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punk_newbie April 14th, 2010 15:41

Sandbox C9 Gunner Impression
So I am trying to put together a current deployed C9 gunner impression. I've gotten the basics down so far, but I am hung up on what rig to get. It is my understanding there is a fair amount of commercial kit used, but narrowing down what is used by C9 gunners has been a bit of a challenge.

From what I've read the most popular commercial rig for C9 use is the CPGear MoFOCR. I can't quite justify spending almost $400 on a rig for airsoft and the inevitable zombie apocalypse. So this isn't high on my list to get.

The next choice I've found is the TT MAV in Coyote with X-Harness. I really like this set up and would like to get the MAV w/ pouches included out of ease and cost savings. The one question I have with this set up is would having Coyote pouches be acceptable or would I need to simply get the MAV and buy separate AR pouches?

The one I was looking at originally was the CPGear KISS rig w/ Gunner setup. It is basically a MAV, but available in Cadpat AR and easier ability to replace buckles. I don't think I would mind spending the extra money for this setup, except I have seen no mention of its use in my search.

I would greatly appreciate what ever insight you guys can provide and pictures would be great. I haven't been able to find many pictures of C9 gunners with a non issue vest, the ones I have found it has been pretty unclear what the rig in use was.

Kingly April 14th, 2010 16:07

any Infantry soldiers that I know, who have gone overseas, and are delegated the use of the C9 just use their issued vest.

Midma April 14th, 2010 16:12


Originally Posted by Kingly (Post 1211661)
any Infantry soldiers that I know, who have gone overseas, and are delegated the use of the C9 just use their issued vest.

It is correct.

Look at this:


warbird April 14th, 2010 16:16

That is supposedly a JTF 2 member.

Kokanee April 14th, 2010 16:24

With the relaxation on the use of "non issue rigs" over the past few years overseas, there really is no wrong choice here. Some of the most popular rigs I saw were made by TT, there was some CP gear but not much.

A CF member choosing to purchase their own gear would stick w/ CADPAT, or if it came to a solid colour green/tan. Stick to that and you'll be fine.

Midma April 14th, 2010 16:25

Not verified, and I'm not sure is one.

Probably, but he have a very low profile set-up.


Midma April 14th, 2010 16:29

Others pictures to help you:



Point_Man April 14th, 2010 16:54

1 Attachment(s)
A pic of my buddy getting ready for a convoy. The rig is a Tan HSGI Woosatch with 4 C9 Box pouches across the front, 2 frag grenade pouches and a small utility pouch on the front. He also has a first aid pouch not seen in this picture.

Given the amount of ammo you have to carry issue tac vests are hardly, if ever seen on gunners.

punk_newbie April 14th, 2010 17:14

Thank you all very much. I've decided to go with the TT MAV.

Mordarski J.A. April 15th, 2010 23:43


Originally Posted by Midma (Post 1211680)

Thank God I saw a BFA on the end of that LMG, I was just about to ask if that guy knew how useless he'd be using a mag with a C9. For those that don't know (though if you're reading these forums, you probably do know), the C9 is famous for jams using magazines. Though the weapon was designed to use a magazine, it is more effective when belt-fed (200rd C9 box). In addition to that, also true in airsoft, a magazine is entirely short-lived when used in an LMG.

Doing a proper C9 gunner is a great idea, and I can't wait to see some photos out of it. But please, for the love of all that is holy, leave the damned mag at home LOL!

ThunderCactus April 16th, 2010 00:19

Funny you should mention that, they ended up developing a version of the M249 specifically for special forces use. They lightened the LMG by 1kg by scrapping the mag loading port, and made it belt feed only.

Yeoman May 7th, 2010 13:16

fyi; i did not once even see anybody wear a mav over there
four of the c9 gunners in my platoon had tag plate carriers
or british vests they scored off the paras

punk_newbie May 9th, 2010 01:57

I've been looking over the gear and pictures and the TT MAV is starting to look smaller and smaller. Carrying 3 box mag pouches, IFAK, radio, plus future gear bits as I nail down the impression is looking next to impossible to fit on the set up. I like the HSGI Woosatch and it looks like it has the space for a good setup. Now just to find pouches that don't feel like bending me over.

Also, I'm sure standard carry varies from person to person, but for a basic foot patrol what would be a basic list of essential gear?

marac May 9th, 2010 06:26

well if you want currently deployed look, you can go either with issue tac vest or a tactical tailor chest rig. most of the guys in my platoon currently use their issued tac vest 'cause they're forbidden to use their own rigs/vests simply because it doesn't have tactical tailor label on it.

Yeoman May 9th, 2010 09:50

simple for a c9 gunner;
ifak, ammo, frags, water, prr, knife, somewhere to put the NOD's
again some of the guys in my platoon managed to score the 100 round nutsacks from friendly yanks/ppcliers. but they all carried four boxes on em

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