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MMatersk October 14th, 2012 13:40

Looking for a CQB rifle.
Like the title states looking at all options.

So far im considering these:

G&G- MP5 Sd6 Max
Echo1- MTC 3
VFC-Quake M4 (had one sold it)
G&G- MP5 SD5 max

Any suggestions or recommendation would be great.


JerryMcGoulBerry October 14th, 2012 13:55

UMPs are my favorite for CQB. never owned one, but I've try them a couple of times. the real steal one is made of plastic, so it's super light. The MTC isn't a CQB rifle. and I would go for the MP5 with a full stock. battery space can be really frustrating.

Strelok October 14th, 2012 13:58

You could very well go for an MP5k PDW, they are fun little numbers. Just need stick batteries, or a lipo.

Avoid anything with a fixed full stock. They make things really awkward when taking corners.

Disco_Dante October 14th, 2012 14:02


Originally Posted by Strelok (Post 1713719)

Avoid anything with a fixed full stock. They make things really awkward when taking corners.

I have long arms but even still with armour on using an MP5 with a full stock is really awkward even outside of CQB, so I'd recommend against that as well.

Zack The Ripper October 14th, 2012 14:20

You should go with a gas or electric MP7, PDW, or an AK74U version. Best 3 small autos in my opinion. If you want something to go with your bad ass setup there Mike, go with the gas MP7. Sounds and feels wicked. Scares the shit out of a lot of people too. For a gas gun it's on the more inexpensive side as well, but if you don't want the gas version, the AEG versions are still a good pick. P90s are cool, but trying to get good mags at a decent price for them is a pain in the ass.

p.phresh October 14th, 2012 14:50

consider your environment when you plan to use gas.

the colder the environment the less performance you're going to have with gas.

Our local indoor arena isn't heated so gas guns don't perform as well as they should during the colder months. You get the best consistency using an electric gun.

Although if you ask me my opinion, a pistol is one of the best to use in CQB situations, they have the highest mobility, but you are restricted to ammo capacity. But you can generally move faster than the guys using long rifles or SMGs.

If you plan to forego gas pistols and go electric I think the next best option is to go with a short AEG. I'd go with a short custom M4 with a 6 inch barrel/RIS and a crane stock for your battery, or a buffer tube battery. Build it from a plastic body to make it even lighter and more maneuverable. The battery in the rear of the gun will be more balanced than having a PEQ or battery in the grip.

MMatersk October 14th, 2012 15:46

This gun will be AEG. I was considering GBBr but I want to use this gun outdoors throughout the year. Since winter is fast approaching ill be doing more indoor play. MP7 ill check it out. Thanks for the input everyone.

JLiang October 14th, 2012 15:53

Bullpups can also be an option, if you can get used to them. I personally use a FAMAS in and out of CQC, and it works like a charm. The long barrel but compact size factor makes it ideal for both worlds.

TAR-21, AUG, FNF2000, P90, FAMAS, QBZ-95/7-A/B, etc. are all great options for a bridge between the two worlds.

MMatersk October 15th, 2012 20:05

So I've decided between these two choices:

VFC mk 18 mod 1
VFC HK 416

What is the verdict?

Zack The Ripper October 15th, 2012 20:08

416 is essentially an improved version of the M4. It's still a little long for CQB. Go with the MK18. Similar to the 416, but a smaller body and thus more compact. Looks pretty bad ass as well.

Even though Mike here wants an AEG, just gonna make a note on the GBB in cold weather; you can use any gas gun in the cold weather, but instead of using propane you need to use propylene. Works very well between 2-15 degrees celcius. Can't use propylene after about 19-20 degrees though as it's like using propane in 30+ weather.

AngelusNex October 15th, 2012 20:13


Originally Posted by MMatersk (Post 1714317)
So I've decided between these two choices:

VFC mk 18 mod 1
VFC HK 416

What is the verdict?

Same size. 416 has more mass due to the taller body/rail but other than that same size. Just decide which you like the look of more.

Zack The Ripper October 15th, 2012 20:18

Just looking at the two online, definitely go with the MK18, looks way better. 416 is still a bad ass choice too, but this really caught my eye.

AngelusNex October 15th, 2012 20:21

they both have a 10.5" barrel 416 might look longer but they are the same length.

Zack The Ripper October 15th, 2012 20:31


Originally Posted by AngelusNex (Post 1714329)
they both have a 10.5" barrel 416 might look longer but they are the same length.

You are indeed correct, just checked the specs. 416 seems a little bulkier body wise though, maybe it's just me? I've never used the MK18 myself so I couldn't really say for certain.

Stealthee October 15th, 2012 20:34

The MK18 Mod1's RIS is a bit more lower profile IMO than the HK416 even though they are both the same length.

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