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Aftermath Kraken AK47 AEG
k let's just say that this is NOT a brand name AEG but I will say that it should be!
I just purchased this today as a loaner gun mainly for a friend. I was originally going to pick something up from soft air USA for him but I can't order any of the good guns in that I want until next year. So stopping off at a local hunting place I spied this thing hanging behind the counter. I figured it was one of those soft air ones that shoot only 180fps and when I saw that it was $199.99 plus taxes a damned near shit. Soon after looking at the rear guns, I decided to look closer at it. The moment the young guy handed it over I knew this was no softair. First, the package stated Adult Airsoft (lol) and then there was simply the weight, this damn thing is HEAVY! Granted not as heavy as my M14 but heavy as any other TM AEG I've held. LOOKS: First thing I noticed when looking at it was there was ALLOT of metal on this thing, thus the weight. The army green front grips and the full buttstock was misleading at first but they can be painted. Everything that is metal on a TM AK47 is metal on this one. The lower receiver is plastic (clear) BUT a metal kit is available from the company to replace the plastic one. The gear box is metal and can be seen through the clear lower receiver. FIRST IMPRESSION: Well the package was a bitch to get open... God I hate plastic. It also stated that the gun shoots 370fps. The first thing I did when reading that was look for the disclaimer. Allot of the softair guns now say the FPS and then in a disclaimer tell you with what weight of BBs. So upon close searching, 370fps with .2's! The gun has a few small creaks but those match the creaks and rattles found in a real AK anyways. I took the gun out and laid it aside. Also in the package as a highcap which they state holds 110 rounds and is also clear. The gun also comes with a battery and charger. The nice thing about these is that it's an 8.4v 1200 mAH mini Ni-CD battery like everyone else uses in airsoft, some tips and everything. So took the battery out and hooked it up to my smart charger while I looked everything else over. Aside from all that it comes with 1000 rounds of .2 BB's, a cheap sling, and a cleaning rod TEST FIRING: Well I filled the clip up half way and wound it up. I took the gun outside, slapped the clip in and moved the selector switch to the middle position. I pulled the trigger and a rain of BB's came flying out the gun narrowly missing the dog running around the backyard. So after putting the dog inside and closing the door FIRMLY behind me this time, I picked the gun up again. I'm not sure on the TM AK's but I thought the middle position wasa semi-auto. Here comes the first problem with the gun, I flicked the switch to the bottom position for semi-auto, pull the trigger and nothing happened. WTF? After moving the switch halfway between semi and full it worked. Ah well, who needs semi-auto anyways. I noticed the BB's were flying upwards after about 20 feet so I pulled the chocking handle bank and found a simple to use Hopup control. A small white lever that you can move forward or back. Moved it forward abit and now my BB's are flying straight for a very long ways. I decided I might as well try the dreaded popcan test to see roughly if this thing is anywhere near the FPS it claims. Let's just say that when I pulled the trigger while on semi auto that can didn't know whether to duck or not. It seemed that the can stood still and then at the last moment decided to run! I picked the can up off the grass and was surprised to find a clean hole in both sides of the can! I switched from the BB's that came with the gun to MetalTech ones and the accuracy improved immediatly! OVERALL: Overall without having fielded it to any games I can't say too much but for everything it's done and acted so far, it seems that for the price there is no way you can go wrong! If you don't like the clear parts, just spray them black! |
Mine is like the one pictured below but for some reason my handgrips and buttstock are army green.
Like I said before, the company also makes a solid black metal lower receiver as well. Hopefully someone soon will let everyone know if these things can be upgraded or not. |
thats verry nice not so nice with white grips and stuff but yours is army green so thats gota look beter
i'll try to take a picture of mine tomorrow morning....
A member here bought one and painted the entire thing black. Looks pretty good! |
EW. That fuckin' pearly white colour makes me want to puke noodles.
I've heard some good things about "aftermath". Apparently they're owned by GAMO (which means fuck in greek ;) ).. so I imagine QC is pretty good. |
where did you get it??
First off yeah, the guns are made by GAMO and secondly, I purchased it locally at a hunting supplies store. They had 6 of them behind the counter so I said WTH and bought one as a loaner weapon.
Real ak's have fully automatic fire first then semi. This is an argument some people use calling it a machine gun with a semi auto mode.
Ive been told these are re branded and recolored Cyma CM.028's.
Good to see the price. Cheers, Alex |
BINGO! Was waiting for someone to say something! The gearboxes are actually stamped CM.02!
Well thanks to a fellow member for pointing this all out:
I just found out that TM internals are compatible with these gear boxes since the gear boxes are exact clones of TM gearboxes! I'm hoping to find out about the eternals like handguards and buttstocks soon. Ok I also got word that a G&P full metal body kit will work with these guns as well even though Aftermath makes their own. |
I got mine today but I got the one from ColtFarmer. Mine isn;t clear or anything it looks like the american one. The only thing it needs is a coat of paint and a new flashhider
Lucky bastard! :D |
I picked up one at the local gunshop
in town and was suprised at how well it has held up. I got it as a back up loaner and now have put through it about 3000 rds and its FPS is not to bad about 280to 300 with.20s.I have used it at two games now. (one 4hr day and one 7hr day) |
Just to clear it up, these are CYMA rebrands and as such are 1000% TM compatible, mechbox to buttstock.
The only gripe I have is that there's quite a few burrs on the grips and my outerbarrel is a bit loose towards the right. Both easily fixed but I am really scared of the dreaded Armalite esqe barrel wobbel.
the AK front sight wobble is actually less pronounced on the aftermath I find, the hole in the front sight is straight and not an oval shape like on the marui,
I have yet to recieve a TM AK used or new that did not need tightening there. The grips are not the greatest quality out of the box, hence the painting and sanding of mine, took about 1 hour with crappy scraps of sandpaper (all I could find lol) The outer barrel is seated so far inside the front sight block as to make wobble almost impossible. As an aside i'm ordering a KA metal body for mine from the next Airsoftparts.ca KA pre-order =) |
How much is the metal body kit as I would like one for mine as well but cant find anyplace that sells it.
As for the handgrips on mine they aren't the best quality but there were no burs on mine and no barrel wobble at all. |
Cheers, Alex |
Do they have a website and what country is it in?
Sight Wobble
Works great and mine has not become lose or moved since. Nice easy trick MD |
Just picked up a new cronie today and the
AEG now shows at a steady 360fps 50fps faster than my stock CA M15vn or 70 fps faster than my stock TM M16vn. And in the manual it states if a new hop up packing is needed use Tokyo Marui parts. |
well, i got this gun around 1 week ago, and played a cqb game, and it was really dark, so i wasn't able to tell if this gun was really accurate. I could feel that it was a strong gun, but it only drilled one hole on a pop can. I couldn't stand the clear lower receiver so I painted it silver :D lol. When I was shooting targets, the bullets seemed to curve to the left a littlbe bit, and I do not know which way is to turn up or off the hop up. And on my outer barrel, the hole which is at the bottom of the end of the outer barrel for the front sight screw to go on, it wasn't straight, so my front sight has a littlbe of an angle. So if you guys have any suggestions, cause i am not very technical with AEGs i havent found a way to fix it yet. Thanks
CQB with 370fps? Ouch lol! As for accuracy the one I have outshot my CA M14 easily in accuracy and distance.
Anyone know of any stores in the BC, GVRD area that might carry some of these Aftermath products?
A PM would be nice :D |
Yeah fcuk, I've gotten no reply from the member who says he got his at CT. I want one but I'm not paying a ridiculous $350 for it, I want the clear one since I'm putting on a metal body anyhow.
I figured out how to use the hopup lol. My front sight was deffective, so I cant do anything about that. And I heard that some CT stores have it and some dont.
Cheers, Alex |
$350 is the price its going for in the classifieds ;)
if you can't find these anywhere, i think u should just buy the cm.028 since it is the same and actually has wood colored stocks and no clear parts.
Im hearing some differences though in FPS and accuracy of the plain cm.028 to the Aftermath one....
i skirmished outdoors with this thing. It was chornied around 295 fps with .25g and the accuracy was pretty good, similar to other AEGs, ROF is normal, similar to other assualt rifles, and it does not match the TM M14 in range and power, probably because the M14 I saw was upgraded. Effective range is over 100ft, so that was fine, but after 120ft, like most guns, it is very hard to get kills with, unless u have upgraded your gun. Very happy with the gun and the purchase, but I think i left memory on my Ni-cad batteries, so they were useless, after two games i had to charge, there was nothing wrong with the gun, except my battery was basically shit. I think i will invest in a 8.4v 3000maH Ni-mh batteries, but it will cost me some money. Good batteries are always an excellent investment for any guns.
ok talking to to people there are two version of this AK, one shoots much lower FPS than the other. One is around the 300 mark and the other is 370. The AK I've got will easily outshoot my 320fps CA M14 Match. Thus the reason I'm getting it upgraded up to 400fps lol.
Crappy Tire in Calgary (Macleod location) has these on sale for $180 (plus tax)
Stock # 93-0266 |
I got that product number and had my friend enter it here in Toronto, it doesn't show up at all. Fcuk I want one.
Allot of people have asked me to bu them here locally and ship them but if you do it that way you're looking at $300+
Also I checked into it and ALL guns shipped to Canada by Aftermath will be clear. Even states so on their website. |
If anyone here is going to charge insanely extra to just go to Canadian Tire I say fcuk you you're no retailer yet you're trying to make money especially when the situation for airsoft is so bad, not to mention the guns are clear ... $300? Let's see $179.99 + Tax this is Alberta so it's like what 7% or 8% only? Than regular shipping with insurance at most will be $15-20 if you just wrap it in brown paper or any kind of paper, that's at most $220 MAX. Heck in that case you might as well get an AK off the Echo order that just came in. Retailers have the right to charge more, the ones now especially who are doing it PROPERLY. I'm still waiting for the MacLeod location to re-stock and I'm having someone else here send one over.
Im not trying to make a profit, locally they are $260 after taxes.
aZn_Trixta, Although technically youre correct, it's up to him what to charge, who are you to tell him to fuck himself? Either way, these are damn expensive, Buyairsoft got JG/Cyma AKs without the clear crap, for $275, even $180-$200 for a clear one is abit much retail, don't you think? |
Mainly what I meant was that even though many people have ASKED me to buy them here and ship them out, I'm not going to and was never going to.
CT even rips off on CCC you can get the auto M4 for like 169.99 at CT and also get it at Airgunsource for like 69.99...
If you don't like the price then don't buy it. Plain and simple.
while it sounds fine and dandy it could just be that after a few months they fall apart and you'll have wasted 250-300 and could have put that to a good used one from the boards. I'll wait till people have had them for a while before I'd buy one.
On August 5th I'm taking it to the local milsim and putting it through a serious workout to test it's limits!
Heh, my friend got the M4 one at the top of the Aftermath site, didn't seem too bad for a "new" company.
YAh ijust bough an aftermath ak kraken and its awsome and the price was only 200 canadian
All the internal look pretty nice and nicely shims.
A lot of internals are a lot better than Jing gong AEG. The parts that are the worst are the plastic handguard, stock and grip. They look like real cheal plastic. We did change those by TM and everything was fine. The body and receiver are plastic. they are fine, but have have Ugly Kraken aftermath 6mm airsoft rifle trademarks. the plastic are not the exact length, so you have to shims them, to be tight. The one we got from colt farmer was shooting 300 FPS with 0.20. Very steady. JF |
metal reciever you say? And it is 100% TM compatible?
JF |
I have reports that a local hardware store can order parts and aftermath kraken's in pretty soon as they are just waiting for a price list. A local hunting store in Williams Lake sells the Krakens $10 cheaper than in Quesnel as well.
So if the hardware store can order things in I will be taking orders for guns/parts such as the metal Kraken bodies! |
I also own one of these and honestly say for the price and compatibility for upgrades, this guns is well worth it. Awesome for starters and people who are just testing the waters. I put a pdi 140% spring , new tightbore,and cylinder head in mine. On the field we kicked ass and out shot alot of TM's, CA's, for the price and compatibility nobody can go wrong! God knows I wouldn't get rid of mine, got a ca m15 a4 not even half the gun, for distance and accuracy. But with a little time and money I'll get her up there with the gods of war! LOL
Sad to say when I lent my Kraken to a friend and we went target shooting, me with my CA M14, the Kraken outshot my M14 in distance and accuracy. Now I have my M14 upgraded to 390-400fps! lol
yah for sure it is pretty sad, but hopefully some of these big names like TM & CA get a reality check that the "little people" can produce quality firearms and the big names will lower they're pricing to compete with the other guys!
Then again, it's like an old saying I've heard, "Wish In One Hand And Shit In The Other And See Which One Fills Up First!" LOL! |
It's not really a problem with the pricing I think since these clear ones are allowed into Canada allot easier. The reason the brand name ones are so expensive is all the costs and paperwork it takes to get them imported.
I wonder if anyone has ever contacted CA about opening a brand in Canada! They have CA headquarters is Italy, USA, Japan, etc so why not here! |
Very good point, never thought that way Drache!
I've been buying these, testing them, and reselling them so people know they are getting ones that work. If anyone wants to know, this is what they look like before paint:
http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/4...c005hr8.th.jpg |
I don't profit, I sell them for the exact same price. I have one for sale on airsoftkelowna.com right now and even purchased an extra mag for it. Next time ask before assuming something as such!
The reason I talk so high about these is because when I first started I have NO money to play and sold everything I could to buy a TM. Here is a much cheaper started gun to get allot more people into this sport. And besides, there are many places where these aren't being sold. Next time try not to judge someone before you know all the facts. |
I remember saving up for 2 months to buy a TM + metal body. Guh. Never walking down that road again. |
well put.
a noobie can get a hold on some cheap star mags and this rifle and he set. Drache is exactly right. open this sport up so people can try it without spending shitloads of cash. If they like it, then they upgrade to a TM or CA. That's exactly what I did.
another good point to you kos, in opinion a noobie won't really be that hardcore yet, at that point they would be taking it all in and getting comfortable. sorta not the right words but I think you now what I mean. again kos kudos to you, a hard one to answer, LOL
If I could go back to my noob days, where I thought TM was the best brand EVER, I'd punch myself in the face, and tell my self to buy a PTW. Seriously.. Moral of the story : Impatience sucks balls! Save your money! |
I paid $230 after taxes for it and then paid another $50 to have an exrta larger mag shipped to me and I've got it listed for $250 obo on ASK and NIA.
Now granted yes, an ICS, CA, or whatever is allot better than one of these because you are buying quality, BUT sometimes someone can't afford something like that right away and might not like playing after getting all their money sunk into a single gun. I'm planning on using them as rentals for people that just come in off the street. |
Kraken AK-47 Looking for Help
I purchased two of the AK-47 form Fargo, North Dakota at the hunting store by Sam's Club/Walmart, I think it was called the Sportman's Warehouse. I paid $90 USD for them each. They only had two and I bought both of them, one for me and the other for my kid.
They both worked great to start but my son started having problems with his within the first week. If you shake it hard or give it a smack the gun will work for a couple seconds and stop working again. I figure a loose wire or something wrong with the trigger. Does anyone know who does warranty work for this in Canada for Kraken? Or how hard will it be to take apart and fix? Me and my oldest son have taken apart several pellet guns and fixed them up, but I'm scared I will break a plastic piece. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. We're actually debated if we should take the gun back or not. Seeing how much everyone else paid for them, it seems it would be a shame to return it. I would prefer to fix it. I live just north of Winnipeg....is there anyone around the area that fixes airsoft? As for the accuratcy and the speed these shoot excellent. Thanks Wayne |
They aren't as easy as taking apart a pellet gun because of all the wiring and such.
As for my Kraken, my friend took it through the milsim and used it for hours and got some pretty good shots in with it without a single thing going wrong except that the cover for the buttstock where the battery goes was lost somewhere in the forest. |
Yeah the one guy that has a TM AK at the milsim told me he lost his as well once before.
S.I.R now sells these for $199.99
its on the newest catalogue |
Can you get wood parts for this gun in Canada?
you can just order it from overseas.
No one cares about importing pieces of wood |
my friend bought one for 200$.
like... do you live at richmond?
I heard there's this surplus store at richmond in front of Yaohan center that sells airsoft. |
no I live in the Cariboo....
I have no idea, one of my friend just told me that he happened to pass by and saw a surplus store and they sold airsoft.
He says it's just at the mall across from Yaohan. |
I guess this topic is kind of done but I found this and I didn't know if anyone would be interested http://buyairsoft.ca/catalog/product...roducts_id=289
Oh shit I didn't even see that, nevermind then lol.
Well it's not too bad still for the way the gun acts, but like Ive said before locally they can be purchased for $235 after tax at one store, and an hour away $225.
Granted people have asked me to buy and ship them out but now they can just order them from there if shipping is not a killer. |
Where do they sell Metal receivers?
I finally got to test this sucker in game on the 15th. It peformed crapastic by giving me a blazing 260FPS. I'm going to try to clean the barrel before next game to see if there's any difference. Also the selector switch gets very loose at times so be sure to tighten it every so often. I'm not taking this sucker apart until I absolutely have to...
Note to all afterkracken users. I will have a kit up for sale soon, all original TM japanese parts for the original receiver, trigger guard, pistol grip, front grips, stock, and butt plate. Replace the cheap tan and clear parts with original TM ones :)
Cheers, Alex |
Hey Alex, what price are you asking for the parts? I just got one of the krakens myself but haven't had a look at it yet.
im about to get a bunch of stuff for mine including: Grips 95, Tightbore30, Metal Body 89-95, SHITLOADS of mags. Also anyone had experience with metal bodies i am unsure weather to go with the dtp one or the KA one
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