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glompos21 October 15th, 2008 17:04

Airsoft Bomb Controled By Microcontroller
The bomb consist of a Microcontroller (AVR Atmega32), a lcd 16x2, a beeper and a keypad.
Full Size

The first step is to enter the password. It can be 16 digits in length and can handle all the number and all
the english alphabet.
The second step is to enter the time for countdown. 1-999 minutes ~16 2/3 hours.
And then the countdown is starts. In order the bomb to be diffused the user must enter the password.
I dont have at this time my cafera so i can take a video but until the Sunday i will have it.
Every time that a key is press the beeper produce a sound in a deferent frequency according to the
menu that is.

Entering the password
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Enter the time
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The countdown is started
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Entering the random password
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The password was wrong
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Entering the right password
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The bomb is defused
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Time is up
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Disco_Dante October 15th, 2008 17:05

Figure out a way to make it set off a box full of Tornados and you're all set.

gvanzeggelaar October 15th, 2008 17:06


Amos October 15th, 2008 18:03

Hook it up to a device that punctures a CO2 power let... Those things are LOUD when all the gas rushes out of them.

Styrak October 15th, 2008 19:04

All your links are broken BTW.

coach October 15th, 2008 19:56

You could add a remote, that activates with a predetermined amount of failed attempts to deactivate, allowing for it to be remotely detonated.

Schlyder October 15th, 2008 20:28

We need an "Airsoft Anarchist's Cookbook" thread, for homemade booby traps and the like. All safe for play by the way. LOL It would be interesting to see what everyone can come up with. There are some really ingenious, inventive, and effective stuff I've already seen. And I find it facsinating what people can come up with.

glompos21 October 16th, 2008 02:22

In the final version it will have a relay (electromechanical switch) that I can connect everything I want so something
will happen when the bomb is detonate.Also the hole thing will be powered by a airsoft battery (4.8-10.8 Volt)

Shirley October 16th, 2008 02:33

That is so cool! Thousands of BBs up your balls trying to get the password.

pamparius October 16th, 2008 02:56

16 digits password?? cool.....

glompos21 October 17th, 2008 03:58

And as i promised the video


Muffin October 17th, 2008 06:47

I've seen something similar on Youtube, where it detonated an airsoft claymore once the time expired.
Will you be mass producing these?

glompos21 October 19th, 2008 14:02

I think i will produce it. I waiting a new microcontroler and to add a relay, build the pcb and make a small quantity of ten complete systems

Muffin October 19th, 2008 15:24

Where are located man? Please take the time to fill in your profile.

glompos21 October 20th, 2008 09:33

My location is at Chania Crete Greece

PAO October 28th, 2008 04:09

Original stuff here Airsoft Bomb ;)

Ronan October 28th, 2008 05:04

$450 finished product... right.

Nice though.

PAO October 28th, 2008 05:11

Yep, exchange rate doesn't help ;(
New versions on the way, cheaper, what would you pay for such a bomb ?

glompos21 October 30th, 2008 05:04

Thats the first time i see it. My version will be at the rage of 50 euro + 15 euro for shipping. And mine has got all the numbers and letter no just 3 numbers.
I am planing a new version that will announce via voice the time left for detonation and i will release the code and schematics for that version.

Schlyder October 30th, 2008 05:10

[QUOTE=PAO;849936]Yep, exchange rate doesn't help ;(
New versions on the way, cheaper, what would you pay for such a bomb ?
*As he opens his trenchcoat with a glint of a smile*

jimmycudo November 4th, 2008 02:27


Originally Posted by Disco_Dante (Post 840576)
Figure out a way to make it set off a box full of Tornados and you're all set.


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 840615)
Hook it up to a device that punctures a CO2 power let... Those things are LOUD when all the gas rushes out of them.

These two ideas are great!!! Just have a tiny motor do the trick that's rigged to the BOOOOOM message. :DDDD

Oh man, imagine the pressure of trying to type in the password then having all that CO2 blast when you fail. LOL

BTW, someone else said a number of attempts should be allowed. That's a good idea for some scenarios that require hostages, bombs, and intel gathering. :DD

Blackthorne November 4th, 2008 08:38

I suspect that him shipping this into Canada from Greece might make for some interesting repercussions. :D

I wish someone would just post the goddamn schematic so I can run to The Source and get the parts for myself.

glompos21 July 8th, 2009 17:53

Sorry for the long time that i kept you waiting.

Here is my website from whre you can buy the airsoft bomb.

I have made 10 of this with some mirror improvements on the code.

Here you can read the manual

Also after a lot thing for security reasons i didn't make the version with relay.

Kingsix July 8th, 2009 23:14

Canadian Customs and Toy Bombs something doesn't seem right...

lemegacool July 8th, 2009 23:18


Originally Posted by Kingsix (Post 1021217)
Canadian Customs and Toy Bombs something doesn't seem right...

i would pay to see the faces they'll do! lmao

Rotting July 9th, 2009 01:31

Pretty sure their faces, along with plenty of armed officers, will be looking at your front door after seeing the mailto address :)

glompos21 July 9th, 2009 01:50


Originally Posted by Kingsix (Post 1021217)
Canadian Customs and Toy Bombs something doesn't seem right...

It is not more than a timer with a password to protect to countdown. And so i will send it as a timer. So you dont have anything to afraid.

PAO July 9th, 2009 03:35

Funny, I thought cheap copycats would be from Asia and not Greek :confused:
As a reminder, original stuff is still here: airsoft bomb but I still didn't bother translate.
Cheaper version at 175 complete and ready to play with box, key and replica look.

seekah July 15th, 2009 21:46

I have had one like this for years. Just putting mine into a custome made pelican case. I will have pics up once its done.

I have mine designed to ignite the orange signal smoke.

Some neat features are as followes:

- cell phone detonated
- 3 fail attempt to detonate
- Timer can be at anything like 2 hours... but if the case is opened it drops down to 30 seconds (or whatever I choose)
- light activated
-movement activated
-customizable code

Con Murder July 16th, 2009 03:46


Originally Posted by seekah (Post 1025742)
I have had one like this for years. Just putting mine into a custome made pelican case. I will have pics up once its done.

I have mine designed to ignite the orange signal smoke.

Some neat features are as followes:

- cell phone detonated
- 3 fail attempt to detonate
- Timer can be at anything like 2 hours... but if the case is opened it drops down to 30 seconds (or whatever I choose)
- light activated
-movement activated
-customizable code

Ya thats what my friend who runs a computer store said. He was telling me that almost anything I could ever want he could put into a user friendly LCD display and a key pad. He also mentioned that he could have usb inserts and color coded wires if I wanted! Thing is he opened a new location and is buisy until end of july but if anything pans out I'll post it.

glompos21 March 9th, 2010 05:42

Here is the second version of the device
YouTube- AirsoftBomb Version2
New functionality Wire Cutting mode

More information at

Dimitri December 25th, 2010 12:59


Looks good, however you should make it bullet proof, ie, non-disarmable.


mirrage December 25th, 2010 14:59

Nice improvement!!!

redzaku December 25th, 2010 20:01

+1 i would love to play a game involving that

mr_nuts31 December 28th, 2010 14:56

That kind of setup looks nice and a lot cleaner than some of the bombs I've seen, which looks more like an ied than a traditional bomb

Skytorn January 2nd, 2011 20:16

What's a better name for the product...Baby's First IED? Or Fisher Price My Little Insurgency?

Gunny_McSmith January 2nd, 2011 20:37

I'd buy one of those right aways, and hook it to 2 pvc cylinder, one with flour, the other one with compressed air (100psi), and link the board to a solenoid valve.... :P

So, the boom isnt just a beep.... its a cloud of

Or, anything could replace the "flour":

- "bust disks" (for a loud bang)
- confettis


Chayce January 3rd, 2011 08:27

Should totally hook it up with spring loaded 6mm pellets. Designate 2 bomb sites and roll CS style!

glompos21 January 6th, 2011 15:59

I hear a lot of interesting ideas for my device.
I havent stop upgrading/adding new functionality to my device.
Here is the new Domination mode that uses a usb key
YouTube - Domination for AirsoftBomb Ver2

If you have any mode/functionality that you want to see to my device please post it here and i will add it or you want some special programming for a event please let me know.

Gunk January 6th, 2011 16:08

That's awesome!

I wish we had that for Green Zone! We had to defuse a bomb of some kind, but it was nothing like that... just a couple of switches... But I can see possibilities for that... Team A has to defuse the bomb, but first they have to locate A) the person carrying the key so they can actually turn it off, and B) locate the guy with the password so they know how to turn it off.

I wish someone here would rig up something that cool... shit I wish I knew how...

Rooster January 6th, 2011 17:36

Very cool, did you have to write the software for the controller yourself?

glompos21 January 10th, 2011 11:06

Yes of course i have write the software myself as well as the design and manufacturing of the hole device.

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