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airsoftboy November 2nd, 2012 02:05

should i switch
hey guys i use non blowback pistols and they suck so i was wondering if i should switch to gas glowbacks or just keep with the non blowbacks

thanks noah

HackD November 2nd, 2012 02:14


Didn't you just answer your own question?

If you find that non-blowback pistols suck, and the alternative is GBB .. wouldn't logic dictate trying out GBB, if pistols are your thing?

Just don't shoot yourself in the eye, kid.

ILLusion November 2nd, 2012 02:40

If you have to ask, you should stick with NBB's. End Story. Game Over.

▼Stripes▲ November 2nd, 2012 02:46

At least you got the right forum this time.

Should you switch?

Probably not. You should focus on learning to use your rifle ( Generously assuming you have one) effectively, If you just want a pistol "Cuz its liek soooo kewl" you probably shouldn't be getting one. You should start your focus on becoming a better ( or perhaps even an actual) player.

Another thing you should focus on is learning to write properly, at least learn to use periods and capitals. You'll get a lot less of HackD type reactions, though he's probably right in this regard.

thpethalK November 2nd, 2012 02:50

Could try and see if springers are more your thing...

▼Stripes▲ November 2nd, 2012 02:57


Originally Posted by ksuechuc (Post 1721147)
Could try and see if springers are more your thing...

Five bucks say by NBB he means springer to begin with.

Kozzie November 2nd, 2012 03:02

Since "suck" is such a broad term it's hard to answer any "question" that you may or may not have actually asked there.

I'm sure there are both NBB pistols that, by your definition don't "suck" and GBB pistols that do "suck".

**edit: Alright I couldn't resist

Originally Posted by HackD (Post 1721141)
Just don't shoot yourself in the eye, kid.

MultipleParadox November 2nd, 2012 09:31

I don't know, I have a feeling that a Meme is going to Spawn from AirsoftBoy pretty soon now. I said it first, rememeber! (See what I did there? :D)

hollywood... November 2nd, 2012 09:47


DaRkCoMmAnDo November 2nd, 2012 09:47

BB's and a straw >>>>> NBB

K3vX November 2nd, 2012 10:30

Saw a Airsoft cap gun the other day. Maybe...?

How To Turn A Cap Gun Into A BB Gun - YouTube

FirestormX November 2nd, 2012 13:36


Originally Posted by ▼Stripes▲ (Post 1721145)
You should focus on learning to use your rifle ( Generously assuming you have one) effectively, If you just want a pistol "Cuz its liek soooo kewl" you probably shouldn't be getting one. You should start your focus on becoming a better ( or perhaps even an actual) player.

You should be proficient in both. Especially if you're playing CQB. If you're going to have a backup weapon system - and you should - you should be putting just as much focus on being effective with it as well.[/magpul dynamics]

If you can buy a GBB, I would definitely do it. It's a lot more fun, I'll tell you that much. If you elaborate on why you think the NBB sucks, people can more effectively give you information to help you make a choice. If you said "a NBB sucks because it doesn't let me curve the bullet like Angelina Jolie", then we'll tell you to sick with the NBB, as a GBB won't let you either.

Danke November 2nd, 2012 13:51

The better you get with a handgun the better you get with rifle. It's more difficult to master trigger control and sight alignment and that flows down to rifle shooting.

The other details though about the OP will most likely trump this as it seems like he's not ready for prime time.

Anyone else reading or searching up the thread later should put pistol shooting on the to do list.

pestobanana November 3rd, 2012 20:33

If by non blowback you mean springers, yeah stick to those those are the best.

If by non blowback you mean a non blowback gas pistol, then shouldn't they be more accurate than blowback pistols?

Kozzie November 3rd, 2012 21:11


Originally Posted by pestobanana (Post 1721703)
If by non blowback you mean a non blowback gas pistol, then shouldn't they be more accurate than blowback pistols?

Not necessarily, you should just be able to get faster follow up shots.

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