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bean January 12th, 2010 12:40

Hello ladies and gentleman. In here you will find pictures and write ups regarding things I have seen at SHOT Show this year. so stay tuned and follow this link for pictures. I will have pictures in there at the end of the day on the 19th since that's when it states.

Blackthorne January 12th, 2010 13:17

See you there!

SurplusIG January 12th, 2010 22:10

See both of you guys there :)

Rugger_can January 13th, 2010 20:41


Can we get more shots of new gear this year and less Real Steel please.

Ps. I envy you guys going.

bean January 13th, 2010 21:01

Dont worry I will be taking pictures of everything. If you have seen my reviews you will know I like my gear.

Rugger_can January 13th, 2010 21:08


Originally Posted by bean (Post 1141499)
Dont worry I will be taking pictures of everything. If you have seen my reviews you will know I like my gear.

Love your reviews, thats why I asked all nice like, anywho.. thanks again.

R3CON1 January 14th, 2010 00:02

I see you to Vegas.

OTTAWAlonewolf January 17th, 2010 13:24

see you all in Vegas ! Bean

set up an event for all ASC boys ! we will try to meet up in some booth. Call me !

SurplusIG January 17th, 2010 17:38

Who's staying in which hotel ?
I will be at the Luxor.

MrEvolution January 17th, 2010 18:53

you guys should all wear the Blue ASC Hat.

bean January 17th, 2010 19:16

Ok guys once feet are on the ground I will setup an ASC dinner. If you will have a cell with you here pm me the number and I will text once I get a prepaid

bean January 17th, 2010 22:14

My phone I picked up is annoying as hell so I cant make international calls for two days. If you need to reach me pm me for my phone number.

bean January 19th, 2010 19:50

Day one has concluded. I met up with a few people from the forums during the show today. I got a chance to go around to a lot of booths and talk to people. I have pictures from most of the main airsoft booths. I plan to go back and get more from some of them again as the quality isn't super. Pictures should be up in a hour or two. Biggest news item I got at the show is that KWA will be releasing a gbbr in the m4 flavor. It will be there own system with a large amount of steal internals. I have a meeting with them on Thursday to discuss this further. Enjoy the pictures when there up

Schlyder January 19th, 2010 19:59

Nice, thanks bean. Any word on the new G&G releases??

bean January 19th, 2010 20:19

Pictures up. I grabbed there catalog but they had no interest in talking to me. There are pictures of some of there guns in the gallery.

juicy January 19th, 2010 20:28

Thanks for sharing those.

bean January 19th, 2010 20:32

No worries next year I am going to have to pay people to carry me. My feet are toast.

KNIVEZS January 19th, 2010 20:50

nice pics...any news with Real Sword?

mills0 January 19th, 2010 22:59

You got some great shots, man, must have been epic.

bean January 19th, 2010 23:22

I havent got to realsword yet thats tomorrow. Lots more to come guys stay tuned.

Schlyder January 20th, 2010 00:45

Nice , thanks bean.

submarineman January 20th, 2010 16:18

awesome beanman. thanks so much. great pics,Did they have the new CA minigun?

MrEvolution January 20th, 2010 16:52

Oh God...a CLEAR Thompson BURN IT.

Parafal January 20th, 2010 18:28

Great pictures, thanks for sharing! ;)

Did you have the chance to talk to some companies to know if they plan to have airsoft guns with clear lower body for the Canadian market?

Blitzed January 20th, 2010 20:54

Great pictures and coverage!

Although the only thing that truly caught my eye was the amount of Type 2000's.

bean January 20th, 2010 22:16

More pics in a hour or so so check the gallery then. I have a pick of the CA minigun and got a bit more info from Xcalibre relating to it and the black hawk upgrade kit. You guys will be seeing a lot more reviews from me over the coming months and Magnum definitely wins the prize for best press kit. It still baffles me that companies that I would have thought would be good to approach were not and the ones I just happened to casually mention I was interested to were great. I will not publicly slam any of the companies that retailers here carry so please dont ask.

scurvythepirate January 20th, 2010 22:33

Oooo, A mini gun mounted on the GMC. Cool beans.

So im guessing you buy the mini gun and get a free SUV? Seems like a fair deal to me :P

bean January 21st, 2010 00:24

I have to post this as it made me laugh. I managed to bump into the reporters from Airsoft Retreat and one of them said something at the Magpul booth that I have to share. His words when talking about the angled fore grip to the Magpul PTS guy were "Wow this is a great product it will stop me from shooting myself in the hand so much". I sat there in awe when I heard that. Perhaps its because I grew up with guns and have served in the Army for 5 years and played airsoft for 13 I know where my hand is and what its doing. I have never shot myself in the hand in airsoft yet. :S

T@NK January 21st, 2010 12:19

can't believe real sword is making GBB M4 now, must have!!!

Conker January 22nd, 2010 14:33

Hitler is a classic... YouTube- Hitler finds out how much the new Bushmaster ACR will cost

peterfedric March 13th, 2010 01:18


Originally Posted by bean (Post 1145852)
Pictures up. I grabbed there catalog but they had no interest in talking to me. There are pictures of some of there guns in the gallery.

Hey where is the photo gallery?? I am not able to see any link for the gallery of it. I also want to see the pictures of different guns and bullets. Give me the link.

KNIVEZS March 13th, 2010 01:25
its on the first post

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