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I'm an early adopter... I jump in first to many many things
Often this costs me money.. new gun comes out.. I buy it if I want it.. I have guns I paid $1000 for that can be had for $400 now... It's the cost of being an Early Adopter I was invited to participate in the BETA release of Right away I saw that this software fills a need..It turns out that this is on Early Adoption.. that is saving me time. And we all know TIME is MONEY I host a lot of Games.. 5 or 6 a month and I've been doing it since 2005... I spend a lot of time ( or used to ) managing game threads.. updating Rosters .. adding people.. taking them away .. and keeping records of who attended the game and who blew it off after posting in. All this takes time.. Time I don't have a lot of. From the standpoint of a Host has saved me LOADS of time, Eliminated "tentatives" and the "+1" posts .. with a glance I know who and how many people are in the game. I can take attendance , and soon I'll even be able to collect payments for games on OPS-Center.. To post my game.. all I have to do is create it in ( which takes about 5 minutes ) and then link it to ASC Done.. the software takes care of the rest.. no more plowing through treads of banter to find the IN posts .. no updating of rosters.. all of it is done for me. That is a time saver.. big time. From a Player Standpoint.. I can see what is going on in my area at a Glance, I can see who is attending any game , see the rules , Join a side ( and change my mind) all without having to PM a Host .. and wait for them to respond. It's a great tool .. and it makes joining a game easy and 100% under my control. That said for OPS-Center to really become what it can be.. a one stop clearing house for Airsoft events .. more Hosts and Players need to use it. If All the Hosts got on board .. all the players would.. and we would really have something going. ASC will still be important.. for the communication, and sharing of information, but it's really not very good at managing event hosting. Never has been. I'm not affiliated with OPS-Center in any way.. I just know a good thing when I see it. Check it out.. you will be glad you did. |
C'mon people use it and sort out all the mess and confusions. |
Sadly, and the issue I always see. Everyone hosts a game and wants it to revolve around them. Some teams plan an op and want in on their forums so it revolves around them. so they don't use sites like this.
And I find it hard to get people to reply "in" for a game posted on facebook. let alone register a new site. I like the concept, people just need to force it's use. |
Sounds almost too good to be true. Is there a "but" in there? Any cons to Ops-Center yet? I've looked up a couple of game postings of yours Brian and it looks exactly as you've described; everything we need to know and from what I can tell, what you need to know is right there.
With the share feature, which you just link a jpeg right to ANY forum, any discussion board, any website. This allows anyone to have an open discussion about the game, in their private section, or on the game section on ASC as they do now. Soon, we will be able to offer private sections on ops-center for game chat only, private sections for teams to chat and plan. THIS IS NOT going to be an open forum discussion board, just a round table area for team command and players on that specific team to chat and plan. The game isnt posted on facebook, just advertised. Our partnership with facebook is merely log in, and the ability to network a game fast. OPS-Center is a private program for event management, the OPS-Center staff own it and operate it, not facebook. One of the HUGE points to OPS-Center, is the fact that you do not have to post "in" anymore, nor do hosts have to sift through chatter to locate all of those 'in" and "out" or the dreaded "tent" You just sign up for the team you want, read the rules, receive email updates, GPS map directions to the field (if the field host programs his address properly) and more features are coming. We are working hard to iron out all of the minor feedback adjustments we have received. Brian, thank you very much for this, keep up the good work! We welcome all feedback, ALL, post here for ASC discussion, use the feedback tab on OPS-Center for anything you think we should be read in on. Regards Derek OPS-Center Staff. |
For all info on OPS-Center, visit http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthr...ght=ops-center for ASC discussion and information.
www.ops-center.com is our information page, which will be updated with videos soon. www.ops-center.net is the active site. |
Curious about the OPS Centre-Facebook integration/single sign on and privacy. What if I want to draw a line between airsoft and facebook. As in, I'd rather not have my airsoft interests leak out to facebook. (Caveat: But I like using it for authentication so I don't have to manage any more user names and passwords).
If I log into OPS Centre via facebook, what happens? Does it just use my name/profile pic? Does it post shit to my wall? |
I've been using OPS Center for a while.. and nothing has ever popped up on facebook about it... ever |
I expect that new features coming will enable you to only make the game viewable by your friends.. but for public games .. it can be posted to any forum |
OR you dont use facebook at all, and sign up manually! |
My only issue is that it keeps asking for permission to post to my wall. :(
I have never had this issue but then I don't sign in through facebook |
I do say no. I shouldn't have to say no more than once.
I'm kind of a picky guy...here are some picky things. Take it in a constructively...it's meant that way :)
1. (New look I suppose) When you go to Ops-center.com there's no "Login"/"My Account"/etc...just the "SIGN UP NOW!" button. Counter intuitive for guys that have an account already. From there you can get to a page (Ops-center.net) that has Sign Up / Sign In buttons. 2. Just tried to sign in with Facebook (big link on page)...error. It's been 8/10 times going to this site that I've not been able to get into it over the last month. Not sure if it's my computer, my network, etc...I can get into everything else just fine. Clicked on Sign In (top corner)...get to login prompt...choose facebook, sign in...get prompted to allow OC to post on my behalf (F*CK THAT). Click on do not allow...only option is to skip....then still not logged in. (Tried to join a side and was told I had to be 18....so guessing it didn't log me in). To be used...it's got to simply be there...working. Less functionality, bells and whistles, but being able to get in...that'd be ok and do what needed to be done to sign up for a game. 3. (dunno if it's changed)...I thought it was neat to see others close to me...but really I DO NOT want others to see where I am. 4. (dunno if it's changed)....I DO want to get e-mails about the games I've signed up for....I DO NOT want to get e-mails that I've not solicited. 5. Game Fee is grey out checked...but not paying through site...that seems odd, but I know where you're going with this. 6. "Forgot Password" page just has a box and a submit button...not clear on what you want. I guessed e-mail address. Then e-mail sends me to page with two boxes and a submit button...guessing you want new password typed twice. - you should go through and lable your boxes or put a note in about what you want entered (BTW...still can't get in...I'm giving up on it for today and will try later this weekend. Brian M...if you get a whole wack of sign ups for tonight from me...sorry, I was testing) I'm a little dated with some of the latest website stuff and am a bit old fashioned...but I'm pretty computer litterate. |
but yes I agree this may be a facebook end issue .. I have no idea but a profile option to NOT show such requests would be good see here we go.. good feedback |
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