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Chinchy June 10th, 2016 22:33

What are people looking for in an airsoft gun?
This is going to be a short and concise post. So was wondering of a general idea of what people want in their guns, I personally like to balance reliability/speed IE 40+ RPS builds that last. The reason I'm asking around is I'll be starting up a small custom build business and am looking for some builds people would want, I can eek out a 45RPM 380-90FPS BB .2 build that can last on a 14.8v for just under $550 + Time spent is that a reasonable price for a build like that, or am I way off? I'm good at teching but do not know the price range people want to spend on a gun that will not need any upgrading. Thanks for the replies!

Also here is the build I'm talking about, mind the wires didn't have to wire it like that but originally I was using thick cased 14 awg wiring to handle the 14.8v properly I recently got high temp high purity 14 that can fit through the back for rear wiring to the stock. So that "mess" although funny when people comment on it is gone.

Youtube Link:

RainyEyes June 11th, 2016 02:27

Good accuracy + reliability + hair trigger and durability.

Rps is one thing but so is trigger response and precision. Stock barrel w/ stock hop up is kind of a flaw if you gear up the rps.

Most builds usually go much higher than $550. Even a stock vfc is 300 + gearbox parts + barrel + motor can rack up more than your desired quote.

Windows June 11th, 2016 05:32

When I think about AEGs I want to see on shelves, I think:

V2 compatible gearbox with a motor cage
Quick Change spring system
Electronic trigger and fire control with a nice snappy feeling.
Pre-cocking for bonus points
Stops shooting on empty magazine
Non- blow back
Spring release mechanism
Gear box and receiver made out of something other than pot metal.
Stainless inner barrel
Rotary hopup (ie not gears or slider)
AOE corrected
Good shimming.
Properly lubricated
Good magazine compatibility
10-14 inch barrel
Ambi- safety
No wobble

Everything else is just gravy

lurkingknight June 11th, 2016 09:06

consistent manufacturing tolerance and compatbility with off the shelf parts. Quality externals that don't wobble, hop up unit that stays where it's adjusted to.

Since I upgrade guns for people I don't really care about performance, that can be fixed.

ThunderCactus June 11th, 2016 13:15

Things I want from my airsoft gun;
Modular components - gearbox is one piece, cylinder is one piece, barrel group is one piece, interchangeable lower receiver with any other of the same gun, etc

Factory parts that DON'T need to be upgraded - Nothing worse than buying a $500 gun and having to throw in $500 of upgrade parts to get it where you want it. High quality stuff.

20-30rps, quick trigger response, short trigger pull

Incredibly tight tolerance on all components - ensures no messing around with a dremel or filing shit, also increases accuracy through rigidity

Ridiculously easy to work on - taking a gun and mechbox apart to re-grease a cylinder is stupid. I just want each core component to pop out individually so I can work on it.

Actually now that I list all the stuff, pretty sure someone already makes that gun...

Ricochet June 11th, 2016 13:55


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1981560)
Actually now that I list all the stuff, pretty sure someone already makes that gun...


VA7POR June 11th, 2016 20:15


Originally Posted by Ricochet (Post 1981561)

Whom would that be for us newer folks?

Danke June 11th, 2016 20:56


VA7POR June 11th, 2016 21:44

Ahhh. Yeah, that makes sense then.

Kingsix June 11th, 2016 23:17

Quality Material used on the build, Aluminum, Steel, Nylon Fiber, Wood.

Well tolerances Gearbox/GBBR moving parts with good QC, Steel gears and not PIM crap.

No ABS or Zamak, Potmetal

After Sales support, Selling of Spare parts.

Faithful replica of real world firearm.

Something that is not another rehashed Armalite with a Keymod rail.

lurkingknight June 11th, 2016 23:47

lol... you know all airsoft gears except for riot seigeteks are sintered steel right?

And all those aluminum alloys that everyone uses is a different mixture of potmetal? Potmetal has aluminum in it, some formulations are more brittle than others.

ThunderCactus June 12th, 2016 00:20

People in airsoft generally dont understand the "good enough" engineering method.
Tokayo marui mechbox shell for example; designed for 280fps. Will survive hundreds of thousands of rounds at 280fps no problem.
Upgrade it to 400fps, breaks in the first few shots.

Same goes for gears. You don't NEED 4140 hardened and tempered gears when sintered metal will do the same job at a third the price.

The shitty brittle potmetal that everyone thinks about is generally dirty zinc or magnesium alloy. Great for computer parts, bad for stuff thats actually under load. Magnesium alloys can be plenty strong, but not when you mix in an unhealthy amount of lead.

AnthonyG June 12th, 2016 11:24


Originally Posted by lurkingknight (Post 1981606)
lol... you know all airsoft gears except for riot seigeteks are sintered steel right?

And all those aluminum alloys that everyone uses is a different mixture of potmetal? Potmetal has aluminum in it, some formulations are more brittle than others.


Enthusiast June 12th, 2016 18:30

Real Assault Rifle shoot around 12-15 RPS, Why do people want airsoft gun to shoot at 40 , speedsoft maybe ?

Personnaly, I have no interest in RPS.

cetane June 12th, 2016 18:33


Originally Posted by Enthusiast (Post 1981655)
Real Assault Rifle shoot around 12-15 RPS, Why do people want airsoft gun to shoot at 40 ?

trigger response

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