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bean November 5th, 2009 06:00

MadBull Ultimate Hopup released today
I know what your all thinking is this news on time and for once it is.


There is a story behind this product.

One of Airsoft players feed me his idea, the Chamber Lock idea.

We think that is very interesting and we put into our Hopup design. His name is Brian Holt. We will definitely give him a share (if this design is profitable~)
So, if you think you are smart enough, you can feed us your idea. We can’t guarantee that we will use your idea but once we adopt it, we will share our profit with you. (again, if this item is profitable.)


Including a Tracer LED Unit (Optional, Sold separately), Chamber Lock, and Easy Adjustment Device.

(1) The LED Tracer Unit: You can buy it separately and attached to the Hopup unit. Use your AEG battery and connect to your Tracer Unit. The LED can brighten the tracer BB when BBs are in the chamber.

(2) Chamber Lock: Designed by Brian Holt. With this new hop up design you will not have to worry about losing and dropping several bb’s with a magazine change. This new design provides you with a way to keep bb’s in your AEG and ready to use and not on the floor and even better it stabilizes the top of the magazine to ensure a secure and flawless feed of bb’s into the AEG.

CAUTION: This hop up unit is designed for the experienced and responsible Airsoft player. With the magazine removed the AEG is still able to fire several bb’s. Always wear safety goggles and treat all Airsoft weapons as if they were loaded.

(3) Easy Adjustment Wheel device: Use TM G36 style adjustment device and apply on the M4/AR unit.

Detail photos, please check our website:

Lucuis November 5th, 2009 06:32

Cool, hope they make one for AKs.

Styrak November 5th, 2009 08:17

Looks a little better than the tracer mag idea, but it still seems that you'll have BB's sitting in the hop chamber before being fired. Or being charged and you stop shooting.

This results in the next BB or few BB's to not be very bright. I still think the TM silencer design is better.

Con Murder November 5th, 2009 12:10


Originally Posted by bean (Post 1098446)
I know what your all thinking is this news on time and for once it is.

Well glad to hear that.


I think the tracer unit places the LED actually inside the hop up.

(1) The LED Tracer Unit: You can buy it separately and attached to the Hopup unit. Use your AEG battery and connect to your Tracer Unit. The LED can brighten the tracer BB when BBs are in the chamber.

Thats how I understood it at least.

Great to hear that Madbull is willing to share profits with product designers. I think I may pick one up if it helps fix mag wobble better than electric tape:)

coach November 5th, 2009 12:21

here's a better image:

it appears that a BB can sit chambered and not get charged by the LED position as there will be a BB blocking the light path. at the most though, it'd be one or two BB's tops that wouldn't get charged. if you run a tracer mix, this wouldn't be much of an issue.

Skladfin November 5th, 2009 12:23

Is this installable without the LED thing?

coach November 5th, 2009 12:24

darn, no editing.

I am assuming that the grey rectangle is the LED array.

one thing for certain, the hopup wheel design could eliminate a lot of broken hopup wheels and gears. looks like a much simpler design and easier to access even if it's back slightly from the traditional location.

Mitchell12 November 5th, 2009 12:24

I much prefer this method of tracers. I mean it's not like you use tracers on semi auto anyways.

Mitchell12 November 5th, 2009 12:25


Originally Posted by Skladfin (Post 1098575)
Is this installable without the LED thing?

I believe that you can.

Con Murder November 5th, 2009 12:27

Yes it is optional

Originally Posted by Skladfin (Post 1098575)
Is this installable without the LED thing?

Yes that it is, however for even $15 its a nice treat just to show off:D

Skruface November 7th, 2009 17:24

$30 at ASGI:

MoreToasties November 7th, 2009 19:23

Anyone know if they are going to be making these to fit an AUG?

Darklen November 7th, 2009 20:56


Originally Posted by MoreToasties (Post 1100249)
Anyone know if they are going to be making these to fit an AUG?

Why? The AUG hopup already works on this principle, other than the bb retaining feature.

MoreToasties November 7th, 2009 22:11


Originally Posted by Darklen (Post 1100301)
Why? The AUG hopup already works on this principle, other than the bb retaining feature.

Yes, it's the BB retaining feature I am curious about.

Small feature, I know, but it would be good to have.

Spawn28 November 7th, 2009 22:31

Seeing as i have to replace the hopup in my CA anyway i think ill hold out for one of these bad boys

hmmm wonder what the end canadian price will be with the tracer unit?

DarkAngel November 8th, 2009 11:53

Just in time :D I needed a new hopup unit!

Skladfin November 8th, 2009 12:57

I just hope the O-ring isn't fat enough to start causing feeding problems for weak magazine springs.

DonP November 10th, 2009 10:21

I have a suspicion that the ring is out of the way when a magazine is inserted, and somehow only "pinches down" when the mag is removed.

Drake November 10th, 2009 10:27

The LED is interesting. But I wonder if the unit will be compatible with the Ajax STS.

m102404 November 10th, 2009 11:22


Originally Posted by DonP (Post 1101952)
I have a suspicion that the ring is out of the way when a magazine is inserted, and somehow only "pinches down" when the mag is removed.


Originally Posted by Skladfin (Post 1100613)
I just hope the O-ring isn't fat enough to start causing feeding problems for weak magazine springs.

It looks like simply two slots cut into the side of the feed tube...the bbs feeding up would have to overcome the o-ring tension to make it up. Weak springs would likely blank fire. I'm sure they'd work with a Hicap.

Looks like a better moustrap...sure it works...but is it necessary at all?

If you drop your do you clear your gun? Invert it and shoot out what's left?

ujiro November 10th, 2009 11:33


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 1101976)
It looks like simply two slots cut into the side of the feed tube...the bbs feeding up would have to overcome the o-ring tension to make it up. Weak springs would likely blank fire. I'm sure they'd work with a Hicap.

Looks like a better moustrap...sure it works...but is it necessary at all?

If you drop your do you clear your gun? Invert it and shoot out what's left?

Thats what I was thinking about. If you have to go to all clear, heading into the safe zone. I don't want to have to eject the mag then invert the gun and fire it off a few times until I know its empty. 3-4 BBs is not worth my money one bit. I would take the oring out. I just like the adjustment wheel and tracer functions. The o-ring seems pointless.

tunabreath November 10th, 2009 12:57

It's worth it when you're using real caps indoors, and need to do tac reloads.

And if you want to clear it, can't you just tug on the o-ring to drop out the leftovers?

DarkAngel November 10th, 2009 13:00

What about the one round in the chamber. Im not talking about the 3 in the feeding tube of the hopup. but the one chambered into the hopup with the nozzel holding it in.

Either way, oring or not, you still have to clear it. If that means having to fire upsidedown three times, id rather than then get a BB in my eye when my goggles are off.

tunabreath November 10th, 2009 13:06

Obviously, but I was just referring to the BBs held in the feed tube by the o-ring.

Pop the o-ring off to drop out the 3-4 BBs, pop it back on and fire it a couple of time to clear the chamber.

But those 3-4 BBs is a very significant amount when you only have 30. This would work pretty well with the real caps that have an extended follower so that they feed every last round.

ujiro November 10th, 2009 13:08

The o-ring is on the inside of the feeding tube on the hop up unit. Not easily accessible, and not at all with hands. You would need a small probe or hex key to pull it.

DonP November 10th, 2009 13:38


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 1101976)
It looks like simply two slots cut into the side of the feed tube...the bbs feeding up would have to overcome the o-ring tension to make it up. Weak springs would likely blank fire. I'm sure they'd work with a Hicap.

Now that you mention the slots I feel completely in control of my understanding of the unknown design!

I bet that when the mag is inserted the feed tube is pinched together slightly. If the slots and o-ring are matched appropriately then there should be no o-ring in the way.

When the mag is not present the feed tube is not pinched together and the o-ring (well, the parts showing through the slots) retain the BBs.

No more 3-4 BBs dropping out the hop-up when you pull out a mag would be nice.


If you drop your do you clear your gun? Invert it and shoot out what's left?
Unless I misunderstand you, this is really the only safe way to clear an AEG anyway.

Regardless of the BBs dropping from the feed tube when mag is removed, in my experience there's almost always one left in there. Drop the mag, invert the gun, pull the trigger a few times = cleared.

DonP November 10th, 2009 13:40

Since I can't edit or attach images in my previous post:

The proportions are off but I'm sure you get the idea.

m102404 November 10th, 2009 13:47

Obviously, I certainly did not fully explain what I meant regarding clearing an AEG.

Yes...of course, when you're done, the mag should be removed and the AEG should be fired semi (in a safe direction) until you get 3-4 blank shots.

Maybe I've just seen too many broken guns...but I've seen more than a few that worked fine with a mag, but inverted and with bbs just sitting there, I've seen plenty that don't feed the bbs unless there's a bit of pressure (even light pressure from a finger tip).

Anyways...I don't much care for the idea, I think it's silly to worry about 3 bbs dropping out when you've just shot thousands of them all over the place.

coach November 10th, 2009 15:06

when I get my hands on one, I'll just use it for the tracer feature. removing the oring should be sufficient to allow the BB's to fall out as usual.

baker_Jeff November 10th, 2009 15:09

I have some of these on the way with my next stock order. I will do a Youtube review for sure!


Drake November 10th, 2009 17:29


Originally Posted by baker_Jeff (Post 1102114)
I have some of these on the way with my next stock order. I will do a Youtube review for sure!

Sweet, looking forward to that!

KoolAidMan November 10th, 2009 23:00

now only if this works in that ics l85 im getting tomorow : ) it would be one the ultimate aeg IMO at least ;P

DarkAngel November 12th, 2009 15:38

Any idea when the Optional Tracer unit or the complete unit including the tracer unit will be availible?

Gonzo Sleeper November 12th, 2009 15:58

Interested in a full unit with tracer..make my cqb even smaller and still use tracers..hope it doesnt have the same problem as the mag....that thing sucked

grantmac November 12th, 2009 21:49

I personally think it's brilliant! ICS M4s with the dial hop-up have always been a lot more accurate and consistant for me, or G36s for that matter.
With that "window" where the tracer unit goes this will let modders use optical devices to detect an empty mag. There have been a few modified hop-ups with optical sensors in them but this makes it a really easy proposition.

Drake November 12th, 2009 22:04


Originally Posted by grantmac (Post 1103658)
With that "window" where the tracer unit goes this will let modders use optical devices to detect an empty mag. There have been a few modified hop-ups with optical sensors in them but this makes it a really easy proposition.

Paging Dr.DonP!

That would be a nifty addition to the Trigger Master :D

pawscal November 12th, 2009 22:29


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1103666)
Paging Dr.DonP!

That would be a nifty addition to the Trigger Master :D

Wouldn't this not work since not all the bbs will be shot?

Styrak November 12th, 2009 23:14


Originally Posted by pawscal (Post 1103684)
Wouldn't this not work since not all the bbs will be shot?

No it wouldn't work because you'd still have BB's sitting in the feed tube that can't be fired.

Mitchell12 November 12th, 2009 23:25


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1103707)
No it wouldn't work because you'd still have BB's sitting in the feed tube that can't be fired.

It'd probably be simpler to mod all your mags so that when they are empty they complete a circuit. Don't see it being overly hard. Plus you'd still beable to use un modded mags.

tunabreath November 13th, 2009 14:28

Some magazines, such as the D-Boys real caps, have an extended spring follower which goes out past the end of the magazine up into the feed tube to feed every last BB. I'm sure an optical sensor could be made to tell the difference between the BBs and the spring follower and cut power accordingly.

Mitchell12 November 13th, 2009 15:11


Originally Posted by tunabreath (Post 1103969)
Some magazines, such as the D-Boys real caps, have an extended spring follower which goes out past the end of the magazine up into the feed tube to feed every last BB. I'm sure an optical sensor could be made to tell the difference between the BBs and the spring follower and cut power accordingly.

I'm doubtful about that. But how about a magnetic extended follower with a reed switch along the feed tube?

Styrak November 13th, 2009 17:35


Originally Posted by Mitchell12 (Post 1103713)
It'd probably be simpler to mod all your mags so that when they are empty they complete a circuit. Don't see it being overly hard. Plus you'd still beable to use un modded mags.

You go get to work on that then.

shiftsup January 8th, 2010 17:01

Today I installed the Madbull Ultimate Hop Up into my completely stock CA XM 177 E2. Prior to installation this AEG's FPS was chronied at approximately 330 FPS. With the Ultimate Hop Up Unit installed the FPS was chronied at approximately 400 fps.

Has anyone else experienced this significant increase in muzzle velocity?

Huron January 8th, 2010 17:34


Originally Posted by Mitchell12 (Post 1103982)
I'm doubtful about that. But how about a magnetic extended follower with a reed switch along the feed tube?

Drill a small hole through the extended follower so the sensor on the other side sees through it once it's pushed every last bb maybe?

medhatboy January 9th, 2010 22:08


Originally Posted by shiftsup (Post 1137900)
Today I installed the Madbull Ultimate Hop Up into my completely stock CA XM 177 E2. Prior to installation this AEG's FPS was chronied at approximately 330 FPS. With the Ultimate Hop Up Unit installed the FPS was chronied at approximately 400 fps.

Has anyone else experienced this significant increase in muzzle velocity?

would love to know if anyone else has had this happen, was thinking of getting one for my M4, but if it makes a jump in fps like that, I would not be able to use my gun on most fields as it would be well over 400fps (already doing about 375). Plus, I was poking around for some reviews and came across a board in the US, the name of the board escapes me right now, but some was saying that they had to mod their bodies with some brands of AEGs to get it to fit, and even going as far as to say that Madbull was making a body that this hop up was ment for, that it wasn't ment for other aeg bodies.

Huron January 9th, 2010 23:06


Originally Posted by Swatt Five-Six (Post 1138599)
would love to know if anyone else has had this happen, was thinking of getting one for my M4, but if it makes a jump in fps like that, I would not be able to use my gun on most fields as it would be well over 400fps (already doing about 375). Plus, I was poking around for some reviews and came across a board in the US, the name of the board escapes me right now, but some was saying that they had to mod their bodies with some brands of AEGs to get it to fit, and even going as far as to say that Madbull was making a body that this hop up was ment for, that it wasn't ment for other aeg bodies.

It works in any TM style uppers as far as I know. I didn't have to modify anything to install mine in the G&G.

SINN January 9th, 2010 23:35

TM plastic bodies require a TM two piece hop up, or you have to modify them to accept a one piece.

shiftsup January 10th, 2010 00:30


Originally Posted by shiftsup (Post 1137900)
Today I installed the Madbull Ultimate Hop Up into my completely stock CA XM 177 E2. Prior to installation this AEG's FPS was chronied at approximately 330 FPS. With the Ultimate Hop Up Unit installed the FPS was chronied at approximately 400 fps.

Has anyone else experienced this significant increase in muzzle velocity?

I am going to assume that my LNIB XM had an air seal issue that was causing the 330 fps that was corrected when this new hop up unit was installed. There's no way that two O rings alone are going to make a 20% increase in muzzle velocity.

Huron January 10th, 2010 01:18


Originally Posted by SINN (Post 1138650)
TM plastic bodies require a TM two piece hop up, or you have to modify them to accept a one piece.

My mistake, I guess G&P is an acceptable standard instead?

techobo January 14th, 2010 10:38

I'm having a hard time picturing where the extra plugs and wires are supposed to fit. Also, I wonder if this will work if using a FET.

DarkAngel January 14th, 2010 11:01


Originally Posted by techobo (Post 1141943)
I'm having a hard time picturing where the extra plugs and wires are supposed to fit. Also, I wonder if this will work if using a FET.

Through the mechbox perhaps? Those of us using a different gauges of wiring might have an issue with that however.

Mosfet shouldnt be affected by this at all. Theres no reason for it to be.

Crunchmeister January 14th, 2010 11:19


Originally Posted by shiftsup (Post 1138677)
I am going to assume that my LNIB XM had an air seal issue that was causing the 330 fps that was corrected when this new hop up unit was installed. There's no way that two O rings alone are going to make a 20% increase in muzzle velocity.

Actually, 310-320 fps is the stock velocity for CA Armalites out of the box. Such a jump in velocity is quite perplexing.

That being said, I've had several guns where simply replacing the hopup sleeve with a Guarder Clear has jacked my velocity 15-30 fps.

techobo January 14th, 2010 13:22


Originally Posted by DarkAngel (Post 1141948)
Through the mechbox perhaps? Those of us using a different gauges of wiring might have an issue with that however.

Mosfet shouldnt be affected by this at all. Theres no reason for it to be.

Ya, I guess so. It just seems like it'll be a really tight fit. For all the front wired guns especially. I guess it works if they made it already. I hope they release the tracer unit soon. I'd like to see it in action :)

DarkAngel January 14th, 2010 13:37

It is released. Redwolf has em for months already. I am however begging duy from airsoft parts to carry em.

shiftsup January 14th, 2010 13:40


Originally Posted by DarkAngel (Post 1142021)
It is released. Redwolf has em for months already. I am however begging duy from airsoft parts to carry em.

I purchased mine off of Duy 2 weeks ago.

SINN January 14th, 2010 14:29


Originally Posted by GabeGuitarded (Post 1138691)
My mistake, I guess G&P is an acceptable standard instead?

yeah for sure.

DarkAngel January 14th, 2010 14:34

The complete unit with the tracer? Thats what im talking about.
Everyone has the regular non Tracer unit. Only redwolf carries the Tracer unit version.

StrikeFreedom January 14th, 2010 14:45

While trapping the BBs is a good idea, a friend has this unit but has to flip the gun upside down to fire the remaining BBs at the end.

I don't mind dropping a few BBs, but very much prefer knowing when the magazine is out. Right now I have to shoot at the wall/ground or try to listen for dry firing. :(

cbcsteve January 14th, 2010 14:46

No need to beg anymore Duy IS getting them soon

I got the non tracer version, the air seal on this gun dramatically improved my shots.
Combine it with a Shredder Concave and a Guard Hop up you'll notice your groupings become tighter

Baows January 14th, 2010 14:56

I read the first 2 pages and it got to where people were talking about not having the o-ring on there? The chamber lock (bottom o-ring) is optional and does not actually have to be on there.

I picked one of these up from Capital Airsoft, and it's perfect.

~ Josh

coach January 14th, 2010 15:14


Originally Posted by DarkAngel (Post 1142021)
It is released. Redwolf has em for months already. I am however begging duy from airsoft parts to carry em.

*whistles* waiting over here too!

DarkAngel January 14th, 2010 16:16

There an ETA?

coach January 14th, 2010 22:17


Originally Posted by DarkAngel (Post 1142115)
There an ETA?

haven't heard yet but waiting patiently.


Originally Posted by cbcsteve (Post 1142054)
No need to beg anymore Duy IS getting them soon

I got the non tracer version, the air seal on this gun dramatically improved my shots.
Combine it with a Shredder Concave and a Guard Hop up you'll notice your groupings become tighter

sounds like I'll get some FPS back. lol

dutchydoc January 15th, 2010 03:31

Anybody put one of these into an ICS yet?

Con Murder January 29th, 2010 21:29

Fitting issue with A&K M4-S where we had to dremmel the upper reciever (metal) to get it inside. This gun is still on the bench and so we will test after the fitting is complete.

Azathoth January 30th, 2010 12:08


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1101954)
The LED is interesting. But I wonder if the unit will be compatible with the Ajax STS.

If this hasnt been answered not compatable with STS.

Con Murder February 1st, 2010 14:24


Originally Posted by Con Murder (Post 1153336)
Fitting issue with A&K M4-S where we had to dremmel the upper receiver (metal) to get it inside. This gun is still on the bench and so we will test after the fitting is complete.

Some fine shaving of the receiver and the 'wings' on the hop-up go in smooth and stays steady. I did not like working on that A&K, we named it Cartman cuz it is an asshole. I do not recomend A&K M4-S if you plan to upgrade.

Ayashifx55 February 2nd, 2010 01:32

Did anyone tried them yet? How would you compare them to Prometheus M4/M16 metal hop-up chamber? Thanks.

ujiro February 2nd, 2010 01:49


Originally Posted by Ayashifx55 (Post 1155580)
Did anyone tried them yet? How would you compare them to Prometheus M4/M16 metal hop-up chamber? Thanks.

Want to know this as well. Was contemplating getting a Prommy Neo, but was curious if this one was as good (or close to as good).

coach February 2nd, 2010 10:09

If y'all haven't noticed, Jugglez has the LED module and full kit in stock!

DarkAngel February 2nd, 2010 11:57

Already hit him up >: )

coach February 2nd, 2010 12:10

ya, he's started a bag of goodies for me to pickup a TAC10. just hope it doesn't become a huge box of stuff! hahaha

bareass February 8th, 2010 14:19

thinking about getting one of these for my SRC,
the BB lock is a great idea for me cause i use low caps, and getting the full 30 rounds in a is a nice option!

Con Murder February 9th, 2010 13:39


Originally Posted by bareass (Post 1160065)
thinking about getting one of these for my SRC,
the BB lock is a great idea for me cause i use low caps, and getting the full 30 rounds in a is a nice option!

Um your first mag won't be 30 unless you make sure to put four in your hop or take the mag back out and toss 4 more in.

bareass February 9th, 2010 14:52

ya but the rest will.

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