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Handsonic January 25th, 2016 04:13

Incident at SC Village
So, this video has been blowing up lately for obvious reasons. The backstory is that the victim decided to post this video after (allegedly) shit talking the team for a year, so the team's leader decided to get revenge.

The shooter was banned from SC Village and all other arenas owned by Giant Sportz (refer to this Facebook post by the CEO of Giant Tactical), the victim will probably not be able to make any legal action because waivers.

By opening the video on Movie Maker and counting each spike of sound in the time he was shooting, I found that the victim was shot 45 times in 1.33 seconds (a RoF of 34 RPS). At that range, he probably got a welt for every shot.

What are your thoughts on the situation?

EDIT: The original video went private, so I uploaded it myself.

Kungpow January 25th, 2016 04:45


Originally Posted by Handsonic (Post 1969658)
So, this video has been blowing up lately for obvious reasons. The backstory is that the victim decided to post this video after (allegedly) shit talking the team for a year, so the team's leader decided to get revenge.

The shooter was banned from SC Village and all other arenas owned by Giant Sportz (refer to this Facebook post by the CEO of Giant Tactical), the victim will probably not be able to make any legal action because waivers.

By opening the video on Movie Maker and counting each spike of sound in the time he was shooting, I found that the victim was shot 45 times in 1.33 seconds (a RoF of 34). At that range, he probably got a welt for every shot.

What are your thoughts on the situation?

Ugh, I think I'm going to barf. Its a bunch of adolescents being immature and ruining airsoft. It seems kids really need some common sense and guidance these days.

Derpystronk January 25th, 2016 05:57


Originally Posted by Handsonic (Post 1969658)
the victim will probably not be able to make any legal action because waivers.

I'm pretty sure the kid who got shot has a really good case for something against the shooter, especially since motive was stated on the video / he's uploading it to make fun of the victim.

Waivers don't work as well as you think they do, especially if you are going after another player and not the establishment you signed the waiver with.

Handsonic January 25th, 2016 06:09


Originally Posted by Deltastronk (Post 1969661)
I'm pretty sure the kid who got shot has a really good case for something against the shooter, especially since motive was stated on the video / he's uploading it to make fun of the victim.

Waivers don't work as well as you think they do, especially if you are going after another player and not the establishment you signed the waiver with.
This is the SC Village waiver.

It's kinda confusing. It says that they accept any risk including mental or physical damage, which is what happened here. It also says that they won't sue any releasees, agents, employees, and all other people affiliated therewith. But it also says that they accept the risks may result in personal claims against themselves by spectators or other third parties.

hollywood... January 25th, 2016 07:31

a waiver or not, that would be classified as assault with a weapon

Derpystronk January 25th, 2016 08:11

This is a country where people win lawsuits over coffee being hot.waivers don't mean much.

RainyEyes January 25th, 2016 09:08

The waiver only releases the affiliates of the field from liability. The Released refers to SC village and the waiver does say other persons, but I do not know if they are referring to only those affiliated with the releasee. At least that's what I took away from it.

Therefore I believe it is both lawful and reasonable to pursue damages.

What I want to know is if this individual will be banned from all fields in the area like they usually do in the US. That was a fucked up thing to do to a child.

Boche January 25th, 2016 09:10

Is it necessary to bring the ''authorities'' into every situation? It seems to me it just lengthens the time kids are infantilized in N. America. It was an internal community dispute and was settled. Are we going to charge every hockey player who fights with assault?

Skeletor January 25th, 2016 09:15

The video is terrible. The comments on the video (which I know I shouldn't have read) are also terrible. I can't believe the number of people condoning this and even cheering it on.

Also Boche I hope your comments were facetious. Because if they weren't they were seriously stupid.

hollywood... January 25th, 2016 09:19


Originally Posted by Skeletor (Post 1969670)
Also Boche I hope your comments were facetious. Because if they weren't they were seriously stupid.


lurkingknight January 25th, 2016 09:25

under no circumstances can this be justifiable response to a stupid patch being burned. How anyone can try to justify it shows how petty and ridiculous they are. Makes me sick to think that there are people who sit on the side and say the kid deserved it in any sort of way by making excuses for this meathead.

He burned his own team patch when he got kicked out or left the team. He's got a big mouth. That justifies him being bursted with about 50 rounds from 10 feet away? Fuck off anyone that even thinks that. I hope you get hit by a bus.

This is an aside to the fact this happened before a game whistle, with witnesses, without a care in the fucking world. There is something wrong with this retard. This is an assault, pure and simple by a fucking coward who doesn't have the wherewithal to confront the kid and talk it out. Instead he's a fucking pussy that shoots a kid in the back.

If airsoft is an honor based activity, anyone trying to justify this event is not the honorable sort.

Desmodus January 25th, 2016 09:28

Pretty sickening video. That kind of behavior has no place in our sport and I'm glad the guy responsible is perma-banned. It doesn't matter if the kid was shit-talking or patch burning, whatever the stupid reason, you have to squash beef like that in a mature manner. Lighting his ass up from 10 feet away like that is NOT the way.

Fuck players who are like this. If anything like that happened here in Ontario I'd expect that player to be banned from EVERY field here.

Renegade) January 25th, 2016 09:39

At a typical Airsoft game, in play, we are all consenting to suspend a few rights, IE assault with a weapon as one, in the name of the game. All of us in a typical game are indeed shooting projectiles at our colleagues without intent to harm in the purpose of sport.

Same thing happens in a hockey fight, both are consenting to the assault on eachother for the sport. There is a fine line however and sometimes it can be difficult to spot it, and stop before crossing it.

This, was not that, this was as has been said, assault with a weapon with full intent of harm. Waiver, being at a field, having some PPE on, does not matter, this was assault with intent with a weapon with zero intent of the sport.
I am sure this will spark more bad airsoft publicity because most cannot seperate these facts.

c3sk January 25th, 2016 09:46


Originally Posted by Skeletor (Post 1969670)
Also Boche I hope your comments were facetious. Because if they weren't they were seriously stupid.


Originally Posted by hollywood... (Post 1969671)

If you can't constructively take part in this discussion, consider this as your invitation to leave it.

Ricochet January 25th, 2016 10:08

This behaviour is by no means "part of the sport", getting shot, but not shot in general. If you were to intentionally light someone up with thirty-ish rounds IN-GAME, the behaviour could be actionable, maybe not legally, but by the field/within the community, etc.

Waivers in this case, at least in Canada, don't do a whole lot but slightly protect the field. You have malicious intent, knowing action and evidence, witnesses, etc. Although the hockey players fight, and I believe this isn't a good analogy that was used, this was more attune to them fighting in the locker room, not on the ice. Or even one sided assault. You can be fined, suspended and charges for that. Plus, a weapon was used. Hook or slash a player and you get a penalty, use it outside of game or inappropriately, and you have assault, period.

No amount of trash talk warrants this action, I'll get that out there right now. I'm not going to say involving the authorities is the right move and I'm not gonna say it isn't. It sounds like the community took the right steps, banning, posting videos, etc. If the child is injured, if the gun was cranked up above FPS or ROF limits, if he has a history of violent behaviour, then by all means charge him.

Either way, no more airsoft for the fuck-face responsible, I don't care what others think on this. In this country he could be charged as if it were a firearm and at least land a weapons prohibition, so no more airsoft guns for him. We should have a new forum: "Incidents That Ruin Airsoft", for shit like this.

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