey kit from G&P, same one ASCA is selling:

If you want pics, just search for "masterkey" or "M870 Masterkey".

Man Solo December 11th, 2006 17:52


Originally Posted by HonestJohn (Post 392847)
Please buy our masterkey. It needs a home. If it doesn't come up for adoption soon, we're going to have to put it down.

That is a vicious Hawaiin shirt. There oughta be a law. I'm just kidding, I'd wear it.

Of course you would miles.

Aquamarine December 12th, 2006 03:19

Yuck.. who mounts things like shotguns on the underside of their rifle. It's tacky, ugly and thoughtless.

Nice shirt though.

supersized December 12th, 2006 03:41


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 393329)
Yuck.. who mounts things like shotguns on the underside of their rifle. It's tacky, ugly and thoughtless.

Nice shirt though.

Yeah guns like these are just wrong..... And people who do that should be shot.... lol

Mantelope December 12th, 2006 03:49

I couldn't agree more.

takatorikku December 12th, 2006 05:57

to those two pics:


Kanyon December 12th, 2006 07:44


Originally Posted by harleyb (Post 393339)
I couldn't agree more.

[img] G36/PSG[/img]

That's hilarious.

Aquamarine December 12th, 2006 13:30

Good lord, I'd be ashamed to bring that onto the field.


Amazing KG3 December 12th, 2006 13:49

oh god...

Godfath3r December 12th, 2006 16:59

Does billy look embarrased....? i dont think so

thephenom December 12th, 2006 17:11


Originally Posted by Godfath3r (Post 393585)
Does billy look embarrased....? i dont think so

He does, because he's about to run away into the forest.

supersized December 12th, 2006 19:13

Lol... I love how aqua had to use electrical tape to hold the RAS together with the barell. By the way did you ever upgrade that sucker to a metal body and cocking tube? How solid is that with all the stuff on it?

Personally I'd like to see you mount 2 g36s on the side rails along with the shot gun and post a pic up (hopefullyu it won't snap in two!)

diamond_SEA December 12th, 2006 20:09

dude that g36 underslung from the psg-1 was soo.... umm... sweet looking (cough*sarcasm*cough)
why dont you just create an uberweapon like a m4 s type, with a pair of p-90s on either side rail, a psg-1 on the top rail, and a m203 granade laucher with a g26F duct taped on either side.
Ive included a picture for those of you with no imagination.

Aquamarine December 12th, 2006 21:19

Because that would look stupid.

thephenom December 12th, 2006 21:31


Originally Posted by diamond_SEA (Post 393757)
dude that g36 underslung from the psg-1 was soo.... umm... sweet looking (cough*sarcasm*cough)
why dont you just create an uberweapon like a m4 s type, with a pair of p-90s on either side rail, a psg-1 on the top rail, and a m203 granade laucher with a g26F duct taped on either side.
Ive included a picture for those of you with no imagination.

Either that's a HUGE M4, or it's a P90 mini. lol

Renegade) December 12th, 2006 22:06

cough, photoshop...

vondnik December 12th, 2006 22:10

Amazing KG3 December 12th, 2006 22:19

did you go to art school?

Raysaaark December 12th, 2006 23:15

Damn Vondnik, That thing is a beast. But I would have gone with the upper portin of a Ris instead of just the hand guard for the First section of the barrel furniture.

One question, What scope is that, I want one!

Godfath3r December 12th, 2006 23:28


Originally Posted by vondnik (Post 393833)

honestly whats wrong wit this gun..i think that shit is just pimp! id rock that shit i wudnt give a fuck

blueblaster December 13th, 2006 01:00

hmm....i think the shotgun kinda negates the idea of the silencer...kinda like a silenced rifle with a M203....
but those M4's with shorty shotguns also appeared in rainbow six lock down...not in the pc game though...there was a picture of it

Amazing KG3 December 13th, 2006 01:17

anyone who buys anything from Ubisoft for there PC is seriously fucking ripped off. Ive had alot of gripes with them as they have seemed to turn there backs on a dedicated fan base. I had to get that out of my system.

Godfath3r December 13th, 2006 10:58


Originally Posted by Amazing KG3 (Post 393922)
anyone who buys anything from Ubisoft for there PC is seriously fucking ripped off. Ive had alot of gripes with them as they have seemed to turn there backs on a dedicated fan base. I had to get that out of my system.

Dude your so right...i had bought far cry instincts and far cry evolution in the hopes when i got my 360 it would be backwards compatible..but noooo they made a far cry predator..then i was thinking sweet another far cry only to find out its the just instincts and evolution on one disc....and another thing that pissed me off is ubi soft said they would make there own maps for you to download in the content download section..its been what like such luck...and freaking rainbow 6 vegas is using the same engine has far cry for the ubi soft needs to stop bein so poverty stricken and actually make a good next gen game!!!!

MOVING ON! i was wondering if i got the m16 which shotgun would i need to get i know i need a masterkey kit but that also means i gotta buy a shot gun..which do i get?

vatek December 13th, 2006 11:25

Rainbow Six Vegas is probably one of the best games on the 360 so far...

If it is using the same engine as an original Xbox game, then the engine has been massively upgraded, because it's a great looking game.

Godfath3r December 13th, 2006 11:32

??? you gotta be kidding me right? the graphics look no different then rainbow 6 lock down on original much as i love to discuss this with u..why dont u make a new thread and ill voice my opinion there as sad as it seems i still do ewanna know what kind of shotty to get wit my m16 thanx

vatek December 13th, 2006 11:40

The Masterkey kit is designed to work with a CA870 or a Maruzen 870 as far as I know. Keep in mind it will require some gunsmithing to fit.

Godfath3r December 13th, 2006 11:52

so what your sayin is theres no way for me to fit a shot gun on this

yes i am a dont get mad

vatek December 13th, 2006 12:04

What I posted is the type of shotgun that the kit works with. :D

You can fit the kit to an M16, but you'll need to bolt a rail to the bottom handguard (or buy a RAS/RIS set to replace the handguard completely) in order to mount it.

Hortons Heros December 13th, 2006 12:05

you would need to get an RIS foregrip then get a shotty with a rail on the top and rail connector things....

Someone else will give you a better answer. The TM M16 grenade launcher would fit on, look like a grenade launcher but they work like a shotty.

vatek December 13th, 2006 12:11

Or you could use the Masterkey kit that ASCA is trying to get rid of. :)

Godfath3r December 13th, 2006 12:16

naw...u guys are being really helpful thank you very much i appriciate it.

ill be more specific..i want a full metal assault rifle prefurebly an m16 or equivalent (ICS) is the only company i found that makes them. And having said that which shotgun would i need exactly...i want that full metal as well.

vatek December 13th, 2006 12:32

ICS or Classic Army is your best bet for a full metal M16, and if you're looking at using the Masterkey kit that ASCA sells (which is your best bet for mounting an underbarrel shotgun) you'll need a Classic Army 870 or a Maruzen 870.

Amazing KG3 December 13th, 2006 12:36

anyone give a price quote yet? sounds expensive

Godfath3r December 13th, 2006 15:00


Originally Posted by vatek (Post 394067)
(which is your best bet for mounting an underbarrel shotgun) you'll need a Classic Army 870 or a Maruzen 870.

are those full metal!?

Cortex December 15th, 2006 12:13

Its almost as bad as:

Like... wtf...

Amazing KG3 December 15th, 2006 21:45

whats the point of that? its a 5.56 with a weak handgun on it. it makes no sense.

LUTNIT December 15th, 2006 22:30

Its a lot more effective to strap a G36c to a PSG-1...:D

Not the first time I've seen a handgun mount for a primary type weapon, all I can see it as is really fast access to your sidearm.

Godfath3r December 16th, 2006 12:22


Originally Posted by Xero (Post 395125)
Its almost as bad as:

Like... wtf...

for someone whose interested in realism you don't know too much do you?? the assualt rifle with a mounted shotgun IS in fact a REAL weapon used in the military.....yes the pistol/assault rifle ridiculous...but not the assault rifle/shotty....

Amazing KG3 December 16th, 2006 12:35

actually, the underbarrel shotgun, known as the masterkey, is infact a breaching tool. the shotgun is used to blow open doors at the hinges or opening mechanism, thus it is calles "the masterkey". If you were smart youd use the rifle well before youd use the shotgun, however i could see its application in CQC. the handgun under barrel mout is just trvial.

Keep a tab on the "you dont know much do you". those tend to turn good threads into flame fests.

Godfath3r December 16th, 2006 12:40


Originally Posted by Amazing KG3 (Post 395588)
actually, the underbarrel shotgun, known as the masterkey, is infact a breaching tool. the shotgun is used to blow open doors at the hinges or opening mechanism, thus it is calles "the masterkey". If you were smart youd use the rifle well before youd use the shotgun, however i could see its application in CQC. the handgun under barrel mout is just trvial.

Keep a tab on the "you dont know much do you". those tend to turn good threads into flame fests.

I understand what your saying but if anyone starrted a flame war it was him with a post that was completely irrelevant to why the thread was created in the first place and you know it..i created this thread in search of how to build something like this as realistic as possible...its hard enough to get an answer when i have people scour the thread and posting pictures with little to no comparison or little to no help to the reason why the thread was started in the first place.

Amazing KG3 December 16th, 2006 12:59

your completley right, but its not helping.

People do have a tendency to post similar but irrelevant posts in threads like this, but thats how forums work i guess. And i have no quams with you, just saying things get ugly that way.

Anyways, what else do you need to know? you know that you need a

M16, with an RIS inless you want to modify a mount.
a master key set
and a ca870 shotgun.

That should sum it up. unless theres anything else?

Aquamarine April 16th, 2007 03:06


Originally Posted by Renegade) (Post 393830)
cough, photoshop...

Pardon me for bringing something back from the dead but WHAT exactly is Renegade saying is Photoshop?

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