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DuffMan February 3rd, 2016 12:37

Inokatsu/Red Wolf Custom 1911 -spoonfeed
I think one of the Canadian retailers around here had one, but I've looked through (what I think is) all their websites and can't find it.

Any help?

Castle02 February 3rd, 2016 19:02

Spike February 3rd, 2016 19:06

$1700 for a pistol?? Jesus tap dancing christ.

Styrak February 3rd, 2016 19:31

Milsig, lel.

Mr Jon February 3rd, 2016 19:34


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 1970474)
$1700 for a pistol?? Jesus tap dancing christ.

Because Inokatsu is quality with a capital Q (from a materials and build perspective)... I can't tell the difference between my Inokatsu M4 and a real AR15. I also paid $2800 for it at the time so maybe i'm biased lol.
So if you want to own the absolutely most solid and real feeling airsoft gun you can get at the moment this would be why the price point is where it is.

BioRage February 3rd, 2016 19:34

My question would be why.. recoil won't get you anywhere near a .22 LR..

but i guess whatever makes you happy

The Saint February 3rd, 2016 19:57

There are two versions of that gun. Using ehobby prices, the top end model's $1,800USD, and the "economy" model is $860USD. Milsig is selling the $860USD version at $1,700CAD.

DuffMan February 3rd, 2016 21:58


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 1970474)
$1700 for a pistol?? Jesus tap dancing christ.

The tragedy of this is my original thinking was "Why don't I get a cheap CO2 pistol for colder weather games?" and then it became "Well, if I'm going to get CO2..."

Madrigal February 4th, 2016 01:36

I own the weapon you seek. I did not go through milsuck. It is VERY expensive. It is VERY worth it.

Heres my review:

FapTilYouNap February 4th, 2016 03:20


Originally Posted by DuffMan (Post 1970437)
I think one of the Canadian retailers around here had one, but I've looked through (what I think is) all their websites and can't find it.

Any help?

Buy me one and I will tell you where to get it, it costs 1300 though

Madrigal February 4th, 2016 04:31


Originally Posted by FapTilYouNap (Post 1970522)
Buy me one and I will tell you where to get it, it costs 1300 though

Hahaha get a load of this joker. Don't worry OP, I'm PMing you where I got mine.

FapTilYouNap June 22nd, 2016 00:42


Originally Posted by Madrigal (Post 1970528)
Hahaha get a load of this joker. Don't worry OP, I'm PMing you where I got mine.

but i was the one who told you where to get yours ;)

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