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skibbles911 February 20th, 2013 15:54

sights do you use them ?
Now i know some will look or just not even bother answering this question but i wanna hear at least some other players opinions about having any kind of scopes or red dots mounted on there platform

now i notice a lot of players will run a holo or a acog but half the time you see them shooting they don't even look down the dam thing , now i know it is easy to just lay a rope of bbs down and look off to the side to see where they are going but even soo i know of a few players that have the optic on but it isn't even sighted in right so it's pretty much there for looks

what do you guys think or how do you run your setup kinda like say 7 times out of 10 you will look down your sights ?

ShelledPants February 20th, 2013 15:59


Sights are incredibly important in CQB, as well as instinctive shooting, for accurate single shots outside of 25 feet.

Outdoors, single shots are important as well, but many games require suppression, and suppression requires volume. When shooting in volume, I often find myself aiming down the sights while tracking the line with the opposite eye.

Just about the only time I don't use the sights as intended, is with the m249... I find the irons are way off and it's easier to just shoulder the weapon and spray liberally...

talon February 20th, 2013 16:05

Sights are important in all scenarios, but especially important in CQB environments. If you know you can put a shot through a small hole (something like a door slightly open, the hole where a doorknob should be, a line spanning across a couple windows), then it allows you to actually do so, and make useful shots in doing so.

Outdoors, it allows you to make the first shot count. Often, when I haven't had a chance to sight in a gun or am using someone else's, I find that I will often have the opportunity for first shot, take it, and have to adjust, giving my target time to take cover and shoot back. In cases where my gun has been sighted in, you can see parts of people sticking out from cover and shoot it.

Sights are essential for accurate shooting.

MultipleParadox February 20th, 2013 16:17

I very rarely shoot from the hip, and when it happens is when surprised by an opfor and I don't have the time to shoulder the weapon, or similar situation. Needless to say, in these situation my rate of survival is pretty low, since hitting the enemy is actually much harder...

That said, I think that's the kind of thing everybody would know from the start, then again maybe not. Try to draw whatever without looking, it'll look like crap. Same thing when shooting.

About following the BB stream and adjusting, that's a valid reason that would make you ask that question, as indeed a lot of people seems to do so. It sure is easy to shoot at will when you've got 90-120BB+ in a mag... But if you pay attention, most more experienced players won't do that and take the time to aim, and shoot less BB in the end.

Try a few game in realcap and see how things go; You'll WANT to use your sight or you'll find out you're out of BB pretty fast... :D :P

skibbles911 February 20th, 2013 16:18

and to both answer i agree 100% i just kinda find it odd i know of a couple of players that might as well spray from the hip and no sights now i had my scar l GBB sighted in from what i know but is it as easy or the same as trying to sight in the scope on a rifle ?

Brian McIlmoyle February 20th, 2013 16:27


Originally Posted by skibbles911 (Post 1763340)
and to both answer i agree 100% i just kinda find it odd i know of a couple of players that might as well spray from the hip and no sights now i had my scar l GBB sighted in from what i know but is it as easy or the same as trying to sight in the scope on a rifle ?

Love playing with people who can't or don't aim.. or use the "stream of white" method.

while they are chasing targets.. they are getting shot with accurate effective fire.

signting in AS vs RS.. same method, just knock a zero off your ranges

Reaver_RRTS February 20th, 2013 16:28

I always try to use some kind of optical sight on my markers, reflex sights, holographic, ACOG (one of my favourites) all help significantly in regards to quick and accurate target acquisition.

skibbles911 February 20th, 2013 16:30

ahh ok good to know thanks

TANNER February 20th, 2013 16:42

For outdoor I personally prefer iron sights. A lot of the red dots on the market suffer from too much glare, way too distracting. Although if I could get my hands on a RS eotech I'm sure I would use it.

Hectic February 20th, 2013 16:44

i use iron sites on aeg's and a scope on my bolt action useually only on 3x zoom.
i have used an rds in the past but i always break the damn things plus the batteries never die on my iron sites, i also find a 1.5-2 times zoom scope handy for scouting but for airsoft ranges the scope isnt really needed for shooting targets out to 200ft with an aeg

coach February 20th, 2013 16:51


Originally Posted by skibbles911 (Post 1763325)
now i notice a lot of players will run a holo or a acog but half the time you see them shooting they don't even look down the dam thing ,

Isn't that the point? I don't need to stare down my red dot or holo scope because I can pick up the dot in my peripheral vision. It's also why I'll mount them further forward than a magnified scope so that I can quickly acquire a sight picture far before having the rifle fully shouldered and in position.

skibbles911 February 20th, 2013 18:06

from my point of view its your preference vs mine but the fact that you can acquire your sight picture just using your peripheral's is pretty handy

Danke February 20th, 2013 18:12

Was the title of this thread meant to read "I the OP don't use my sights, please everyone on here come and tell me it's normal and you all do the same" but that wouldn't fit in the title box?

horto February 20th, 2013 18:13

Pffft who needs sights when you've got retina scorching frickin LASERS!!

Oops, wrong thread....

talon February 20th, 2013 18:16

in 25% percent of cases of laser assault, the victim felt the hit from the laser rather than the bb....

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