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Airsoft Fanpage June 28th, 2010 05:25

35 000 airsofters on Airsoft Hub - Facebook
Hi guys,

As I'm new on the Forum I can shortly introduce myself. I'm Thomas the Admin of the Airsoft Hub on Facebook.
Today, we gathered 35 000 Airsofters on one single page.
You can check it here:

Everyone are welcome. Feel free to check it and join. It's free, plenty of information.
It would be a pleasure to see there

We have a new Airsoft Program on the way: Airsoft Squared, you can check it as well:
Enter your email to receive a beta invite. (about 1000 left).

Thanks and talk to you soon.

Airsoft Fanpage Press Release

The Airsoft Hub connects Teams & Players on Facebook

Started from scratch in February 2010, the Airsoft Hub is born of a simple idea: leveraging Facebook and reach a critical mass of fans to connect Airsoft players and teams. Thanks to the contribution of its 29 000 members, the Airsoft Hub is now simply the fastest growing Airsoft fanpage on Facebook and one of the most active community online.

The Airsoft Hub offers simple features such as news, reviews, forums, ingame photos and tactical resources thanks to partnerships with big players. As Airsoft is becoming mainstream, we think it's now time to take the Community to the next level. We are now focusing on new features such as an Airsoft products Marketplace and an International Airsoft Events Calendar.

To join our community and help us building the most awesome Airsoft community:
Visit our fanpage on and click on I like.
Partnerships and Press releases: airsoft.fanpage [@]

Key Numbers:
35 000 members in 5 months
300 new members everyday
10% growth every month
20 partners / blogosphere and ecommerce

Feb 29th 7 850 fans
Apr 3rd 12 750 fans
Apr 17th 20 000 fans
May 5th 25 150 fans
May 14th 27 200 fans
June 20th 35 000 fans

surebet June 28th, 2010 11:54

Hurray for new channels to help kiddies get guns!

Also, I like spam!

Shatter June 28th, 2010 12:43

I joined it a while ago. Looks like the majority of members are from the UK and US.

fasterbassdrums June 28th, 2010 13:30

of the 35,000
15,000 are probably chairsofters. 5,000 wear tennis shoes to games and jeans or mixmatched kit. and another 5,000 like to tickle hi-caps

ShelledPants June 28th, 2010 13:36

The photo's are lol'z.

The comment "Czech-n wings" made me teary.

Huge June 28th, 2010 15:11

pretty sure they have no idea what trigger control is.

FOX_111 June 28th, 2010 16:03


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 1263640)
The photo's are lol'z.

The comment "Czech-n wings" made me teary.


Airsoft Fanpage July 1st, 2010 11:43

Top Countries:

N°1. United States 9,535
N°2. France 3,704
N°3. Czech Republic 2,856
N°4. Philippines 2,277
N°5. Indonesia 2,122
N°6. Italy 1,780
N°7. United Kingdom 1,690
N°8. Spain 1,080
N°10. Canada 775
N°11. Chile 751
N°12. Slovakia 701
N°13. Finland 598
N°14. Venezuela 572
N°15. Malaysia 530
N°16. Greece 501

So this is not a unique US and UK Hub but a real International Airsoft Hub.


Kokanee July 3rd, 2010 12:05

Why would I want to join yet another facebook page. There are great web forums like ASC, arnies etc that allow me to have meaningful conversations (and some not so much) with other users on issues, instead of posting on a facebook wall...

Shrike July 3rd, 2010 13:23


johnnyb July 3rd, 2010 17:14

Ya, cool...

northcop July 3rd, 2010 17:46


Originally Posted by surebet (Post 1263583)
Hurray for new channels to help kiddies get guns!

Also, I like spam!


Airsoft Fanpage July 14th, 2010 15:02

Thanks guys. We hit 40 000 fans today ;)

And we've launched a new album with funny Airsoft pics : Becuse Airsoft is just for fun".
Check it :

Hope you like it.

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