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-   -   Killed WE HK4168 ( January 25th, 2011 02:23

Killed WE HK4168
I think i just kill my freshly bought we HK-416.

I have lubricated it well so it will last. And instead of that it start jamming and bb's start getting stuck in hop up. Bolt stared to move very hard. After one hour when i pull the bolt out i noticed that o-rings were very worn out.

Were i can buy a complete set of o-rings ? and is there a chance to get something decent which will not melt right away ???

I need probably a new hop-up as well as this one is probably swollen and thats what cause bbs to get stuck in it.

And how you guys deal with GBB ? do you live it dry ?

Blacksheep January 25th, 2011 02:28

go to a paint ball store bring o rings to match CHEAP as hell

Blacksheep January 25th, 2011 02:28

pull your hop up out dry it off re -assemble

ToRN January 25th, 2011 02:31

You want to give it lube, but not too much, as that would cause problems with accuracy and consistency (oily hop up unit, bbs slide along it instead of being gripped, which is what gives the back spin)

Please tell me you didn't use a petroleum based lube. Anything but silicone lube will eat the rubber seals etc.

Nic January 25th, 2011 02:47

with this oil is longer story i have already cause some problems to my mac 11. I bought propane adapter from AI. it comes with oil.
I was using it, and after while rubbers get swollen. But what i notice on the oil bottle was second sticker saying GUN OIL NOT FOR TORNADO GRENADE it was stick on top of the one saying that this is tornado grenade oil NOT FOR GBB GUNS
So I though that tis is problem with oil. I used to use crossman bb gun oil from crappy tire and i did not have any problem with my sig x-five
so i bought one for this HK416 but looks it doesn't like it. Fu.. !

onemenace January 25th, 2011 02:50

wash off the hopup with some soapy water let it dry clean ur barrel and gun extremely well these guns need a minor amount of grease/oil and if you over do it will not perform well you need to do some major research on this thing if u want it to perform well January 25th, 2011 02:58

i was going to buy that ra-tech kit for adjustable fps.(NPAS)


they have some parts for we m4 . will they fit hk416 ??

I was looking for some info about durability of this guns. But i should look for maintenance advises first !

onemenace January 25th, 2011 03:28

yea the internals are the same on the m4 and the hk416 only difference is the sights that come with and the upper receiver and yes get the npas if you want to stay in fps limits also comes with new orings also if they wore down that fast i would make sure the screw in the back of the bolt is tight and that nothing there is loose January 26th, 2011 00:58

I have put a part my 416 today. to clean it from oil and i got to the point were i wasn't sure how to remove inner barrel from upper rec. in order to get to hop up rubber. thats the last part that need to be dried.
I went across ASC forum and i haven't found one add about it.
and i do not want to brake any thing. I did enough boobooo to this rifle so far :)
btw. look like only two outer orings on nozzle got thorn the rest should be fine for a while . :) January 27th, 2011 19:31

Any one knows hau to pull out inner barrel from upper receiver ???
I need to get to hop up in order to clean it up.
I have upper with inner barrel on my knees and I can not separated them !!! :(

faithless January 28th, 2011 00:20

Did you take off the hand guard (ris ras whatever), unscrew the part that holds the outer barrel and upper receiver together? the hop up and innter barrel go out as the direction bb shoot out the rifle.

Took me a while to figure out too. January 28th, 2011 18:54

It is so tide that I am not able to pull it out. Is it safe to tap through brass tube in side upper reciever ? Of course through some piece of plastic.

j3anius January 28th, 2011 20:01

first do this

then do this January 29th, 2011 09:21

Thank you I though there is nothing about it on internet. :)
Bit of silicone oil helped pulling it out.
Look like proper oil is the key. Now I am using rc shock oil w40. And bolt works very smooth with out any friction and no more jamming of bb in the hop up.
Lucky me. I though that I will have to buy new rubbers just like for my Mac 11. :)

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