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Avtomat June 18th, 2010 23:52

Help with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Loadout
So, lately I've been looking for an airsoft loadout. When S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat came out, I started to play the series a lot more than I used to. Then I realized that a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. loadout would work well. An picture of my ideal loadout would be something like this: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

So, here's what I'm looking for:

Good AK-47 (preferably under $150)
Good pistol to fit the loadout (Tokarev or Makarov perhaps?)

I also need tips on the outfit, too. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Assault Pioneer June 18th, 2010 23:59

too lazy to type everything out again but there are plenty of STALKER/post apocolyptic threads on ASC, run a search and you'll find a few really great threads on exactly what your looking for

Strelok June 19th, 2010 00:24

If you're in canada. You won't find an AK under 150 that is 'good'.

Even for fifty bucks more you get a peice of shit called a kraken.

Lurk some more, read the classifieds and educate yourself on how things are run here, it'll do you a lot of good.

Spawn28 June 19th, 2010 11:08

Stalker usually wears a Ghuilly suit holding a beer in one hand and a CA M24 in the other..........OHHHHHH you ment something else sorry


TaroBear June 20th, 2010 02:42

No Fort pistol I'm aware of. Not sure about a Makarov, but I doubt it, since there are guys who'd already be rocking them here if there were any around. You can get an 92FS or Desert Eagle quite easily, as well as the USP and the 1911. As for AKs, you can get/build any of the variants in the game quite easily *if* you get age verfied and access to the classifieds, but for at least 3 times the amount you suggested, if not more for anything decent. There are also LR300s, L85s, SVDs and SPAS-12s around if you want those. Again, get age verified, do some research.

Having just got a shit ton of gear myself, I'm going to have to say that decent gear will run you more than a decent gun, especially if you want to do an accurate impression.

Red Engi July 3rd, 2010 23:52

trench coat with a hood, grimy black. go for a double barrel shotgun or a l86 (good luck finding the right one) im makin a stalker setup as well, i hope pics soon follow

BootYourFace July 4th, 2010 02:24

Ana Gorka, KZS, old looking rope, leather belt, gas mask, GOOGLE.

CDN_Stalker July 4th, 2010 09:27


Originally Posted by Spawn28 (Post 1257623)
Stalker usually wears a Ghuilly suit holding a beer in one hand and a CA M24 in the other..........OHHHHHH you ment something else sorry


Lol! Or this:

Red Engi July 8th, 2010 13:46

you are going to want to get a exo-skeleton if you want to make it to the wish granter XP jks. what type of STALKER are you going for? bandits being the easiest and imo monolith or duty being hardest.

Strelok July 8th, 2010 17:24

I'd say loners would be the easiest out of them all, as all you really need is a khaki windbreaker with a hood, black backpack and bluejeans. You can also get away with a fancied up respirator or something, or balaclava.

Once I'm in better health, i'll be working on a longcoat loner style stalker getup. It just comes down to finding a longcoat that has a hood on it. Guns and other bits and peices are already well taken care of.

Avtomat July 10th, 2010 22:58


Originally Posted by Red Engi (Post 1269906)
you are going to want to get a exo-skeleton if you want to make it to the wish granter XP jks. what type of STALKER are you going for? bandits being the easiest and imo monolith or duty being hardest.

I'm going for what's essentially a Loner. The uniform itself so far consists of:
Russian Mountaineering Suit (Top)
OD Cargo Pants
Russian GP-5 Gas Mask
Russian Infantry Boots
Black Star Backpack

So, basically, it's going to be a Loner loadout, but with some modifications, like the picture in the OP.

Here's what I've got for guns ATM:
Dboys AKS-74 (I'll be wrapping a tourniquet around the stock, someone said I should add a bayonet, but the problem with that is the obvious safety issues :/)
A&K Dragunov

Any suggestions/advice for this current loadout?

EDIT: After I finish this loadout, I'd like to make a Master Bandit loadout by picking up a black longcoat, a Hwasan Double Barrel Shotgun, and a Army L85A1.

Raskas December 7th, 2010 21:51

I'm slowly half-assing my way into a STALKER impression as well.

So far I've got an SCR AK47, which I'll slowy be converting into a 74u, keeping the 47 lower though so the 47 mags can be used, like they are in the game. (Plus I'm cheap and I don't wanna cough up for a new set of mags just yet)

As far as gear is concerned I've found a lovely Austrian field coat with a "Flecktarn-ish" kind of pattern, not in keeping with loners or bandits but I might be able to pull off a Freedom-type setup. I'll just have to get matching pants.

Desmodus December 7th, 2010 22:05

Heres mine.

STALKER load-outs are easy as fuck to make... this one here is my take on the "Loners" which is composed of:

Chilean Amoeba camo backpack
3-Cell chicom vest
SKS rig
GP-5 Gasmask
Chilean M65 jacket
Desert Night Camo pants

For S.T.A.L.K.E.R loadouts.. I personally don't think you should constrain yourself to look like the ones seen in the game...

SDALKER June 10th, 2020 14:33

did you take any pics of the stalker loadout you made??

hollywood... June 10th, 2020 15:08

holy Necro post

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