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BIGMEDCIN January 19th, 2012 12:46

C-TAC airsoft
Anyone have any good info on the C-TAC airsoft guns?...replacable (TM type) gear box parts, hop units etc or, are they one off parts you cant get.

they claim there a top shelf AEGs?


Pinard January 19th, 2012 12:56


BIGMEDCIN January 19th, 2012 13:30

Thank you

dabone April 10th, 2012 21:24

can someone explain me why i cant see the link asc thread

JonsM4 April 10th, 2012 21:28

Cause you aint age verified.

Nickaayyy March 12th, 2013 11:31

Bringing back this topic (dont want to create a new one).

Ok guys I have a quality question, but first the reason I ask:

My friend bought 400$ an C-TAC M4 on BuyAirsoft not long ago and been starting to say to other friend in our group thats it's the best you can find (thats it's a good company, don't know where he get it's info).

I wanted to know whats does it worth really (if it's a good gun or a piece of crap) and if upgrade are easy to get, I read they're VFC clones but do they completely fit on them.

Finally does it worth to check this gun or is it just junk? Your opinion would be the most pleased.

Hectic March 12th, 2013 11:37

They are vfc but they are prolly the worse work vfc has done for the 400 doller range get a jg or echo1 for a cpl hundred more get a full metal vfc i wouldnt "buy airsoft" from a certian retailer that shall remain unnamed (see what i did there) there are many more trusted retailers with beter products in that price range. Get AV'd and you shall see.

Nickaayyy March 12th, 2013 11:42

I know a couple of place where to buy and for the AV i'm just waiting for my gun to being shipped so I can chrony in a game in the same time. :D

It's more that I didn't trust is gun and I didn't want other people to start and buy from them (just buying from BuyAirsoft I found its a waste of money...). In the same time I could learn from this company, so I can inform other new people in the future.

Hectic March 12th, 2013 11:58

The best advice is avoid that retailer and avoid those guns and most anything that has clear/smoked recivers. Thosd days are gone we are getting real airsoft guns now so no need to buy junk any longer

Nickaayyy March 12th, 2013 12:06

Ok thanks, gonna try to put in those guys mind that Buyairsft is NOT an option to buy (even if it's been a while I told them... XD)

For the one that bought it, VFC parts should fit in it? Pretty sure he's too stubborn to admit he got crap and wont change it, so just to know in case he want to repair it.

Hectic March 12th, 2013 12:43

It should be "tm" compatible meaning just about all the available uograde parts on the market should fit it.

Nickaayyy March 12th, 2013 13:13

Ok thanks for the info.

Smokes May 8th, 2014 05:14

C-tac m4 - overall 7.6/10
I purchased a full metal C-TAC M4 from buyairsoft and it was a decent transaction enough, It came like 3 days before the day they told me it would be in. :p As far as i'm aware it's identical to VFC's and most likely built in the same manufacturing plant. One aspect I didn't care too much for was the piece to screw in the buffer tube is very short and made it a bit difficult to install a UBR stock and potentially other non-drop-in stocks. If you plan on modding the front end of this thing you might want to buy utility tool or w/e they are called. The C-TAC "pro" series (their full metal AR line) doesn't come with such. I went to town on the magazine when it came in and I stripped something on the magazine itself that holds it securely in the mag-well. I now need to hold down the plate connecting the mag release button to the mechanism inside to properly feed the stock magazine in (most likely my fault). Standard gen.2 gearbox with steel components and a very poorly chosen M130 spring for a market that is dominant in indoor fields. The nice thing about it being made in Taiwan and shipped in pieces to Canada to be assembled and distributed is that no part is glued on, Everything is hand tightened and ready to be swapped out. The barrel is 6.4 inches in diameter so it's recommended to swap that out for a 6.1 if you tighter um... "groupings" as i'll put it. I went AEG to try and avoid a gas block so I can install a Madbull DD Lite rail without needing to drill a piece to fit the tube and to my ironic surprise C-TAC's are equipped with the much needed dummy gas blocks. All in all I think it's decently build and the 7.4 lipo that it comes with is a nice finishing touch.

ccyg8774 May 8th, 2014 08:56


Originally Posted by Smokes (Post 1887973)
I went to town on the magazine when it came in and I stripped something on the magazine itself that holds it securely in the mag-well. I now need to hold down the plate connecting the mag release button to the mechanism inside to properly feed the stock magazine in (most likely my fault).

Oh God...


Originally Posted by Smokes (Post 1887973)
Standard gen.2 gearbox with steel components

It is called Version 2, not Gen 2. Plus steel components does not mean good components.


Originally Posted by Smokes (Post 1887973)
The nice thing about it being made in Taiwan and shipped in pieces to Canada to be assembled and distributed

Seriously? Do you actually know how airsoft importation works?


Originally Posted by Smokes (Post 1887973)
The barrel is 6.4 inches in diameter so it's recommended to swap that out for a 6.1 if you tighter um... "groupings" as i'll put it.

6.4 "inches" diameter? Do you have any idea about how big that is?


Originally Posted by Smokes (Post 1887973)
the 7.4 lipo that it comes with is a nice finishing touch.

Have you ever heard about lipos come with aircraft grade finishing? :D

Why would you necro such an old thread just to post wrong information like this? Please don't post "reviews" by pretending you know what you are talking about.

Smokes May 8th, 2014 15:24

Why would you respond?

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