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mthead February 22nd, 2006 16:27

Looking for honest answer to a simple question
How many times you've played airsoft at a hosted event in the last 6 months. this dosn't include shooting targets, or having a buddy over to your house and shooting him while watchin black hawk down.

mthead February 22nd, 2006 16:29

I represent JOC out of calgary, and we're seeing a increase in the disease known as chairsofteritus, and would like to see if it is spreading

Greykin February 22nd, 2006 16:30

I try to get out to a game about once a month, if something big comes up, maybe more.

Avenging Angel February 22nd, 2006 16:32

I ussually get out 4 times a month. I don't tend to play with the mainstream clubs in Calgary though.

666 February 22nd, 2006 16:34

Trying to get out at least once a week. I'd say around 20 games in the last 6 months.

Kid February 22nd, 2006 16:36

EDITED the top part off. Thought it said month, bottom part stays.

Anyway... in my personal opinion, if someone goes to less than one game a month, unless they have a real good reason, they're a chairsofter.

Though, there are some places that only have one every month or two... miss that and you better have a damn good reason!

That's my chairsofting opinion.

Also, you should add a zero category, for chairsofters and once a years.

Mysteryfish February 22nd, 2006 16:39

Definitely a chairsofter, me. Everything's too god-damn far away from North Van, except the local field. And nothing's really "hosted" here, just skirmishes.

And they're usually at night. Some love it, but it got old for me fast.
I don't even own any skirmishable guns any more...

I fully recognize that I represent only a tiny percentage of airsofters though.
I'm holding out until my schedule gets better (and my cash-flow).

It's probably just a phase - the "chairsofting" epidemic. It'll probably cycle, and more events will pop up, and people will get tired of not playing...

BloodSport February 22nd, 2006 17:06

okay read the poll and thought it meant events like Milsims, not just game days....

Man Solo February 22nd, 2006 17:25

So many chairsofters.

BloodSport February 22nd, 2006 17:31

yeah I voted in the wrong spot due to thinking it was milsim events, not regular game days.... others probably did the same.

Whozat February 22nd, 2006 17:36

Our club (BCAC) holds a game every two weeks, I usualy try to get to every one of them.

Yeoman February 22nd, 2006 18:11

me? I can't lie, I chairsoft alot. I played what? five times last year?
lame excuse; it's just so hard to when your cloest field is two hours away, and you're using 3/4 of a tank there and back at least and doing that by yourself.
I really hope to change that this year.
heck I've already attempted to show up to one game this year at the foxden, hopefully there'll be more attempts soon, maybe even an InCountry game, heh that would be something lol.

GMTII February 22nd, 2006 18:27


War-Lock February 22nd, 2006 18:53

I Wish there were more outdoor games in our area, F$#K the weather.

Game on!


yanhchan February 22nd, 2006 19:02

I shoot my buddies while watching Full Metal Jacket....but yeah I get your point. I haven't airsofted since I came back from the states.

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