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92silvias13 March 21st, 2015 23:54

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So I am wanting to paint my AK. I went out and bought some cans of rustoleum camo paint and did a test on some cardboard. I think it looks pretty good! Just looking for your opinions or if you have any advice on what not to do since this is my first attempt!

Ricochet March 22nd, 2015 01:47

I haven't tried rustoleum camo paint so I can't comment on that, but I'd recommend Krylon Camo paint for sure.

Consider only painting the parts of your gun you want painted, so some disassembly may be required. Take extra time and care taping off anything you don't want painted or shouldn't get paint in it.

Use some netting or large grass/leaves or whatever to give the paint job a design. Do several, even overlapping coats to give it a good texture.

After I'd coat it in a few layers of a protectant, such as Krylon make-it-stone.

If you're painting the whole gun, do a super careful, really good job of taping up stuff. I mean always put effort into your taping, but you know what I mean.

When I painted mine, started with three solid layers of tan, then several overlapping layers of tan and green, then three solid layers of make it stone.

ebfud March 22nd, 2015 09:20

I haven't used the rustoleum camo colours but there other paints are pretty good. Like ricochet said make sure you use something as a top coat makes the paint that much more resilient. Otherwise it looks good! Reminds me of atacs fg.

nardac March 22nd, 2015 09:43

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I've painted a few things, helmets, guns. All the above advice is good. I've used both rustoleum and krylon, I prefer the krylon. Covers better, doesn't come out of the nozzle so heavy, which I find works better when trying to apply an even coat.

I just did my m4 yesterday, netting works well. I don't get to fancy, just do enough to break it up a bit.

cav. March 22nd, 2015 09:50

Yep, I'd say use both brands. I find Krylon has a very nice green camo. Layer your pants, dont be afraid to screw up since you can just cover it. Use foliage to your advantage and also laundry nets. With patience it can look like this:

92silvias13 March 22nd, 2015 10:54

Thanks for the tips guys! I plan on attempting this today. Will post pics when done!

Jamblor March 22nd, 2015 14:13

Those are some awesome paint jobs, may have to try it out this spring.

lurkingknight March 22nd, 2015 14:22

not a huge fan of painted up guns, but dat 416

92silvias13 March 22nd, 2015 17:12

1 Attachment(s)
So finally got it finished. Turned out okay for being my first try. What do you guys think?

ebfud March 22nd, 2015 18:44

Looks pretty good!

Gavelak March 28th, 2015 00:56

The Rustolium paint is good for metal guns and Krylon for plastic since it uses the fusion tech. I just find it doesnt hold up on metal as well. The only major trick is not to get paint into the internals or barrel or trigger area. Use light coats, so you don't sieze up moving controls ie; selector switch, forward assist ect. I used brake cleaner on metal parts first then used an air compressor to dry it off. Works well to prep the gun for paint. Take your time and plan the design out. Start with the lightest color as a base then go darker... I sometimes use stencils for a camo patern or use masking tape cut out in layers for more complicated designs such as digital ect...there are alot of good youtube vid tutorials out there. Idealy you would want to disasemble the gun before painting and paint each part seperately. But, if not sure how to do it you can do it assembled....just mask off and block areas where no paint should go.

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