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SweJohn June 12th, 2012 20:04

CANSOFCOM Gear questions.
Hello everybody from Sweden!
We are a team that is sort of semi working on a CANSOFCOM impression type gear. And we are atm getting pretty good at getting into arguments about... the vests, most likely not very supprising.
I have searched and looked around the web for confirmed answered, but eh.. either I'm more blind the usual, or I just cant find it.
So... to my question. I have seen pictures of supposedly CANSOFCOM operatives in both RRVs (only in CB/Tan tho) and in RAV/CIRA's (Only in what looks like RG tho) vests. Can anyone please confirm or deny if these would suit for a impression?
I know we most likely should use the CF vest, but eh... they cost me an leg and an arm to get a hold of over here :S

SweJohn June 12th, 2012 21:11

Ah, I hade missed that part, thank you alot for the info :)
I have been looking around there.. but, frankly, its alot of posts to go thro, and well... find an airsofter that aint lazy when it comes to fact finding on a forum and I'll buy you a beer :P

SweJohn June 13th, 2012 04:37

Already looked at their website, but it never hurts to dubbel check in my experience, as even when it comes to the military, PR pictures is not always to be trusted.
And I was joking about the lazy party... I hade a hard time finding the info I wanted, mostly due to the fact that there is alot of it, and shifting thro it, I couldent really find it.

SweJohn June 13th, 2012 08:12

Yeah, I've been tring to find some with no luck.
Thanks alot for the help who, pictures to come at a later date! :)

oniwagamaru June 13th, 2012 18:45

from most pics ive seen with CJRU, they were wearing DBT FAPC in coyote brown with cadpat. I would think thats the closest thing to get if you were to go do an impression.

scottyfox June 13th, 2012 19:00

CJIRU would be next to impossible since they're wearing their weird ass urban pattern now with one unit patch on each arm.
And I'm not sure what the point of CBRN response is in airsoft...

oniwagamaru June 13th, 2012 19:01

Yeah I would not want to play airsoft in MOPP 5 lol. People already bitch about it while doing small party tasks, much less actually running around and doing airsoft tacticool things...

Farmboy June 14th, 2012 14:13


since they're wearing their weird ass urban pattern now
Multicam is a weird ass urban pattern?

scottyfox June 14th, 2012 14:21


Originally Posted by Farmboy (Post 1666639)
Multicam is a weird ass urban pattern?

CUEPAT. Didn't you see the CJIRU guy at CANSEC wearing it?

oniwagamaru June 14th, 2012 22:36

Here you go!

SweJohn June 28th, 2012 18:58

Thanks alot for all the help :)

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