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Blind Side98 May 23rd, 2010 20:20

Gun Won't Fire
My friend said if I could fix his MP5 I could have it. He threw away the battery, so I hooked it up to a different batter that he had for is AK-47. So I've hooked it up to the battery and the motor turns but the gearbox doesn't. So I took the gear box apart to see if anything was broken and it was all fine. Put it back together to try it again and it still wouldn't work. Its almost like the motor cant turn the gearbox.
Any idea why it won't turn or shoot?

Slow May 23rd, 2010 20:22

Does it make a noise when you pull the trigger?

Blind Side98 May 23rd, 2010 20:26

Well in the handle I can feel the motor trying to turn and it made the click noise once but it didn't shoot anything.

GBear May 23rd, 2010 20:27

Charge your battery. Either it isn't charged or your battery's dead.

Blind Side98 May 23rd, 2010 20:28

Well I used my friends battery that is the same watts and it didn't work. Since I don't have a battery I don't want to spend the money on one if something else is broken.

Buzzrexx May 23rd, 2010 20:30

Read up and watch videos on and learn how a mechbox works. Then you'll better be able to describe your problem, or better yet, fix it yourself.

There are a ton of parts inside the mechbox, so it could be anything. with the information you've given, we can't help you, hence why you'll need to educate yourself a bit more first.

Hope that helps.

Blind Side98 May 23rd, 2010 20:31

Well like I said i took the mech box apart and checked every gear and every piece and they were all in great condition. its just that the motor cant turn the mech box.

Brokenwings May 23rd, 2010 20:34

Maybe its a motor problem? Get either a stronger one or maybe it's not a compatible one?

squeenix May 23rd, 2010 20:35

Do you hear a spinning sound? Then your motor likely isn't in contact with the gears.
I would advise you to look in the place that old the motor (located in the foregrip).
Which gun is it?

Blind Side98 May 23rd, 2010 20:35

No its the same motor that came with the gun when it was bought.

Buzzrexx May 23rd, 2010 20:35

Take out the spring.

Close up the mechbox.

Can you turn everything with your fingers moving the bottom bevel gear?

If not, the problem is inside.

If you can, then put the spring back in, and check the motor depth. if it is adjusted too deep, then it could lock up. There is a screw on the bottom plate of the handgrip that controls this.

Blind Side98 May 23rd, 2010 20:38

Yes everything is moveable when i turn the bottom gear. And you said that the motor could be to far up in the gear box?

Boyso May 23rd, 2010 20:40

Piston could be stucked back and teeth stripped on it. Happened on my AEG.

Buzzrexx May 23rd, 2010 20:40


Originally Posted by Buzzrexx (Post 1241280)
If it is adjusted too deep, then it could lock up. There is a screw on the bottom plate of the handgrip that controls this.

I think that's what I said :rolleyes:

Just back the hex screw out a bit and try again. Repeat if neccesary.

Blind Side98 May 23rd, 2010 20:41

Ok. Ill try loosening the motor out a bit.

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