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beta678 November 2nd, 2014 23:57

LCT never fails to impress me...
So LCT is getting closer to releasing ANOTHER awesome Russian gun, so next to an AEG AK74 from LCT, I need to add one of these to my long-ass "To Get List".

Anyways, here's some shots of LCT's SR3M. Get your wallets ready!




So Fucking Sexy... I need 2.

Oh and real steel for comparison

Personally I think it looks better than the AS VAL, glad I didn't go for that when it came out. Time to pick up a Russian Gorka and Smersh harness! (Anyone know some good places to look?)

Off_kilter November 3rd, 2014 00:40

I like LCT but all they did was clone npo AEG guns from Russia.

beta678 November 3rd, 2014 00:48

Well, if LCT can make a similar or better product widely available at a lower cost with then I'll go w/ LCT no questions asked. NPO AEG's are great and all but really not worth the $1K price tag.

Desmodus November 3rd, 2014 07:10

Off_kilter November 3rd, 2014 10:52

Russian low rate production vs Taiwanese high rate.

Also helps when you don't need to do much r&d

To be fair npo's plastic quality and mags suck.

BioRage November 3rd, 2014 10:57

I like it, very cqb friendly.

I just had the proprietary magazines >: |

Wonder if the normal mags will fit? Hate to not - to - be able to share mags, ya know.

SF_Chewy November 3rd, 2014 11:13


Originally Posted by Desmodus (Post 1918147)

x 2

Jo_Canadian November 3rd, 2014 12:38

Never really been a fan of the AK platform, but that thing is sexy.

Off_kilter November 3rd, 2014 15:34

Normal mags?!

Its a 9x39 cal gun. Available mags are LCT 50 round midcaps in the '10' round or '20' round style. They also make a highcap

Npo mags in several styles including the 30 round metal mag.

beta678 November 3rd, 2014 16:27


Originally Posted by Off_kilter (Post 1918168)
Russian low rate production vs Taiwanese high rate.

Also helps when you don't need to do much r&d

To be fair npo's plastic quality and mags suck.

Well, if they're able to make it and meet market demand then I'm content, lct airsoft clone ftw? Didn't know about the plastic quality issue, never seen an npo in person and haven't seen a lot of English reviews out there to compare against lct quality.

Though hopefully this means the 9a-91 will be made as well at some point. Neat little subgun sized carbine.

And while they're at it, an Aek971 and Ak 12 would be amazing.

Ghost_boo November 3rd, 2014 18:32

I was expecting something like an new assault rifle line
AEK 971

GR November 3rd, 2014 20:19

Latvian291 November 3rd, 2014 20:24

I really wish they had made more of their AK-47 line with machined receivers. There are still no good type 3s out there.

beta678 November 3rd, 2014 20:39


Originally Posted by Latvian291 (Post 1918270)
I really wish they had made more of their AK-47 line with machined receivers. There are still no good type 3s out there.

Didn't know LCT made an AK47, prefer AKM's and later renditions of it, so probably overlooked it. Is it actually a milled receiver? Or one stamped to look like one?

Though I'd expect a Type 1 stamp/milled AK to be easier for them to make.

Latvian291 November 6th, 2014 04:52


Originally Posted by beta678 (Post 1918272)
Didn't know LCT made an AK47, prefer AKM's and later renditions of it, so probably overlooked it. Is it actually a milled receiver? Or one stamped to look like one?

Though I'd expect a Type 1 stamp/milled AK to be easier for them to make.

They were milled out of solid steel! They were therefore much more expensive but second to none.

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