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ebfud May 30th, 2010 20:43

Stuff in your admin pouches
ok so i want to know, from you the airsoft community people, what you keep in your admin pouches and why not post a picture :D

Drow May 30th, 2010 20:52

maybe a pad of paper and a pencil.

lonesniper May 30th, 2010 20:57

I keep a map of the field i play at, notes on dialing in my scope, and super glue.

SHaKaL May 30th, 2010 21:00

My car key, map, paperpad

Vince May 30th, 2010 21:13


and other random stuff

theshaneler May 30th, 2010 21:20

Map, pen, paper, radio frequency chart
anything else i may feel the need to carry that will fit

cooney May 30th, 2010 21:41

Wallet, lighter, matches, MP3, pen, and a whistle

Deadpool May 30th, 2010 21:46

car keys, lighter (for nades), pen, paper and a map (if available for grunts)

scurvythepirate May 30th, 2010 21:51

extra batteries for the optic.
Note pad

VooDooPeteK May 30th, 2010 21:54

barrel plug
hotel key
condom X3 (might be a long night)
pad of paper
Pen (doesn't work but goes with #4 on list)

bobotea May 30th, 2010 21:54

pen, paper/map, compass, red 50-50 cord, emergency whistle and a multi-tool.

Assault Pioneer May 30th, 2010 21:57

A wash cloth and six tooth brush's

R.I.T.Z May 30th, 2010 22:11

cam stick
small battery
swiss army knife
cell phone

Drake May 30th, 2010 22:34

depending which one I'm using, which rig I'm using it on and game type (i.e., "needs"), any combination of the following:

multitool, mini-maglite, lighter, pen, paper, printed notes/cheat sheets, mouth guard, glowstick(s), gum, pistol mag, taclight (usually my Scorpion, it fits well), spare battery pack for my radio... and of course my "cool guy" patches :P

I specifically avoid putting things like ID and car keys in there to prevent them from falling out on the field while I'm digging something else out in the heat of battle -- I prefer keeping those in a closed (velcro or zipped) pocket on my BDUs; if I need to get something out of the car while my vest is off, I have the keys on me, and should I fall victim to some accident on the field (perhaps incapacitated) I have ID/medicare card on my person, even if my vest is removed.

The Chad May 30th, 2010 23:15

MOA chart for my RDS, some extra patches, felt, knife sharpener (stick), map of FR outdoor.

No paper and pen.....:s

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