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Scarecrow June 12th, 2010 21:58

ASU - Airsoft University
Well, from what I understand, this is out of the bag thanks to Google.

Apparently someone posted it here on ASC, then someone took it down, but it was long enough for my phone to ring off the hook and my email to go mad. Blackthorne just muttered f**king google and stormed off to bed.

Airsoft University

We are finalizing arrangements for what could turn out to be an unprecedented venue. To get an idea its about 30 minutes from the top of highway 427. I have to make a final presentation to the owner of the facility, but I have an agreement in principle at this point.

You can read about it on the site. There are people out there already in the know who I have approached as trainer facilitators and a few recruiters in motion at the moment, but I hope to have a first meeting of staff TFs next week, and our first event before the end of June.

Feel free to browse the site, it is far from complete, but, it will give you an idea of what is available to us. Anyone who is interested in becoming a TF this semester, please drop me a PM. Your availability for weekends has to be laid out, and BTW, these are paid positions, not volunteer. Minimum of 3 years experience and your outside experience and what you bring to the school will be perhaps as important, if not more important than your airsoft experience itself. This is a ZERO politics environment and the facility does not belong to any team or any vendor, ASU is an independent entity. I am a partner and investor in the venture, I don't own it.

Feedback welcome.

Sincerely, Scarecrow, Blackthorne & Seraph

jamuke June 12th, 2010 22:07


-Trooper- June 12th, 2010 22:16

Seems like you can't get a break. First the 8mm silica and now this.
But seriously, this place looks awesome.

Castle June 12th, 2010 23:44

That sounds bloody amazing.

pusangani June 12th, 2010 23:54

v.kool man

Rugger_can June 13th, 2010 00:00

Sounds like an interesting experience.

ShelledPants June 13th, 2010 00:26

Curious. I like.

Eien June 13th, 2010 00:33

Can't wait to see the courses.

c3sk June 13th, 2010 00:40

Time for me to hit up OSAP yet again....

Scarecrow June 13th, 2010 07:42


Originally Posted by Eien (Post 1253898)
Can't wait to see the courses.

We're working on the syllabus right now, but as it stands now, we're looking at a series of basic courses we're calling Airsoft101, AEG101 and Comms101 - those should appeal to newcomers and operators who want to enhance their skills. Then we're into team building, and then into a hosting series, and those should appeal to veterans. Some of the hosting quals will impart skillsets in people that hosts need for hosting assistance - like myself.

I want to talk to people like Brian McIlmoyle, Ex and others who have developed external competition systems and try and grow those through the school as well. I also fully expect the instructor cadre to come up with some stuff, and host guest instructors with their own content. We have a lot of freedom with this concept - all I want to do is make sure its a) fun, b) structured and c) measurable, so we can properly evaluate and tune a course and give guests feedback on their progress. Part of the point of this is to legitimize airsoft as a sport, and to that end I am open minded about where to take this.

The good news is with my training background, I can take pretty much anything and turn it into a fun workshop with structure and measurability. But I am going to make sure none of this is stuffy or boring.

I'll be posting up the initial workshop offerings soon.

TechSeller June 13th, 2010 10:25

Looks good Jay! I know my youngest will be counting the days to the big 1-5.


coach June 13th, 2010 12:00

ASU - Airsoft University
Sounds awesome Jay.

Can I come for dinner? :D

Eeyore June 13th, 2010 12:27


Originally Posted by Scarecrow (Post 1253989)
I'll be posting up the initial workshop offerings soon.

Please, please , please, first course should be safe handling of firearms.

Scarecrow June 13th, 2010 15:21


Originally Posted by Eeyore (Post 1254072)
Please, please , please, first course should be safe handling of firearms.

Definitely, the Airsoft101 and AEG101 will cover off a lot of that. BTW, so people know, AEG101 is NOT a gundoc course, but it will cover things like the manner in which AEGs, GBBs etc work, real world effective ranges (experimental activities in the workshop). The point would be to understand an AEG well enough that you know what is reasonable and not reasonable in relation to performance and what remedial actions to take on failure, and when its time to employ a gundoc, upgrades etc. Airsoft101 is all the stuff we want good players to exhibit and its sort of an indoc course that a lot of teams used to do, but isn't generally available otherwise. There is a lot we can do and ultimately the design of the workshop is such that *anyone* taking it can benefit from it. Hell, I've played since 2002 and I *still* learn new stuff every game I go to, and not all of it from multi-year vets. The last few games I've attended also show me that there is a lot players can learn from one another, regardless of time in.

I'll do a writeup shortly on the school rules and the justification for 15-17 being allowed in more detail. Some people have already expressed a concern about it, but to be clear about it at the outset, I have good, well thought out reasons for doing this which will be documented shortly. What I ask is for people the have patience and let this thing grow a little before poking holes in it, as tends to happen around here with new ideas. This isn't about lowering the age of play at public fields, this is about educating youth who are already playing the game outside of the community with parental consent. And there are a lot if you live north of highway 9. If we can make that safer and mentor these kids, we can hopefully mitigate the behaviors that concern us as ambassadors of this sport in our communities. One of my guest speakers is an OPP officer in this area who has encountered airsoft guns and responded and dealt with those calls.


Originally Posted by coachster (Post 1254056)
Sounds awesome Jay.
Can I come for dinner?

As long as you're okay with free-range roast beast... ;)

Eeyore June 13th, 2010 15:25

When I click on the link the page loads then freezes my pc, everytime. Am I the only one this happens too?

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