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starcentral April 17th, 2009 15:40

The gun you want but wouldn't pay for?
What is the coolest gun out there that you want, but is a little on the steep side?


AngelusNex April 17th, 2009 15:43

Avenger cannon with or without the A-10, i'm not picky

Danke April 17th, 2009 15:45

GBB rifles are the current hot ticket for me.

arcanuck April 17th, 2009 15:46

I was just about to say GUA-8!!!

Second I'd take a semi-auto Nitro Express .700 the ultimate zombie killer.

Thenooblord April 17th, 2009 15:46

Marushin MP40, Custom Hicapa from Illusion

Crunchmeister April 17th, 2009 15:48


Originally Posted by Thenooblord (Post 965672)
Custom Hicapa from Illusion

+1 to that. I'd LOVE to have a totally pimped out pistol that he's built. But what I'd want would cost WAY over $1000, and I can't justify that kind of money for a pistol.

TokyoSeven April 17th, 2009 15:49

Clear soft air shotgun.

Zilgorn_Zeypher April 17th, 2009 15:50

a nice minigun, can't justify the cost or the weight I'd have to lug around the field.

Disco_Dante April 17th, 2009 15:53

WA2000. Timothy Dalton's Bond just had good taste.

LoricTheMad April 17th, 2009 15:55

I'd go for one of the metal bodied ICS SIG 551s. That or a Hudson Jericho 941 for shits and/or giggles.

KND April 17th, 2009 15:58

Custom Kimber from Illusion. I have fund to get but can't make up my mind if I would risk my vocation on her.


hattrick April 17th, 2009 16:00

Theres a moison nagat on redwolf i've been dying to touch....

Thenooblord April 17th, 2009 16:01


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 965675)
+1 to that. I'd LOVE to have a totally pimped out pistol that he's built. But what I'd want would cost WAY over $1000, and I can't justify that kind of money for a pistol.

LOL, he's told me he did some guns for like $3500!

coach April 17th, 2009 16:25

CAW designed and built Echo1 M134 Minigun (Long Version)

anyone spot me $3500? I can cover import fees, tax and exchange

lemegacool April 17th, 2009 16:53

yep e1 minigun and inokatsu m4 full upgrades!

Tigirus April 17th, 2009 17:07

The deepfire m72a2, It would be awesome and kick ass but so impractical in the field. I also agree with the minigun, If I had a mission dollars I would buy one and mout it to a hummer and gun people down, unfortunately I'm not a millionaire

lemegacool April 17th, 2009 17:26


Originally Posted by Tigirus (Post 965755)
The deepfire m72a2, It would be awesome and kick ass but so impractical in the field. I also agree with the minigun, If I had a mission dollars I would buy one and mout it to a hummer and gun people down, unfortunately I'm not a millionaire

hehehe i would mount mine on my camry throught the sunroof lol:D then you make a 2 axis motor control turret with a aiming camera and enjoy!:D:D:D

Lakonian April 17th, 2009 17:36

MR223, or a Vickers tactical 1911.

Crunchmeister April 17th, 2009 17:38


Originally Posted by Thenooblord (Post 965695)
LOL, he's told me he did some guns for like $3500!

Yeah, I know they get pretty expensive. I'd be looking at about the $1500 mark for what I want. And like I said, to me, it's not worth it for a pistol. I could get an Inokatsu GBB M4 for not a whole lot more money... I'd get that instead as I'd get more use out of it.

mcguyver April 17th, 2009 17:42


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 965783)
Yeah, I know they get pretty expensive. I'd be looking at about the $1500 mark for what I want. And like I said, to me, it's not worth it for a pistol. I could get an Inokatsu GBB M4 for not a whole lot more money... I'd get that instead as I'd get more use out of it.

And then you need to dump another $1K+++ into the Inokatsu, or else scratch build one.

All airsoft guns are money pits. There is no such thing as buying the gun and doing nothing to it anymore

BeAcH April 17th, 2009 17:44

1 Attachment(s)
Accuracy international sniper rifle, chambered in .338 lapua, 27'' fluted barrel 1 and 6'' twist......all the good stuff....drool

KND April 17th, 2009 17:48


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 965787)
And then you need to dump another $1K+++ into the Inokatsu, or else scratch build one.

All airsoft guns are money pits. There is no such thing as buying the gun and doing nothing to it anymore

I agree with that. After a year of changing many guns. I just bought a simple M4 and gonna to keep it like that until it break, but instead of that I start to upgrade since the first day I get it and now I'm still upgrade it . I already open my mechbox at least 10 time this 2 months to make it work right.


Crunchmeister April 17th, 2009 17:49


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 965787)
And then you need to dump another $1K+++ into the Inokatsu, or else scratch build one.

All airsoft guns are money pits. There is no such thing as buying the gun and doing nothing to it anymore

Although it seems unusual for us to agree on something, I can wholeheartedly agree here dude. To have a fieldable Ino with mags, you're up near $3000. Even with my regular AEGs, I've put almost as much money in mags, upgrades, accessories, etc into them than the initial costs of all my guns.

But to the point of the custom ILLusion gun, I just couldn't justify that expense for a pistol that would be holstered most of the time. At least a GBB rifle I would put to use... but it would be a money pit for sure.

AngelusNex April 17th, 2009 17:53

And ^ this is why i generally only buy cheaper guns <$400 as I'm guaranteed to put another $400+ into any gun to get it just right.... and keep it that way.

coach April 17th, 2009 18:00


Originally Posted by Tigirus (Post 965755)
The deepfire m72a2, It would be awesome and kick ass but so impractical in the field. I also agree with the minigun, If I had a mission dollars I would buy one and mout it to a hummer and gun people down, unfortunately I'm not a millionaire


Originally Posted by lemegacool (Post 965775)
hehehe i would mount mine on my camry throught the sunroof lol:D then you make a 2 axis motor control turret with a aiming camera and enjoy!:D:D:D

forget the hummer and the camry. get one of these and some plexiglass sides/windshield and you're good to go. mini gun mounted on the top as a motorized turret would be cool. Add a camera on the gun and give the operator a screen and stick to control it. :p

Much more fieldable and practical compared to the hummer or camry!! :D

wildcard April 17th, 2009 18:04


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 965787)
All airsoft guns are money pits. There is no such thing as buying the gun and doing nothing to it anymore

Inokatsu M60 VN, E3, MK43, Perfect out of the box

SDS_ShooterMcGavin April 17th, 2009 18:05

Smokeys M82

Amos April 17th, 2009 18:12


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 965805)
Inokatsu M60 VN, E3, MK43, Perfect out of the box

Same with any realsword product :)

lemegacool April 17th, 2009 18:14


Originally Posted by coachster (Post 965802)
Much more fieldable and practical compared to the hummer or camry!! :D

yeah didnt thought about that since i would be rich i would probably have a lexus instead! lol

agreed with realsword ...svd!

wildcard April 17th, 2009 19:07


Originally Posted by SDS_ShooterMcGavin (Post 965807)
Smokeys M82

just dont loose the shells they are a bitch to replace and expensive, I found a set in HK selling a pack of 5 shells to replace my missing ones @ $150/pack

AngelusNex April 17th, 2009 19:17


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 965841)
just dont loose the shells they are a bitch to replace and expensive, i found a set in hk selling a pack of 5 shells to replace my missing ones @ $150/pack

jeezus farking christove......

The_Decider April 17th, 2009 20:02

A PTW or a 249, the PTW would be nice but its not really my thing. 249 I want but dont need.

Corleone April 17th, 2009 21:35

I would really like a KSC TMP, but OMFG it's expensive for a gun, silencer and an sufficient amount of magazines />.<\

Other than that I'd prolly get an ICS SIG 552 or 551. I'm sick of having to take apart the whole gun when I need to get into my mechbox on my JG SG552!

If Systema started making something else than MP5 and AR-15-type PTW weapons, I'd absolutely consider that!

Fiya April 20th, 2009 19:36

AToZ SVD Dragunov or a Real Sword SVD. (Well I'd buy one if it was below $1100)
VFC AKS-74U. (Only because I can't find one below $1000)

Shirley April 20th, 2009 19:39

Real steel guns. :)

Skladfin April 20th, 2009 19:39

a PTW. I kind of want one, but wouldn't pay for one.

Brodie_BHD April 20th, 2009 19:57

I must admit I would go for one of the Ino GBB M4s...

As for Systema making other Weapons I think a PTW M249 would be the all mighty beast

Donster April 20th, 2009 20:18

Amos' VSR-10

shadow_matter April 20th, 2009 20:23

K.T.W. Mosin Nagant M1891/30, Elfin Knights Combat Dragoon Long Barrel and a VFC MK23 Mod 0 in that order.

Huron April 20th, 2009 20:33

GBB C6 that actually uses propane explosions to propel bb's, but with a pressure limiter so they only shoot 380fps, and all the excess gas is routed to a super heavy bolt giving me the kick of an angry mule, with a full barrel length tightbore. Real steel ROF, linked belt fed bb's (with shells), etc.

Erennert April 20th, 2009 20:41


Tsahal April 20th, 2009 20:48

PTW for sure IF I can have the money to get one I will buy it for sure

FlyingCats April 21st, 2009 07:32

The clone VSR-10, I could buy it and it looks cool and noobs on the review say its awesome, but you guys say its shit so im not getting it :D

DrZooker April 21st, 2009 07:59

Shoei Mg42 GBB or a real sword dragunov.

kmsakura April 21st, 2009 08:08

ill pay for the gun, just give me all the real steel parts i want. oh and maybe another slide for my hi-capa this time made by fire-custom shop. oh and don't forget the Dr. sight.

hull_b April 21st, 2009 08:12


Originally Posted by FlyingCats (Post 968088)
The clone VSR-10, I could buy it and it looks cool and noobs on the review say its awesome, but you guys say its shit so im not getting it :D

dude whats with all the vsr clone posts.lmao

BootYourFace April 21st, 2009 08:13

PPSH, i guess custom made. Shoei MG42. Probably Nagant too.... How much are we allowed to spend?

FlyingCats April 21st, 2009 19:47


Originally Posted by hull_b (Post 968098)
dude whats with all the vsr clone posts.lmao

I just want a fucking sniper that doesn't cost a shitload. but i good one. :D

Bowers April 21st, 2009 19:49


Originally Posted by FlyingCats (Post 968462)
I just want a fucking sniper that doesn't cost a shitload. but i good one. :D

if you want a sniper i hear Stalker will work for beer:D

amit541994 April 28th, 2009 04:40

im actually gonna buy my dream weapon.. star m249. there isnt a thing i want more than it. mybe later on il buy a cute KSC MK23 or G18C or DESERT EAGLE by marui

KND April 28th, 2009 09:35


Originally Posted by amit541994 (Post 973376)
im actually gonna buy my dream weapon.. star m249. there isnt a thing i want more than it. mybe later on il buy a cute KSC MK23 or G18C or DESERT EAGLE by marui

Please tell me if you are not living in Canada then if so, don't hope to buy any of those without AV. :rolleyes:


amit541994 April 28th, 2009 13:03

dont wanna sound stupid but whats an AV?

Lorden April 28th, 2009 13:12

This is a theoretical dream-gun thread and you're going on about AV? C'mon, chill it with the noob nazism please.

CAW Revolving Grenade Launcher with 12 X cherry nades.

Voice of Reason April 28th, 2009 13:22

I would love to get my hands on an Ultima MG3, that I have seen on WGC shop

Lakonian April 28th, 2009 14:25


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 967762)
Real steel guns. :)

They're alot cheaper than Airsoft guns ;) ... usually.

A high quality AS AR goes for what? 1200-1500? A nice RS AR goes for 1499.99. lol.

A high quality Illusion Kinetics 1911 goes for what? 1000? A high quality RS 1911 goes for about 100$ more.

Get your license, Lanny. Seriously!

ThunderCactus April 28th, 2009 14:55

Systema PTW
I know how much they actually cost and how much they're marked up

Invasian April 28th, 2009 15:24

PTW or Minigun

techobo April 28th, 2009 15:36

M2 mounted to a GMV. The GMV is included right? haha

Moderate April 28th, 2009 15:45


Originally Posted by kos (Post 973609)
They're alot cheaper than Airsoft guns ;) ... usually.

A high quality AS AR goes for what? 1200-1500? A nice RS AR goes for 1499.99. lol.

A high quality Illusion Kinetics 1911 goes for what? 1000? A high quality RS 1911 goes for about 100$ more.

Get your license, Lanny. Seriously!

An airsoft Mosin Nagant runs about $1000 USD:

Where as a real steel Mosin Nagant from WW2 can be found in perfect condition for under $100 CND.

One of the reasons why my airsoft collection is being downgraded lol.

Back on topic, the one airsoft gun I would love to own but wouldn't pay money for is the Marushin Kar98K...would be pretty useless on the field, but the ejecting shells make it very cool for plinking indoors or as a show piece. Even the Dboys clone of this I would be pretty iffy on paying for.

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