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Skruface October 5th, 2007 01:05

TM AK74 on the way....
I know what my Xmas present to myself is going to be this year...

Pics from Shizuoka hobby show.

Lakonian October 5th, 2007 01:07

Already gots mine.. Though, this DOES look promising...

attack-beaver October 5th, 2007 01:12

i wonder if its got the solid side folding stock.

brusbilis October 5th, 2007 02:57

More info ??

Skruface October 5th, 2007 08:25


Originally Posted by brusbilis (Post 548104)
More info ??

Ask and ye shall receive! This from Power Edge USA (a US distributor) as seen in the latest issue of ARMS magazine:

"Hey folks! It's about time I started to give some update from the Nov. Issue of Arms magazine.

This issue has featured the latest TM AK74MN model in its black body glory.
Externally we've seen the AK74 to be a modernized AK with the 104 style collapsible stock, new grip, trigger, rib, body, barrel, flashhider, scope mount base,and foregrip. And so many skeptics believed this was just a regular AEG.

Now this is where it's added with a twist!

TM's latest focus have now shifted to AEG auto-blowback system. Not only this, but some parts of the new AK74 MN is made in pressed steel (like the rib section). Given this is a new AEG, this is a new gearbox probably and this is also clarified with the new magazine design.

New spots includes Type 89 know how areas like the Dial- type hop up system instead of the classic lever hop up on the AKs. The magazine is also designed to have the follower like the Type 89. Metal parts are used heavily on the gun like the Type 89. And finally flash hider is removable like the Type 89.

It is described the new AK74MN's blowback feature is that of comparable to a gas blowback system as it has a high-response and trigger ping time.

Lately Japan's law on guns have become strict and seized the motive of custom guns for high power. Before model guns provided realistic shooting experiance with blowback with shell ejection, then BV system guns, then the rise of AEGs and gas blowbacks. AEGs clearly became a status in airsoft or a benchmark for players to create high powered guns.

Now with the laws on the airsoft guns have become strict, there is little point in upgrading guns in certain countries. So Tokyo Marui has added a new mark in airsoft. This is the realistic blowback and recoil system. If you cannot make a gun shoot hard, then you'll make the gun that shoots with a hard kick.

Tokyo Marui has now introduced the TM AK74MN as it's latest choice in the "Shoot and recoilshock" system. This means everytime you pull the trigger, the gun will shoot a BB, followed by a heavy blowback kick and recoil shock. This in turns makes the user hold the gun like a real gun instead of a recoil less AEG.

On Oct 13 and 14, this will be shown at the Radio Control Hobby Show in Japan. More detail will follow."

brusbilis October 5th, 2007 09:01

That sounds very well.


Ronan October 5th, 2007 09:10

Finally! Then CA will follow etc etc. Soon we will all sell our guns to get the blow back effect :P

When everyone have bb on their AEG Systema will show up with the gen IV Systema UBER series with incorporated BB!

Coma October 5th, 2007 10:03

Look past the whole 'recoil' thing. "If you cannot make a gun shoot hard, then you'll make the gun that shoots with a hard kick." Does this mean that somehow TM will be making this new AEG unupgradible due to new laws? If so, it'd better be shooting pretty hard to begin with to be competitive at some games. 280fps (TM AK stock) is nice and all, but when the limit is 400 and 420 at some places, and people are pushing that, you really feel terribly outgunned at 280.

Vivisector October 5th, 2007 10:13

Folding stock? Actually kicks?

Where do I sign? :D

Coma October 5th, 2007 10:17


Originally Posted by Endymion (Post 548231)
The point is that under Japanese law, you wouldn't be finding field limits of 400 and 420. Companies like TM and Systema don't base their product lines around the desires or needs of North American players.

In that case, this new AEG is likely to be nothing more than a nice wall-hanger here in North America.

Mysteryfish October 5th, 2007 12:43

Open minds, people. Keep open minds.

For those of us who just like having these things around, and/or don't mind how the lower velocity affects game play, this sounds awesome!

Mantelope October 5th, 2007 12:51


Originally Posted by Endymion (Post 548231)
The point is that under Japanese law, you wouldn't be finding field limits of 400 and 420. Companies like TM and Systema don't base their product lines around the desires or needs of North American players.

Uhh... SystemA was one of the first companies to make AEG upgrades allowing higher FPS. Not to mention their PTWs can do 500FPS out of the box.

attack-beaver October 5th, 2007 13:13

i'll take a dozen.

Gish October 5th, 2007 13:15

I'm pretty interested in this new design. Having a good looking modern AK is high on my list, coming from TM it should be of a high quality design.
The blowback/shock system sounds interesting and since this gun has been delayed for so long I hope that they have actually designed it really well and tested it. Lets hope it dosen't turn out like the UZI does where it'll break after a short while.

One that that is a little disappointing:

Given this is a new AEG, this is a new gearbox probably and this is also clarified with the new magazine design.
Sounds like all current AK mags will not be compatible with this rifle, however rumours are abound that the follower system in the new mags might make it operate like the Systema. But again it might be due to the new mechbox that they've had to move the feed tube.

We'll have to see when it's unveiled!

maxx October 5th, 2007 14:51

omg omg omg.. when did this happen??

why havent i heard about it???

I'll take 2!!

Skruface October 5th, 2007 15:15


Originally Posted by Coma (Post 548229)
Does this mean that somehow TM will be making this new AEG unupgradible due to new laws?

What we want is largely irrelevent. TM guns are designed for the domestic (Japanese) market, and never were intended to be upgraded in the first place.

Skruface October 5th, 2007 15:19


Originally Posted by Mantelope (Post 548344)
Uhh... SystemA was one of the first companies to make AEG upgrades allowing higher FPS. Not to mention their PTWs can do 500FPS out of the box.

C'mon man, I KNOW you know that Systema guns were never intended for the gaming public. The fact that they CAN shoot 500 fps is because JSDF and other military/police units that train with them are above the law that prevents civvies from owning guns over 1 joule.

TM guns, especially, were never intended to be sold outside of Japan. That's why up until about 5 or 6 years ago, all TM instruction booklets were Japanese only.

Godfath3r October 11th, 2007 14:51

This realistic blowback and recoil system is that integrated in the TM AK-47's or is this like a new type of AK that TM's developin which is gonna cost more thant their originals?

ancorp October 11th, 2007 15:03


Originally Posted by Godfath3r (Post 552308)
This realistic blowback and recoil system is that integrated in the TM AK-47's or is this like a new type of AK that TM's developin which is gonna cost more thant their originals?

There is no "recoil system" integrated in TM AK-47s...

And yes, its a brand new AK. New gearbox, new type mags, bolt system, grip angle, folding stock possibly, etc. I can't wait to see some reviews.

Due to the mag design (looks like it has feed lips?) we may have the gun not dry firing anymore, i.e it would automatically stop shooting once the mag is empty, which is f-ing awesome.

beta October 11th, 2007 15:09

Looks like it folds to me (unless this is a different gun).

The mags look better too, almost real-steel-ish.

ancorp October 11th, 2007 15:12

Yessir, the stock definitely folds then. + for realism!

I'm getting one when they are available (most likely).

It will be cloned in no time.

Godfath3r October 11th, 2007 15:13


Originally Posted by ancorp (Post 552320)
There is no "recoil system" integrated in TM AK-47s...

And yes, its a brand new AK. New gearbox, new type mags, bolt system, grip angle, folding stock possibly, etc. I can't wait to see some reviews.

Due to the mag design (looks like it has feed lips?) we may have the gun not dry firing anymore, i.e it would automatically stop shooting once the mag is empty, which is f-ing awesome.

Cool man thanks for the info you sound like you know your AK's. Do you have one if so what did you do to it im thinkin of getting one myself before i heard about this new one being made...and does anyone know when this is going retail?

ancorp October 11th, 2007 15:22

Nah mate, I don't have one of these, they ain't out yet as far as I know. Hopefully its retail price will be competitive to the rest... probably the same as their Type89.

I do own a TM AK though... an AKM more or less, built from a AK-47 though. See the gallery section.

attack-beaver October 11th, 2007 17:51


Hiryu was kind enough to send link with photos of Marui's stand on this year Plamodel Radicon. Well, here it is: Marui AK74MN with metal body and new blow back system. Details are bit sketchy at the moment, but pictures are impressive. With thanks to guys at Military Blog Japan, who are authors and proprietors of these pictures.

ancorp October 11th, 2007 18:00

Hawt. I'd thought I'd never see an AK metal receiver that'd say Tokyo Marui on it...

High res HERE

Styrak October 11th, 2007 18:09


Originally Posted by Skruface (Post 548183)
Tokyo Marui has now introduced the TM AK74MN as it's latest choice in the "Shoot and recoilshock" system. This means everytime you pull the trigger, the gun will shoot a BB, followed by a heavy blowback kick and recoil shock. This in turns makes the user hold the gun like a real gun instead of a recoil less AEG."

Won't this use a fuck-ton more battery? Like double?

Andres October 11th, 2007 18:24

I think I'ma scratch the SCAR for now...

The Saint October 11th, 2007 18:41

Does this finally put a nail in the coffin of "Japanese companies (TM) can't produce stock metal guns because the law says they can't"? TM14, Type 89 and now AK74, all with fully metal receivers.


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 552468)
Won't this use a fuck-ton more battery? Like double?

If that thing takes a large battery in the folding stock (without the stupid ribbings in the compartment like you get in the M14s), battery power isn't really going to be an issue. I'm far more interested in how they're going to do AEBBG. G&G tried it in their L85 and it was terrible by all accounts.

Skruface October 11th, 2007 18:49

Please, Oh mighty Flying Spaghetti Monster, PLEASE let the handguards be MilSpec.

Styrak October 11th, 2007 18:50


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 552494)
I'm far more interested in how they're going to do AEBBG. G&G tried it in their L85 and it was terrible by all accounts.

Well it's TM, I'm sure they've put a lot of work into it and it will be pretty good.

ancorp October 11th, 2007 18:56


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 552494)
Does this finally put a nail in the coffin of "Japanese companies (TM) can't produce stock metal guns because the law says they can't"? TM14, Type 89 and now AK74, all with fully metal receivers.

I think the AUG is too...

Ain't the Type 89 NOT available to the Japanese market, and was only made as a training tool for the army?

Godfath3r October 11th, 2007 19:21

I was in the market for buying a TM after seeing this im going to have to wait it out i just hope this goes retail soon does anyone else have anymore details on this gun has anyonelse reviewed it yet?

Communist October 13th, 2007 20:55

Holy Hell!! That gun's a beauty!! With the holidays coming up, I was either going to buy a CA AK 101 or a King Arms SVD in synthetic. But now that I see this, I'm considering selling my TM Beta Spetsnaz and and investing in this new model AK74, tell me, anyone with good airsoft sense, what would the best choice be?

ancorp October 13th, 2007 21:00


Originally Posted by Communist (Post 553751)
Holy Hell!! That gun's a beauty!! With the holidays coming up, I was either going to buy a CA AK 101 or a King Arms SVD in synthetic. But now that I see this, I'm considering selling my TM Beta Spetsnaz and and investing in this new model AK74, tell me, anyone with good airsoft sense, what would the best choice be?

I think you already made up your mind... good choice IMO.

Although SVD is SVD! (except its spring and not wood. BAH!)

Lakonian October 13th, 2007 21:12

Fuck.. I'm officially rethinking my PTW purchase... Damn you marui!!! Damn YOU!!!

leblanc74 October 13th, 2007 21:36

I got mine ak74; however, it an G&G to tell you, all metal is pretty sweet

ancorp October 13th, 2007 21:41


Originally Posted by leblanc74 (Post 553767)
I got mine ak74; however, it an G&G to tell you, all metal is pretty sweet

Pics of the G&G 107 please. ACTUAL pics.

ancorp October 13th, 2007 21:52

Haha, you still have a picture of an AK-107 in your sig.

You got my hopes up.

leblanc74 October 13th, 2007 22:07

how do you post picture from your home?.....

Communist October 14th, 2007 03:09

Can you get a gas grenade launcher for the AK? If so, anyone have a link? -Thanks

Andres October 14th, 2007 03:12

I just hope I can get my hands on either this or the VFC Scar H before Christmas $_$

leblanc74 October 14th, 2007 04:31


Originally Posted by Communist (Post 553956)
Can you get a gas grenade launcher for the AK? If so, anyone have a link? -Thanks

here you is called the GP-25 from boomarms

Communist October 14th, 2007 19:23

Thanks a lot man.

Skruface October 15th, 2007 14:14


YouTube - Tokyo Marui AK74MN Vol.1
YouTube - Tokyo Marui AK74MN Vol.2
YouTube - Tokyo Marui AK74MN Vol.3

Holy hell, nice ROF. Look at the last video - not much "recoil", but probably reciprocal motion similar to my AK with a metal piston.

attack-beaver October 15th, 2007 14:21


Lakonian October 15th, 2007 14:30

Soo... when are they going to make an AR like that? ;)

ancorp October 15th, 2007 14:37


Originally Posted by Skruface (Post 554873)

Holy hell, nice ROF. Look at the last video - not much "recoil", but probably reciprocal motion similar to my AK with a metal piston.

Indeed the ROF is very nice, and the "recoil" is definitely good enough for me, seems much more impressive then the Guarder autoback kit in terms of "vibration". Must be due to a significantly heavier bolt carrier?

Can't wait for it to come out!


Lakonian October 15th, 2007 14:39


Originally Posted by ancorp (Post 554890)
Indeed the ROF is very nice, and the "recoil" is definitely good enough for me, seems much more impressive then the Guarder autoback kit in terms of "vibration". Must be due to a significantly heavier bolt carrier?

Can't wait for it to come out!


The auto-back kit isn't as impressive as I though. Mediocre at best, really. :(

ancorp October 15th, 2007 14:47


Originally Posted by kos (Post 554891)
The auto-back kit isn't as impressive as I though. Mediocre at best, really. :(

You bought one??

Lakonian October 15th, 2007 15:26


Originally Posted by ancorp (Post 554895)
You bought one??

Was going to... until I saw it in real life :p

Andres October 15th, 2007 20:00

Requires additional recoil. :|

Lakonian October 15th, 2007 20:02


Originally Posted by Andres (Post 555145)
Requires additional recoil. :|


I'd drop the PTW, and get one... if ONLY they had a "103/4" configuration.

Skladfin October 15th, 2007 20:12


Slick October 15th, 2007 20:45

After seeing those videos Im far less impressed. Real Sword AK looks far more impressive to me. No blow back but with all steel parts would be a much better built I think. Im hoping because the RS used real factory wood that I can just swap it with any real steel wood that I want.

S.H.I.E.L.D. October 15th, 2007 21:16

Pretty damn slick lookin'. Be hard to do an AR I think though but would be kick ass if they did. If the AK had just a bit more recoil I'd soil myself and definitely start saving up. But even the action along is nice and the mag looks promising, maybe no more 3 wasted BBs or dry firing.

666 October 15th, 2007 21:25

I say making it blowback is bad idea. Bolt looks better but like any other TM AK, it doesn't go all the way back. Also, ROF of airsoft AK is a lot higher than RS, bolt movement just doesn't look right. It looks more like a sewing machine. I don't like the idea with mags as well. I own two TM based AK's and one CA. I have mags that work in all three guns, I won't buy something that is not interchangeable with my other guns. I'm with Slick, I'd rather get Real Sword AK or VFC.

Skladfin, these days monkey metal AK receivers are dying out, steel is the way to go. I'm pretty sure most of manufacturers will have AK with a steel body/barrel on the market.

Styrak October 15th, 2007 21:31

Yeah that ROF with the bolt going just looks and sounds wrong.

Lakonian October 15th, 2007 22:13

I also don't see how this "recoil" will "make the user hold the gun more realistically", like TM claimed...

Still, this piece looks damn cool.

ancorp October 15th, 2007 22:15


Originally Posted by kos (Post 555269)
I also don't see how this "recoil" will "make the user hold the gun more realistically", like TM claimed...

Still, this piece looks damn cool.

Yeah thats true. It VIBRATES, not recoils. Same as firing blanks, where its just the action cycling. Fun, but not enough to throw off your aim IMO.

Communist October 15th, 2007 22:28

Hmmm...The "recoil" does look a bit mediocre. Not as cool as I thought...If that effect raises the price by a large amount, TM just lost a customer.

Lakonian October 15th, 2007 22:30


Originally Posted by Communist (Post 555293)
Hmmm...The "recoil" does look a bit mediocre. Not as cool as I thought...If that effect raises the price by a large amount, TM just lost a customer.

+1 ....

For now...

Red Dawn October 16th, 2007 05:49

Well if that thing gona cost more then 550 here in Canada I dont see my self having one.
About Real Sword AK's are they on sale already or they in development? AKMS ummm... I whant one bad...

Ronan October 16th, 2007 06:17

To make the recoil look better they should lower the RoF or have a heavier bolt... Btw maybe just changing the battery or motor to get less RoF will be the thing to do? Right now its a vibrator lol

Skruface October 16th, 2007 15:03


Originally Posted by Red Dawn (Post 555542)
About Real Sword AK's are they on sale already or they in development? AKMS ummm... I whant one bad...

Yeah. Good luck with that. I SERIOUSLY doubt that we will EVER see Real Sword products in Canada as they are made from factory-fresh Norinco parts. Those are REAL recievers on those RS guns - meaning in Canada, the Type 56's are 12.x prohibited.

ancorp October 16th, 2007 15:22

From what I hear, the receivers are made the same way, but no way are they real receivers. Source of info plz.

666 October 16th, 2007 15:43

Red Dawn, RS only has two models for now. They don't have any "Russian" AK's yet. Only Chinese versions.

Red Dawn October 16th, 2007 16:24

Well from what i read about RS they never plan to make any Russian Ak's but the model of Type 56(with under folding stock) It is closes thing to AKMS right now I dont know any other company's that do those correct me if I'm wrong. All it needs is grips and slunt compensator.

ancorp October 16th, 2007 16:36


Originally Posted by Red Dawn (Post 555829)
Well from what i read about RS they never plan to make any Russian Ak's but the model of Type 56(with under folding stock) It is closes thing to AKMS right now I dont know any other company's that do those correct me if I'm wrong. All it needs is grips and slunt compensator.

It needs a lot more then that. Bolt carrier, top cover, almost the entire front end, just to name a few.

And I do believe Inokatsu makes full AKMS AEGs now.

Red Dawn October 16th, 2007 17:33

Inokatsu got AKMS carbine. But it what i want is this

Communist October 16th, 2007 19:25


Originally Posted by Red Dawn (Post 555871)
Inokatsu got AKMS carbine. But it what i want is this

All you need for that is an Inokatsu kit, a gas grenade launcher, and a new stock. Speaking of Inokatsu, are their aeg's any good, I know the kits are top of the line.

666 October 16th, 2007 19:44

Main thing that I don't like about RS in their receiver. Everything is in Chinese, just like a real thing.
Ino released their AKMS kit (650-750 USD) but from what I saw on forums it's a limited run. First batch was something around 10 kits.

Here's one of links.

Red Dawn October 17th, 2007 04:34


Originally Posted by 666 (Post 555957)
Main thing that I don't like about RS in their receiver. Everything is in Chinese, just like a real thing.
Ino released their AKMS kit (650-750 USD) but from what I saw on forums it's a limited run. First batch was something around 10 kits.

Here's one of links.

Hehe and it only going cost me arm and leg. Also it is awesome site for parts.

Skruface October 17th, 2007 07:48


Originally Posted by ancorp (Post 555806)
From what I hear, the receivers are made the same way, but no way are they real receivers. Source of info plz.

Chinese online retailer via PM sometime ago. I don't think I kept the PM.

ancorp October 18th, 2007 15:40

Price and time released. Damn it!

"AK74MN is coming in early December. MSRP 58,800 Yen"

Thats $500 Canadian... overseas! This sucks.

attack-beaver October 18th, 2007 15:58

ancrop stool my thunder!

ancorp October 18th, 2007 16:02


alexandrep997 October 16th, 2012 03:28

Anyone know where i can buy this gun ? This is the réal tm 74 with the good blowback ?

HackD October 16th, 2012 03:36


Originally Posted by alexandrep997 (Post 1714493)
Anyone know where i can buy this gun ? This is the réal tm 74 with the good blowback ?

5 year old post - and TM is not commonly available in North America.

Information on where to buy airsoft guns cannot be shared with you unless you are age-verified.

alexandrep997 October 16th, 2012 04:15

My age is checked now i just wait

Gato October 16th, 2012 06:04


Originally Posted by alexandrep997 (Post 1714496)
My age is checked now i just wait

You can wait all you want, but these things don't come up much, if at all, and I grabbed the most recently sold one :P

Tm is great stuff, I'm a fanboy, but they're fairly uncommon in the Canadian and even American markets.

alexandrep997 October 16th, 2012 09:36

ohhhh ....well maybe in classified AEG ?

Gato October 16th, 2012 17:01


Originally Posted by alexandrep997 (Post 1714542)
ohhhh ....well maybe in classified AEG ?

I think, since I joined in 2005, I've seen 3 or 4 in the classifieds, one of which was formerly mine years back, but I made the mistake of selling it.

If I'm wrong, forgive me, I sometimes don't lof in for chunks of time or check the classifieds for periods of time.

Rusty Lugnuts October 16th, 2012 17:25

And after all this time, most TM- AK's are only part TM nowadays. VFC makes an AK but i've never seen one. ICS makes an AK - the guy i know who has one say's "it's Junk". Real Sword makes Awesome Ak's - but they're getting scarce. Based on my experience Classic Army makes a good AK.... Once you're age verified we can really help you

Gato October 16th, 2012 17:54


Originally Posted by Rusty Lugnuts (Post 1714717)
And after all this time, most TM- AK's are only part TM nowadays. VFC makes an AK but i've never seen one. ICS makes an AK - the guy i know who has one say's "it's Junk". Real Sword makes Awesome Ak's - but they're getting scarce. Based on my experience Classic Army makes a good AK.... Once you're age verified we can really help you

VFC make rather nice AKs, or used to anyway. I used to own a VFC AKS74U DX, sweet little gun, I regret selling it.

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