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Kokanee May 29th, 2012 21:36

Helmets for people with large heads
I have a melon of a head - size 7 7/8, and I've been eyeing the repro OPS Core FAST and Crye Airframe helmets that have popped up this year. However all the overseas sites only seem to carry the "M/L" sizing, not the "L/XL" sizing that the manufacturers also produce.

If anyone would have a line on where to get these larger helmets, much appreciated as I am sure I'm not the only one in this boat.

Specifically interested in the airframe.


EagleDriver May 31st, 2012 20:26

Even the real L/XL size wouldn't fit you without trimming the padding really close. I have a 7 5/8 head and the repro Ops Core Base Jump is snug on me. I have a real one and bought the repro one to compare fit and finish (and the repro from KH Mountain is the L/XL size.) I ended up shaving some of the foam off of the front for more comfort.

I have only ever seen the airframe in Medium size.

Kokanee June 18th, 2012 16:21

Damn, the airframe is dead sexy and I would love to get a L/XL sizing, maybe I'll hit up a few retailers.

Thanks for the comments!

Swattiger June 18th, 2012 16:37

According to one of the Canadian retailer who has good connection with the China manufacturers, in order to achieve a low cost, they only clone the medium size which fits most of the Chinese customers in Asia.

So don't hold any high hope you will get a larger size, or you may just buy the real ones.

Kokanee June 18th, 2012 17:33

Damn, well guess it's time to splurge on a real ops core then, thanks fellows.

HackD June 18th, 2012 23:01

I'll echo whats already been said about the repro ops-core helmets.

I've got one, and a 7 1/2" gourd. Love the helmet and great quality for a repro (imho), but damn.. my heads too big n' pointy for it. I did extend the strapping on it, and i removed the top inner pads, so it now barely fits, but it isn't real comfortable beyond the short term.

As previously stated, it's unfortunately of asian sizing.. not really western meat-head compatible.

I am using the stand-by of an el-cheapo repro Pagst instead.. it fits, and is comfortable for airsoft use, if not quite so current in 'airsoft style'.

ManateeMatt June 20th, 2012 12:08

If you ever find one that is to big, let me know. my watermelon sized head doesn't fit any one that I can find (size 8ish)

jomor June 20th, 2012 22:33

7 7/8
I have a big head as well same size as yours, 63 or 7 and 7/8. I bought an opscore fast helmet. To get it to fit I removed just the front foam bad. However big my melon of head, it's not that smart. I stuck my head in the helmet forgetting that there was exposed velcro, the hook side. Man did that hurt and I had nice square red patch on my forhead for days! I ended up putting a soft thin material in forn of it and now its fine.

dwsage June 21st, 2012 14:50

I'm sort of in the same predicament. My head is about 61-62cm.
Does anyone have a picture of themselves wearing the helmet and what you had to do to make it fit? I'm going to assume using a headset is out of the question if our noggins is this tight on the helmets

Grey Ops June 21st, 2012 15:13

I've got a size 8ish gourd, let me know if you find anything Kokanee. :P

HackD June 21st, 2012 16:18


Originally Posted by dwsage (Post 1669474)
I'm sort of in the same predicament. My head is about 61-62cm.
Does anyone have a picture of themselves wearing the helmet and what you had to do to make it fit? I'm going to assume using a headset is out of the question if our noggins is this tight on the helmets

I ended up ripping up a set of Comtec's and mounting 1 of the ear-pieces on the rail pure McGyver style. You can also do it using mounts for construction ear protectors at princess auto. Mine is admittedly a less refined solution, and the mount is shown pre-paint in the photo. For myself, this circumvented any space/clearance issues related to the headset that i had on hand. I guess i could have gone Bowman style, but it wasn't out for lefty shooters yet. (link via EagleDriver)

Picture of the helmet and headset. Myself included in the photo would be much more than my camera could withstand.

dwsage June 23rd, 2012 23:52

That's tacticool Red Green style baby!

Stainless Steel November 18th, 2017 08:18

Going to resurrect cuz I'm in the same boat here. Can't fit the worth of me find a decent looking helmet to fit my massive cranium. Mines like 24" circumference which is, I think, a size 7-8?

Kozure February 5th, 2018 17:37

I feel your pain, my large-craniumed brethren.

7-5/8 hat size / 61cm / 24" circumference checking in.

I too seek helmets for the plus-size gourd.

I can tell you for certain that the "one-size-fits-most" of the Emerson FAST Bump helmets is a little small for my head, and required that I remove a few of the foam spacers.

TheHappy1 February 5th, 2018 17:46

I also have a big head, ended up with an FMA repro and changed the inside for the one they sell and ended up having something interesting, I can take measurings tonight or next weekend to add details.

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